
许多杰出人士对如何领导人民采取了不同的立场。在柏拉图的《理想国》一书中,对制度的系统性质疑进行了探讨。柏拉图说,治理国家的最好方法是有一个道德高尚的合适的领导者。对于治理,柏拉图阐述了理想城邦的重要性(Riesenberg, 1994)。柏拉图提倡的是一位不遵循传统政治制度的仁慈领袖。卢梭不同意这种板的思想。他想要一个更加民主的体制。卢梭认为,只有人民才有主权和强大的统治权利。本篇论文代写价格-卢梭和柏拉图关于国家治理的辩论分析,与民主有关的危险是柏拉图提出的。在这个分析中,对这个特殊的类比作了更详细的分析。作为先启步骤,柏拉图和卢梭的主要论述如下。

Plato theory is based on the importance of a good leader who is perfect in every sense. This definition of perfection is Plato asserts that philosophers must be kings who must rule the people in a just manner (Plato, Halliwell, 1988). They must have the ideology that the people need to developed ideal polis (Plato, Halliwell, 1988). The notion of ‘kallipolis’ or beautiful city is about the ways in which the political rule is fundamentally based on knowledge. This must be an innate attribute of the philosopher kings who is ruling the land. They need to be ideal ruler without any fallacies (Riesenberg, 1994). This is about the notion of power in the make-up of the political activities. This concludes that undemocratic political system is mandatory and the people need to be led by benevolent dictator.
“Until either philosopher’s become kings or those now kings and regents become genuine philosophers” (Plato, Halliwell, 1988).
In the theory of Social Contract, a discussion has been made for the development of a legitimate political order. One of the oft-quoted sentences of Rousseau is that: “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than them” (Rousseau, 1920).
Rousseau states the importance of having good governance that is in line with the will of the people. It is found that in the primitive state of human life, the most important ideology is survival. With civilization and modernity, it was deemed that the people also need to have a system of governance that is fair. With human development, it was obvious that the number of people competing for the same resources were increasing. It was important to have a system of ethics and laws to ensure that there is a more cohesive society. These human beings are left for the benefits and the mandatory need of cooperation. As the society develops, it can be observed that division of labor and private property. These require the humans to adhere to the institutions of law. He alluded that there would be frequent competition with the fellow men where the people become increasingly dependent on them. These kinds of double pressure within the society threaten the survival and freedom of the people. According to the ideology of Rousseau, the people need to join together through the social contract (Riesenberg, 1994). They need to abandon the claims of being naturally right. The individuals in the society try to preserve themselves and remain free. This is owing to the fact that the submission of the authority of the general will of the people. Plato is similar to this ideology which also wanted a society to preserve themselves and be ethical. He makes a statement that people can be governed by an appropriate leader. However, the issue is finding the appropriate leader. Rousseau says that the risk of this leader becoming a dictator is high and ultimately the people would suffer. This would cause the fundamental requirement of Plato to be impacted.

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费城论文代写-共同所有权是创造社会变革的方式之一。通过共同拥有,大多数资源可以得到安全的保护,或者应该突出地利用这些资源。为了实现可持续性,我们必须从过去的错误中吸取教训(Smith, 2017)。由于我们没有以最佳的方式利用许多资源,这可能在未来造成这种特殊资源的匮乏,我们将不得不管理我们的共同资源,通过管理共同资源,还将发展一些价值、规则和传统。这些价值观和规则将促使节约资源和最有效地利用资源,使每个人都应享受资源,不应剥夺任何人享受资源的权利。

The term “commons” can be described as an asset which is shared and has equal rights owned by a community. The common resources such as- water, knowledge, land, scientific research, minerals and software, are used to be shared as a common property rather than being dividing them in the names of some individuals. However, then again, these assets are mostly sealed off by either the private interests or by the state. These assets or commons have been treated as one of the other form of capital (Smith, 2017). Formation and conservation of commons have over and over again convoluted conflict among communities, social classes, individuals and species. The restoration of commons has excessive impending not only for dispense wealth, but also for transformation of the society.
Common ownership will aid for the use of our commons in prominent way to create a sustainable future. The commons` members try to manage and project the common resources, and through the duration of these practices, they build strong relationships with each other beside their resources (assets).
Land is one of the other resources which used to be belonging to no one or to everyone, up to now, it has been acquired by subgroups and this disregards other individuals from its enjoyment. The author proposed that the individuals who use the land solely should compensate a community land contribution as a reimbursement (Coote, 2017). By this way, sales and income tax can be replaced, land hoarding can be prevented and the price of the land can be brought down. The revenue collected from the reimbursement can aid to endow general basic income.
To save energy sources, some principles can be applied, in addition, auctions can be done for the right to turn out carbon by burning the fossil fuels. Earnings from the auction of the right can be used for endowment for public services and a conversion to clean energy. This will help to create sustainability in future as through auctioning a common pool can be created for short period and the usage of fossil fuel would be done in effective and efficient manner. In addition to this, individuals who desire to use sunlight or wind as an option to generate energy should be asked to make compensation as a community contribution and this earning can be used for funding the social services (Smith, 2017).

Non-renewable sources such as petroleum, coal, natural gas should be optimally utilized as we all know which these sources will not be available on this planet after a certain time period (Bocken & Short, 2014). These sources should be replaced by some renewable sources such as- electricity, as it can be produced through water and can be used again and again.
It is crucial to save our commons, so that all of us can encounter our necessities and flourish- at this moment and in upcoming period.

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关于月经的话题充满了民间传说和许多禁忌。宗教书籍还包括一些禁止性交的段落,以及在月经来潮时不洁净的仪式。随着时间的推移,社交媒体的使用已经融入到信仰中。人们的价值观使人们更加意识到他们正在使用的产品(Garg and Anand, 2015)。在最近的研究中,社交媒体的使用小型和大型企业营销女性日用品项目在亚洲已被用来作为主体的调查中,女性使用的产品改变了他们更清楚整个过程和不卫生的元素。社交媒体的使用点燃了她们的思想和观念,让女性顾客更加自觉。报告中包括了ICON公司,用于研究调查中使用的受访者。采用定性研究的方法进行研究。采访对象为卫生巾(仅)生产企业的10名受访者和部分当地居民,均为亚洲女性。在研究的最后提出了一些建议,这些建议可以被公司采纳,从而使他们的服务和产品,即卫生巾更容易被接受,并使他们的品牌成为最受欢迎的品牌。本篇assignment代写-社交媒体如何描述女性卫生管理的研究分析如下:

The Cambridge dictionary defines sanitary napkins as the material or piece of cloth that is soft and worn by women to absorb blood during her menstrual cycle or when she experiences blood flow every month (Dictionary, 2008). Tampon is defined in Oxford dictionary as a plug of soft material that is inserted into the vagina for the absorption of blood. The second meaning of tampon is that it is considered as the medicine which is plugged in the vagina to block an opening in the body and absorb blood secretions (Dictionary, 2007). There are numerous varieties of the products available in the Asia for the purpose. They are called sanitary pads, napkin, panty liners, tampons, and menstrual cups.
In the present world, millions of women are menstruating. For some it may pass almost unnoticed, while for others it may cause a lot of physical and mental problems. On the same line of thought, the current study was conducted to study the role of social media in daily necessities of Asian women in Taiwan as assessed by the small and medium enterprises. The use of the social media for advertising these menstrual products is the aim of this research Which is in the Taiwanese market but investigated on a set of Asian women. The data was analysed to understand how the sanitary pads, tampons, and moon cups enable the researchers of the present times to know which menstrual product is the most preferred among the three menstrual products. The role of social media is significant as it helps in making the decision of choosing the best and most used female hygiene products across the world. Hence, this study was carried out to understand the same and also highlight other important issues that surround the female hygiene management (Martini, 2012).
1.2 Research Aims and Contribution
To perform the study, the researcher had included qualitative procedure for understanding the viewpoint of the Asian women. There would be 10 respondents interviewed for performing the current research that included chief executive officer of ICON Company in Taiwan along with 9 Asian female customers. The interview questions were self-devised which contained questions to assist in understanding the role of social media in small and medium enterprises to deal with the female daily necessities in Asia.
Research Objectives are as follows:
1. To identify how social media depicts the female hygiene management
2. To investigate how social media contributes in influencing the choices of women to choose alternate brands
3. To analyse how social media advertises the tampon wear time practices in adults and teens
4. To understand how social media motivates the female consumers to buy their daily needs products

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ps代写-带传感器的无人驾驶汽车概述。无人驾驶汽车或汽车被认为是自动驾驶的车辆,它可以自己从一个部分驾驶到另一个部分,而不需要寻求司机的帮助。一些学者认为,无人驾驶汽车技术可以是非常重要的,有潜力改变交通行业。它将具有消除事故的虚拟能力。带有传感器的自动驾驶汽车可能在未来几年成为革命性的创新。这项技术的发展是非常遥远的,但也有许多适当利用这项技术的机会(Link et al., 2016)。然而,主要的挑战是提高安全性。驾驶员的主要方面是使用传感器系统,能够检测障碍物、道路、倒下的树木和行人等。这种车应该有速度感,并且必须能够推断出运动物体的方向。两个最重要的发展是基于两个主要系统。这两个系统分别是激光雷达(Light Detection and测距)和光学相机传感器(Luettel, Himmelsbach & Wuensche, 2012)。

The development of the driverless cars is far, it requires the reliable technology for overcoming many challenges. There are many automakers all over the world who are working towards manufacturing the driverless car with sensors. Intelligent Car Initiative of the European Union is working towards making the extensive use of the micro controllers, sensors and actuators to help the drivers to have an extra eye on the road in order to avoid accidents and mishaps. The computer technology has been used in the cars to help the drivers and assisting them to find the correct roads and turns. The near future of the technology will definitely experience a shift in the development and advancement of the technology. This advancement will help to overcome many problems that are associated with the autonomous navigation. Some of the significant issues with autonomous navigation are localization (where am I), Map building (from where I am coming), path Planning (where have to go) and path tracking (how to get on destination?)(Fagnant & Kockelman, 2015). The sensor technology in the driverless car will provide the complete control to the vehicle and driver will be mere supervisor for the sensors. The figure one explains the control system of the autonomous car. This system consists of the three main blocks as shown below. These blocks explain that in a traffic situation, the sensing devices will control the car through logic processing that will further aid in mechanical control. The sensors can help in enhancing the safety and overcoming those dangerous situations that are caused by the human negligence.

The autonomous driverless cars are not very far from the reach of the futures. For example, Mercedes and Audi have announced for being ready for the production of the driverless cars with highly advanced features (Rosenzweig & Bartl, 2015). The aim of the paper is to study and understand the driverless car technology with sensors. The transportation system of the world requires being more safe, efficient and balanced. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to understand the technological innovation that will make the transportation system safer and efficient.
The driverless cars with sensors will help to avoid the accidents, and will also warn about the dangerous conditions ahead. There are many institutions and companies that are working on various projects related to the driverless cars with sensors, so that they can create safe transportation network by the implementation of this innovative technology and can create intelligent vehicles (Luettel, Himmelsbach & Wuensche, 2012). For the purpose of this paper, the literature review section will be divided in three significant sections. The first section will focus on defining and understanding the concept of the driverless car or autonomous vehicle.

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英国航空公司(BA)是全球经营超过183个目的地的顶级航空公司之一。英国航空公司成立于1974年3月31日,是世界上最古老的航空公司之一。拥有273个机队,是英国最大的航空公司。就航空公司而言,它是英国第二大航空公司,仅次于易捷航空(easyJet)。2016年英国航空公司的总收入为114.43亿英镑,是英国盈利最好的公司之一(BritishAirways, 2017)。Michael E. Porter确定并分类了一个行业的五种竞争力,这些竞争力可以帮助一个行业确定其弱点或优势以及改进的领域。这些力被称为波特的5力模型(Investopedia, 2017)。接下来有关亚特兰大论文代写-航空公司的波特五力模型分析如下:

1. Competition in the industry: In the long haul, most of the airlines have similar prize structure for economy and premium class. There is an intense competition in domestic market because of cost leadership and services at a lower prize (Statista, 2017). (Appendices 1)
2. Potential of new entrants into the industry: With the expansion of many Asian countries in the Aviation industry, there is a huge competition not only in the internal market but also in domestic market. Emirates and Air Asia etc. are potential service provider due to their high demand in international market.
3. Power of suppliers: BA is highly dependent on other companies for obtaining Boeing, Airbuses, Fuel and Catering. As these are the essential and elementary need in the aviation industry, hence they always have a cost advantage and a high bargaining power.
4. Power of customers: More than 50% of total revenue earned by BA is within the domestic market. EasyJet and Ryan airways give a tough competition in these domestic markets because of cost advantages. In the international market, BA has a better cost advantage being an international player.
5. Threat of substitute products: For the short haul, there is huge competition from Bus services, rented cars or even Railways. For travelling overseas, there is no mean of travel, hence investment in international flights is always a good choice. As there is a tough competition from Euro Rails, hence BA needs to cut down its cost in domestic market and improve its services.

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在当今世界,顾客在购买商品时喜欢使用创新的系统。不同类型的支付系统是企业的重要创新之一,因为已经发现消费者可以从其他支付方式中获得许多好处(Tee和Ong, 2016)。在这方面,商业世界已经接受了无现金支付的过程。中国是将无现金支付系统作为一种创新支付方式的国家之一。本文将华盛顿论文代写-中国无现金支付的研究为对象。为了有效地制定研究工作,本研究将在接下来的研究中制定研究目的、研究目标和研究问题。

According to the view of Batiz-Lazo and Smith (2016), China has accepted the process of cashless payment to become the part of cashless society of the world. The business world has accepted the process to make the payment in an easier way, but it is important to identify the popularity or acceptance of this system among customers of the country. Majority of Chinese people are using mobile phones to fulfil their different needs. Vast use of mobile phones has influenced the process of e-commerce into the country and customers like to pay through internet while purchase from online portals (Chen et al., 2014). However, it is important to know whether the consumers of the country like to pay through cashless payment system or they want to pay manually. A research work can be conducted on different types of customers like young age and old age customers to know the fact explicitly.
1.3 Research Aim and Objectives
To investigate the perceptions and attitudes of the Chinese customers towards the cashless payment system
To identify the most popular cashless payment tools for Chinese consumers and their advantages
To explore the difficulties and problems of the Chinese customers with the cashless payment system
To compare the difference in acceptance of cashless payment between younger generation and older generation consumers in China

In accordance with Porath (2017), it can be said that Chinese population is using the process of cashless payment system. The country wants to make cashless society to improve their payment process. A cashless society does not mean that people have no cash, but it provides the facility to make payment without carrying cash. In China, due to the advancement of technologies that people prefer using electronic media to fulfil all the possible needs (Chen et al., 2014). Payment against purchase is also one of the vital factors in everyday life of the people. Therefore, it can be assumed that the population may like to use electronic media to fulfil this need. This particular research study will shed light on attitude of Chinese consumers towards the perception of cashless society, so that this study will help to understand the liking and disliking of consumers of the country about cashless society. Two major types of consumers are seen in the Chinese market and first of them are the young generation consumers who are highly familiar with the electronic payment processes and others are the older generation consumers who are quite unfamiliar with this system. The research work will help to understand the difference of attitude of these two generations of consumers towards cashless society in China. Hence, this research work will pay vital role to provide information about the acceptance of the cashless society among Chinese consumers. Keeping the importance that cashless payment is supposed to be attaining in this age of technology in the foreseeable future in China, the researcher has concentrated this effort to trace the advantages of cashless payment system in the context of the Chinese market. Moreover, this research is certain to open up more scopes for the researcher. In this case of conducting researches related to cashless payment in the near future.

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Firstly, let us analyse the industry with respect to the threat of new entrants. It seems that for a new industry, there are potential new entrants that wish to enter the industry. However, there are various threats to a new entrant to restrict their entry into the industry. For the fast fashion industry, the potential threats can be huge capital requirements which product differentiation because there are already too many players dominating in this industry. The second factor is the threat of the substitutes. It is analysed that the threat of substitutes for the fast fashion industry may be in the form of buyer propensity to choose alternate brands for a lot of factors. These may be the need for better sizes or a variety of colours. There is always an increasing demand of products available at lower prices. Promotional offers are circulated by different brands every now and then. Hence, relative price performance of other brands can be a major threat for the other brands since customers might be more attracted to choosing and buying products during discount offers, sales or other promotional offers. Slashed prices which clubbed with other attractive offers can draw the attention of even loyal customers easily to choose another brand. In the times of cut throat competition, it is almost an impossible task to create brand loyalty (Porter, 1979).
The third factor to be considered is the bargaining power of customers. It is defined as the ability of customers to put pressure on a firm. It also affects the sensitivity of customers to price changes. In the fast fashion industry, the customers have a much higher bargaining power since they have a plethora of alternatives to choose from. Also, attractive offers and a large number of substitutes give additional power to the customers to choose from. The next factor to be considered is the bargaining power of suppliers. The supply of labour, components, raw materials and special services like expertise, can be a major source of power to the firm if the market has fewer substitutes. However, this is unlikely for the fast fashion industry because there are countless alternative brands in the market and hence the customers have high bargaining power. Thus, a large number of substitutes in the market give to the customers to choose their products. The last factor in Porter’s five force model is the industry rivalry. In today’s times, the fast fashion industry is severely affected by this factor. There is so much competition between online and offline companies in this industry. The level of advertising expenditure is very high. This is due to the high competition presented in the market. In addition, firms have to deal with the constant need of customers to change and be in-line with the latest trends and fashion in the market. Thus by looking at Porter’s five force analysis of the fast fashion industry, it is seemingly interesting to deduct that the industry is in huge demand in today’s era. It is one of the most booming industries of today. Nevertheless, with high demand, a lot of factors which have to be in place for a new entrant to enter in this industry are involved. The huge amounts of capital required in this business and the constant need to be in line with the latest fashion as it changes some of the biggest hurdles to enter this industry. This is because fashion is a fad and changes quickly. Hence, brands need to be constantly in line with the latest fashion to be a good market player. This is the five force analysis of the fast fashion industry in brief (Porter, 1985).

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What is power in the context of buyer supplier relationship?
Power is an acquired or inherited strategic tool associated with an extra possession with which one party can influence the other in order to fulfil a self-advancing motive (Anklesaria, 2008). When party A is in a position to influence party B to do something, which in normal cases B would refrain, then it is defined as power.
Factors affecting the use of power
Power is used knowingly or unknowingly. It is always used to make a gain. For power to be effective in its results, it must be associated with a specific possession. These advantageous possessions could be a large firm size, the asymmetric information, the influence to the price through the size of the order, scarcity of specific goods and services and utility of specific goods and services. These culminate into a powerful tool which is used by marketing companies to make customers make a purchase decision immediately. When these possessions are cemented and amplified by the buyer or the supplier that have power in its favour, the resulting impact is the influence that one desires to exert on the other (Korda, 2011). Howsoever unethical the use of power may be for the victim party, it is a fact that it has become a part of regular negotiations all across the world by small and large multinationals, even domestic companies. Exploiting weakness of the smaller and the weak has become a norm by the powerful and the large. The balance of power varies and oscillates between the buyer and supplier on various dependencies.

Turkkantos (2014) discusses the variance of expert power, market power, legitimate-coercive power and firm size power to have different impacts on the buyer supplier exchange. As per the research, when market power, expert power and firm size power are utilised, it has a positive impact on the firm’s performance. This is ideal when a powerful company uses its superior position to deal with a supplier. The supplier faces some pressure of power and wean in to the buyer’s demands, however hesitant it may be. Morsey and Ibrahim (2013) argue that when the buyer supplier exchange is about sharing information, use of power must be discouraged. Only when power is balanced between the two entities, could innovative knowledge be fruitful. Information thus bars the selfish use of power and recommends a balance to fructify the results.
Kahkonen and Lintukangas (2013) researched that when possible, buyer companies being large in size tends to use power for benefiting their contract terms. They also found that there are some companies where the suppliers’ were equally large the power was offered to be shared among both, which indicates that power has both unethical use as well as ethical use. It depends on the market conditions, the conditions of the companies which negotiate the contract and the extent of profitability that can be ascertained and expected if power is put on the table. Touboulic, Chicksand and Walker (2012) find out that the use of power between buyers and suppliers relies on the relevancy of their extent of the compliancy of legislative and ethical codes. When power is appropriate to be used for self-interest fulfilment, it is used unhesitatingly. When there are compliance issues, they tend to lead to a breach of legislation that is almost ignored.
It is agreed here that power is always a tool and is often considered as a luxury when buyers and suppliers interact and try to negotiate a contract. The arguments of the above mentioned authors and researchers are almost agreed because power is something that is relentlessly associated with unethical uses due to its advantageous nature which is used to seek something that is not easily available through normal means.

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Glass ceiling had been predominant in its open use in organisations where male dominance is seen as a common denominator since societal values requires men to earn the bread and women to look after the house and children (Davidson and Burke, 2005). These notions changed during the 1960s industrial revolution when women were keenly seen as an important contributor. There was a general need of expanding production with more workers. This encouraged women to start working full time and earn extra money for the household. Requirement for women workers kept growing. They started to compete with men at workplace. Some women even surpassed men’s abilities and skills (Bloch, 2003). Organisations, initially, openly discriminated against women since they were seen a temporary replacement for a permanent employment. Hence, they were always less favoured in most activities in which they were fully eligible. Sophisticated work practices grew and realisation of glass ceiling kept growing as more and more women started to experience workplace discrimination (Broadbridge, 2006). The awareness was for real and grew into a force, which was also supported by the changes in laws that rejected any kind of discrimination. The first generation bias that allowed open discrimination against women had to take a backseat and consider revitalising itself into a more sophisticated model where the glass ceiling would continue to exist but its perception would be invisible.
Cotter et al. (2001) says that the existence of glass ceiling at higher levels was more than at the lower levels of organisational hierarchy. They stress upon the ceiling’s existence in more importance roles where women are often subtly denied the roles of management of executive officers. They are specific about the existence and thriving of glass ceiling by the way job-relevant characteristics are not able to define gender or racial difference. This indicates the subtle nature of glass ceiling. The reasons remain embedded in the patriarchal mind set at workplace and the inability of opening up to the realisation of the discrimination. Ibarra, Ely and Kolb (2013) assert the existence of residual glass ceilings. They are invisible in nature and perception but dominant in their spheres of action. This leads to the invincibility of glass ceiling, because it is practiced in a way which makes it look natural and inevitable rather than intentional and self-interested.
Glass ceiling have had massive resistance since decades because the growth of women had always been stalled after a particular position, beyond which they are deliberately denied promotion, success, important project roles and management roles (Northouse, 2013). In current roles of organisational occupation, almost 75% of men make more pay than women, which indicates the lack of organisational responsibility toward the laws that require them to uphold equality in pay and avoid all kinds of discrimination (Lanier, 2006). Many women have agreed that the environment which, looks great for work and neutral for all gender makes them feel less involved when important projects are executed (Boeri, Del Boca and Pissarides, 2005; Cohn, 2000). Management decides the allocation of roles quite easily on merit. Men are more assertive in their conduct and are accepted as natural be promoted to these roles of importance and accept higher pay. The barrier for women at work is for real. It is impenetrable and imperceptible at times and it is a serious issue for women and the organisations adherence to equality laws across the workplace domain (Glass Ceiling Commission – Good for Business: Making Full Use of the Nation’s Human Capital, 1995).

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With respect to methodology, the study will use both primary and secondary data in order to provide in-depth information and details about the concerned topic (Lewis, 2011). In context to research methodology, it will help in explaining the rationale of the application of the certain procedures or the techniques. These are used to identify, select and analyze the information which has been applied for the understanding of the problems of the research and thereby help the reader to evaluate and criticize the reliability and the validity of the study. The portion of research methodology helps in the provision of answers to the two major questions that are the manner in which data has been collected or generated and how it was analysed. The study will then outline the case study where the chosen company is the main focus. In the beginning of the case study, it will provide a general introduction about the company which will focus on the background and the profile of the company. The chosen company in this respect is Google which is an extremely renowned company. Without adequate information about the company, the study will not have a suitable base on the basis of which the entire study will be focused. It will outline the various organisational changes that have taken place within the company. When the organisational changes were mentioned, it will take into consideration five questions. First, it includes the reasons behind the changes that have taken place in the organisation and the main purpose of change. Secondly, the various stakeholders who were involved in the process of change were mentioned and the role each of the stakeholders played in this process of change will also be outlined. Thirdly, with the support of the suitable theories and framework, the various processes of changes and alterations that have occurred in the organisation will be underlined. Fourthly, the manner in which the changing context of the organization has influenced the alterations within Google will be described. Lastly, it will provide a justification regarding the manner in which the outcome of change will be evaluated. In this area, the two issues will only be mentioned and elaborated. The next portion of the study will provide a discussion which will mainly include the literature review, research methodology and the case study. All the issues will be discussed elaborately in this portion in order to provide a clear understanding as to what the entire study is about and the problems associated with Google.

Organisational change is considered to be a process where Google tries to move from the present situation to a state which is desired for the future aspects. This will increase the effectiveness. In order to describe change characteristically, it is extremely important if Google wants to avoid stagnation and is interested in increasing the competitive business. The change means to carry out the tasks differently in order to accept and cope up with the changes which are present in the environment of the said organisation (Graetz and Smith, 2011). Alterations or change in part or department of the organisation is likely to have a great impact on the entire functioning of the organisation. Changes can be both reactive and proactive. As far as the the proactive changes, they are required to be planned from before in order to anticipate the challenges of the future. The proactive changes are started and initiated by the management of the company. As against the proactive changes, the reactive changes are automatic decisions which are taken considering the environment. In the present situation of economic pressure and the growth of the priorities related to politics, the changes in the organisation are becoming extremely common. Change is considered to be extremely complex in nature which has both positive and negative outcomes.

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