

The critical evaluation of risk management process and theories can provide the researcher an understanding of risk management in British airways. In this way, the researcher has enabled to focus over gap analysis. In order to complete the empirical study, the researcher has taken the help of previous journals and books.

Moreover, the journal Cost, risk-taking and value in the airline industry by Paul A and Laux has pointed out the empirical measurements that are taken into account to shape the price inputs of the airline industry. The price is determined by the oil and fuel cost that adds substantial risk to the finance. The journal also mentioned that the corporate tax codes and financial distress cost have been greater than the profit downside. However, Kizildag et al. (2010, p.89) counter-argued that the study has focused on all the cost and the financial proceedings but somehow did not identify the risk associated with the unfortunate events that can arise any time. The resources that can be used to minimize the risk factors are not observed in the study.

In addition to this, the journal Risk Management Practices in the airline industry by Sharon Fernando has disclosed the capital market theories and identified the underinvestment problems, taxes, financial distress and the management incentives leading to the industry to engage in hedging activities. The journal further apprehended the risk exposure and the risk assessment practices associated with the airline industry. On contrary to this, Loudon (2011, p.315) opined that the study did not identify the unpredictable risk that can lead to a devastating financial loss in the airline industry. Risk linked with the human variables and the decision making process have not been observed.

如果中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构解决论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


美国essay代写-经济利益集团理论关键的概念是与关键消费者相比,生产者可以更快地考虑对活动进行简单的监管。此外,交叉补贴现象也被纳入理论考虑范围。相关行业受益于制定自己的规章制度(Asadi, 2008)。政府在执行整个行业制定的关键法规方面起着至关重要的作用。政府为了实现其国家经济目标而使用这些规定。作为一个重要的例子,政府可以考虑在整个行业内提供补贴,以增加价格的价值(Shaheen, 2006)。这一理论已经允许与行业相关的政治决策在整个行业内进行,而不是在个人基础上进行。这有助于进一步减少金钱、精力和时间。必须有一个行业的参与,在政府的经济因素影响整个行业的决策。接下来有关美国essay代写-经济利益集团理论分享给留学生阅读。

The key notion is that producers can consider an easy regulation of activities faster in comparison with the key consumer. In addition, the phenomena of cross subsidization are in consideration within the theory. The concerned industries are benefited from making it own regulations and rules (Asadi, 2008). The government plays a crucial role in enforcing the key regulations established by the overall industry. The regulations are used by the government for the achievement of its national economic objectives. As a significant example, the government can consider granting subsidies across the industry for increasing the value of prices (Shaheen, 2006). The theory has been allowing decision making of politics in concern with the industry for being done across the industry, rather than on individual basis. This is further helpful in the reduction of money, energy and time. There must be an involvement of the industry in the decision making of the government over economic factors affecting the entire industry.
However, the theory has been criticized as the idea for utilizing representative groups for the regulation of the industry and the economy-based activities across the nation might be favourable for some groups in comparison with the other (Ziad and Ayoub, 2009). Further ahead, there is lack of predictability among politicians as they have been putting up regulations for perceiving their own personal interests. The costs of production may involve certain variations in different geographical locations (Asadi, 2008). These further result in creating more profits for some industries in comparison with other industries. There seems to be no predictability of the politicians as they can be seen putting regulations for the purpose of their own benefits (Lutfi, 2006). They may consider supporting the private sector in order to perceive their personal interests. And hence the theory can be criticized in these ways.
After selecting a media release and newspaper article, the focus will be over resource super profits tax proposed through Rudd, replacement of the tax with the tax of MRRT through Gillard and the recent MRRT repeal made through Abott, PM. Focusing on these answer will be given to identifying the regulation theory that properly explains governments position, when RSPT was proposed with justification on the same.

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論文代寫推薦-香港電影《重慶森林》的討論分析,電影《重慶森林》吸引人的一個重要悖論是,盡管像香港這樣人口稠密的社會往往會把觀眾聚在一起,但在與他人建立合理關系的同時,卻缺乏溝通能力。人們可以通過大量生產自己周圍的消費品來保持整體的個性。你可以看到兩個警察的公寓裏,同時注意到這些小玩意和玩具被組裝成一個帶有個性的威脅感。香港不能僅僅被視為電影中每個角色的背景。在很多方面,它可以被認為是電影中的一個不同的角色(Thanouli, 183)。在這樣一個動蕩、浮華、混亂的城市裏,導演玩了一場危險的遊戲。在這部電影中,導演考慮用種族主義或傳統的觀點來區分亞洲人和亞洲人。接下來有關論文代寫推薦-香港電影《重慶森林》的討論分析分享給留學生們閱讀如下:

The significant paradox attractive in the case of Chungking Express is that even though societies like Hong Kong, with dense population tend to be forcing the audience together, there was lack of ability in the communication, while there is formation of sensible relationships with other individuals. The overall sense of individuality can be maintained by the mass production of consumer goods with which one has been surrounded. One can see inside the flats of both cops, while noting the gadgets and toys being assembler for the assertion of threatened sense in context with individuality. Hong Kong cannot just only be considered as a backdrop for each and every character within the film. In a number of ways, it can be considered as a different character in the film (Thanouli, 183). In such a pulsating, garish and confusing city, the director ended up playing a dangerous game. In the film, the director considered trading over the racist or traditional view about the difficulty for distinguishing one individual of Asia from the other.

As identified in this essay, there can be consideration of narrative as a story, even if it involves some differences from the principle of story. When considered typically, there is initiation of narrative by the involvement of a single situation. A number of changes may end up taking place in accordance with the pattern of effect and cause. When considering the overall context, there can be a rise of a new situation in order to end the overall narrative. In order to engage someone with the story is highly dependent on their understanding with respect to the pattern of stability and change, space and time, and causality. There can be consideration of these components as significant to narrative in majority of the sources of media, but there seems to be a centralization of time and causality. In context with certain sources of media, a narrative may tend to focus only on time and causality. However, in order to consider the case of film narrative, however, space is also a significant factor. Events take place in locales with well-definitions. In addition, there is well- acknowledgment of space for the manipulation of space.

綜上所述就是論文代寫推薦-香港電影《重慶森林》的討論分析,如果中國留學生有需要論文代寫輔導的地方,詳情可以咨詢美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台是一家專業的美國論文代寫平台機構,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有碩士論文代寫、美國代寫、essay代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



Before understanding the significance of foreignness in international marketing, it is crucial to understand its underlying meaning and definition to acquire a clearer picture of the concept. So let us have a look as what is the liability and asset of foreignness actually stands for. Liability of foreignness refers to the benefits that are not offered and are denied to the global firms and are provided exclusively to local firms in the market. There can be several factors when foreignness can become a liability in international marketing. In contrast, it is also important o understand as when the same factor becomes an asset for any firm. Hence, it generally refers to an asset when an international firm enjoys certain benefits and advantages that are not granted to local firm. Now, let us have a look as what are the primary sources that makes the same underlying term an asset and liability at the same time.

At first, let us understand the sources that make foreignness a liability for any firm in international marketing. Researchers and studies have highlighted four primary sources responsible for making it a liability and that are geographical distance, lack of cultural understanding, country’s hostile environment, and domestic regulations. Spatial distances give rise to increased travel and transportation cost that can increase the cost of production and is expected to be borne by ultimate customers. This problem is further triggered by time zone differences, which is very common among different nations and making it a barrier while entering into the different region. However, researchers believe that these barriers will be acute if the company prefers to tap a nearby border. Next, come the cultural differences that serve as the primary reason for making foreignness a liability. It is a fact that even companies sharing borders may have different cultures and related preferences. These cross-cultural factors may lead to some negative and unfavorable factors over time as a few companies fail to understand local tastes and preferences and are highly prone to adopt practices and campaigns that are unfruitful to them. All these aforementioned cultural factors play a critical role in determining the success and failure of any firm entering into new market. Thus if these cultural factors are not taken into consideration while penetrating into new markets globally, it can turn the element of foreignness into a liability depriving the parent company from certain rights and benefits that could have eased up the process of entrance.

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There are a number of business organizations, which can be seen issuing a report of CSR along with their yearly financial report. The report of CSR has key concentration on the social activities that are non- financial by its very nature, and mostly holds the tendency to make contribution positively all across nature.
There is no denial in the fact that in the present setting of business practices, there is entwining of CSR in the strategic planning process of a number of multinational companies. The key drive or reasons in relation with social responsibility towards the responsibility of environment and human can still be under doubt, whether being on the basis of a genuine interest or having to underline ulterior factors of motivation. In terms of fundamentality, corporations are entities holding the key responsibility to generate a service and/ or product for gaining profits such that there is satisfaction of shareholder.

The basic function of any business organization is focused on the production of high level sustained profits. The underlying essence is for earning profits in the best way possible while maintaining consistency to survive as a system of economic. Further ahead, absence of profits cannot be considered as the only thing that results in the destruction of business. Revolution, hostile legislation and bureaucratic ossification seem to be doing a pretty good job. There can be thriving of the business organization only in an environment of personal freedom and political democracy. These hold the requirement of a pluralistic society, when power, opinion and variety is divided and separated and not centralized, or unified. For contributions of the time of employees, more or less there are no benefits of tax vis-à-vis the payment of wages made for the employees. Wages can be deducted for the purposes of tax irrespective of the fact, if employees consider volunteering their time and effort. When their time is volunteered by employees, there is mostly an association of cost while reducing the level of productivity.

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美国代写被抓-电影《公民凯恩》,奥森·威尔斯执导了这部电影,并于1941年上映。这是一个真实的生活故事,建立在一个富有想象力的故事情节的表面上。在这个故事中,有查尔斯福斯特凯恩(Naremore, 2004)的探索。在这个分析中,他生活的各个方面都得到了详细的探讨。它属于神秘类型。这个故事探索了主人公如何根据外部事件做出改变。最初查尔斯·凯恩是一个理想主义者,他相信社会的积极面。他变成了一个追求权力不择手段的人。故事情节中有一系列闪回和时事。主人公死的时候说了“玫瑰花蕾”这个词,凯恩一生中发生的所有事情都被证明是为了理解这个词的意义。换句话说,在这个故事中,有一种非线性的叙述方法是很明显的,接下来有关美国代写被抓-电影《公民凯恩》分享给留学生们阅读。

Orson Welles directed this movie and it was released in 1941. It is a real life story that is based on a façade of imaginative storyline. In this story, there is exploration Charles Foster Kane (Naremore, 2004). All aspects of his life have been probed in detail in this analysis. It belongs to the Mystery genre.
This story explores the way in which the main protagonist character chooses to change based on the external events. Initially Charles Kane is an idealist who believes in the positives of the society. He turns into a power seeking unscrupulous person. There is a series of flashbacks and current events in the storyline. The main protagonist dies saying the word “Rosebud” and all events of Kane’s life has been proved in order to understand the significance of these words. In order words there is a nonlinear method of storytelling that is quite evident in this story.
There is not one single voice or narratives for the story. There are many voices and the audience can gain perspective on the whole events of the case owing to this aspect.
A number of innovative interesting elements such as “No trespassing” sign was seen in the movie. This tells the audience not to divulge upon the life of Kane.
These small innovative approaches make the narrative aspect of the story particularly interesting. This is one of these cinemas that were set as paradigm examples for other movies in the communities.

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Fundamental notion of the female self-objectification theory is that the women are considered to be an object of pleasure or are considered as objects, superimposed with cultural concepts, rather than being considered as a person with feelings. There has been a brazen disregard to what the women in the societies feel about their bodies. The women in the media are portrayed as women who are weak, submissive and need to conform to the impossible beauty standards that the mass media culture sets forth on the women. Some of the feminist discuss about the importance of looking good and have argued that looking good in itself is a feminist notion. But setting impossible improbable standards of beauty actually makes women feel discomfiture regarding their body. These pro feminist movements cause the women to themselves make other women feel disgust about their bodies. They are unknowingly causing the women to feel bad about themselves (Fredrickson, and Roberts, 1997). Women themselves wear provocative clothes to make the people like them. This is an act of self-objectification that is the real root of the issues. They become compliant in being objectified and loose themselves in the process. These processes of losing their original identities make the women in the societies to develop a range of psychological issues of depression and loneliness and make them act in ways that are detrimental to themselves and to the societies.

Some of the common tactics that has been undertaken by the women are simply application of cosmetic products to painful surgeries. These beauty enhancements techniques have caused the women to undertake undue efforts to look good in the conventional sense (Fredrickson and Roberts, 1997). In an effort to look pretty women even undergo painful unwanted surgeries. These also need to eating disorders and psychological issues in the women. It has been postulated by the objectification theory that the women tend to internalize the views about the selves based on outward body appearances. This perpetual habit of waiting to belong to the conventional society makes the women habitually monitor their physical self. This constant surveillance of the self-causes the women to take a critical view of their bodies. There is more room for the women to create a situation of shame and anxiety. This has found to lead to states such as unipolar depression, sexual dysfunction and a range of psychological issues. These are some of the issues that the women develop owing to negative objectification of the self. There needs to be a proper Marco and micro environmental factors for the women to deal with such conditions of the self.

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It is difficult to trace the difference between Contemporary art and Modernist art in a small passage. It can be said that the basis for the Western Art form was established by the Renaissance Art after the end of the Medieval Period. The rules and ideas of the Renaissance art were distributed all over the Europe by the foundation of many schools of fine arts. The example of these fine art schools are “such as the Academy of Florence (Accademia dell’Arte del Disegno: founded 1562), the Academy of Rome (Accademia di San Luca: founded 1583), the French Academy (Academie des Beaux-Arts) the Royal Academy in London (founded 1768) and the later Royal Hibernian Academy and the Royal Ulster Academy of Arts, in Ireland”. The art forms taught under these schools were based on the consistent set of rules and standards. The artists had to follow these rules, so that they could earn their living. By the early nineteenth century, the academic approach towards art had ceased to be very appropriate.
The idea that art can produce meaning was rejected by the Postmodernist artists. The new philosophy of the post modernism triggered a completely new approach and put forward a new set of priorities. The new approach was facilitated by the new technological innovation like television, videos and computers. The Contemporary art movement mainly focused on the idea that how art could be disseminated, rather than what was being produced. Thus, the audiences were also an important part of any art work.
Different ideas and concepts were emphasized rather than giving emphasis on the skills and objects. To popularize the visual art work, a new series of art form was introduced, which included Installation, Conceptualization, Happenings, Earthworks, Performance, And Projection Art. The new digital media played a significant role in popularization of the visual art. The main idea behind it is to increase the access of the people towards visual art. The new concepts developed, were mainly to increase the accessibility and popularization of art.

The major problem with defining the contemporary art refers o the period between 1973 and 2008, instead of the period of 1945, which is the definition given by the museums. This could be done in attempt to avoid the phrase, which is called as the ‘late modernism era’. For the art commentators and the historians the Contemporary art period started with the beginning of the World War II. With this period, there was a rise in the new art form. This art form was referred as the ‘abstract expressionism’. Other period of beginning of the Contemporary art period was 1960s, when Pop art was introduced. Pop art was also a form of expressionism developed in the late modernism. This art form started to develop the qualities of the postmodernism. The new focus of the art was mainly on the style and delivery.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




1、体格式包括:字体的格式,常见的统一格式是: times new roman字体,小四

2、版格式包括:1.5倍行距以及常见的 Harvard格式(哈佛格式)或者是APA格式、Oxford格式(牛津格式)

3、词格式包括:不能使用的一些词汇与不用缩写的词汇。不能使用的词汇包括:I,WE,OUR,YOU,YOUR等使用第一人称或第二人称,保持论证的客观性,否则会造成学术论文不严谨;不能缩写的词汇包括:can’t, don’t, didn’t, wouldn’t 应该写成cannot,do not,did not, would not。




2、主体部分(Main Body):利用大约80%的文字去一一讨论essay选题所描述的相关问题(利用数据库文献进行参考)或者结合自身的理解去写作,保证essay具有较强的逻辑性。




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美国大学申请essay-商务活动的保护政策,商会会员与ACB会员之间的定期会议,成功地组织了商务活动。信息技术的使用也有助于ICC和ACB利用通信和信息管理工具及时生成信息(Clarke和Jepson, 2015)。互联网和电脑的使用也有助于将活动团队与目标观众联系起来。为保护运动员和观众、重要文件、档案和文件的安全、数据和信息的隐私,ICC和ACB采取了保护政策和安全措施。更安全的安排也可以由ICC和ACB执行,以避免犯罪、人群、盗窃和醉酒的风险。接下来有关美国大学申请essay-商务活动的保护政策分享给大家阅读。

The periodic meetings between the members of ICC and ACB helped in organizing the business events successfully. The use of information technology also assisted ICC and ACB in producing the information timely by using communication and information management tools (Clarke and Jepson, 2015). The use of internet connection and computers also assisted in connecting the event team with the targeted audiences. The protection policies and safety measures were adopted by ICC and ACB for the protection of the sportspersons and audiences, safety of important papers, files and documents, and privacy of data and information. The more safety arrangements could also be executed by ICC and ACB to avoid the possibility of the risks from crime, crowd, theft, and drunkness.
Along with this, regular reviews and evaluations assisted the organizer to detect the shortcomings and loopholes in the event implementation process. The performance of the event implementation process could be evaluated through performance reviews and feedbacks to analyze whether the event is continuing in the right direction to fulfill its core purpose by entertaining the sportspersons as well as guests or audiences. ICC could also take better decisions regarding the event planning, output process, resource allocation, administration, and communication systems for the effective implementation of the business event.
The potential impact of the external environmental factors was analyzed to assess the impact of political, cultural, technological, economic, and environmental factors on the event management activities of CWC 2015. The Australian government played an important role in determining the success of this event by supporting the sports event management activities in the nation. ACB contributed to support ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 in Australia by facilitating good sporting infrastructure development and standards tourism and hospitality facilities. The favorable economic conditions in Australia and NewZealand also supported this biggest Cricket championship. The protective and greenery environment of Australia and NewZealand created favorable playing conditions for the sportspersons or cricketers. The use of advanced technological equipment and innovation assisted in implementing this event successfully (Glodblatt and Goldblatt, 2011). Therefore, the environmental conditions of Australia and NewZealand assisted in the organization of this event successfully.

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