标签存档: 代写论文





The basic aim of the program was to have a better understanding of the effects of globalization of wages and employment structures. Both theoretical and empirical methods were combined in the program for the analysis of the impact of globalization of labour markets and the how does globalization affect the behavioural patterns of workers like in aspects of human capital investment and migration f workers.
Positive effects of globalization on labour markets:
Globalization of labour markets can provide benefits in many forms such as the creation of new work and production opportunities by the developing countries due to their increased capacity because of globalised labour market. It will help in decrement of price distortions in terms of both the labourers and the capital. It will help in cooperation and exchange of ideas between labours all over the world that will help in better outcomes on various issues. Globalization of labour market will help in adoption of advanced technology, direct and indirect creation of employment all over the world and especially in the recipient countries. It will also attract huge investments by the developed countries and even in the increment of the ability of the country to be able to adopt imported technology according to its needs. It will help in the reduction of poverty at global level especially in developing countries by increasing the opportunities of employment and higher wage rates for workers from all round the world that in turn will also help in bringing home the advancement in various fields such as local science ability, educational level of workers and even the younger generation, training of workers and adoption of advanced technology (Elliott, 2003). It even helps in increasing the financial stability of the country as more foreign reserves are brought in home country that even increases the foreign reserves of the country.



电影开场的主角是纪子,这位女主角已经达到了适当的年龄结婚,但有一个病态的父亲照顾,并满足未婚。不过,他的父亲,小宫教授希望看到自己的女儿安定下来,从而通过多种途径谋划女儿嫁给某个人。有一段时间,父亲怀疑纪子与服部相爱,但发现服部与其他人订婚后,小宫教授与诺日托姑妈马萨共谋,认为他决定重新结婚。事实上,Norito的父亲不会再去那里了,因为她真的穿越了Norito,她跑到她朋友Aya的家里一段时间,最终决定和一个和Garry Cooper相似的男人去约会,终于结婚了。


This is a film of family, separation, sadness and love; the center of Late Spring is the pressure of marriage. While the film solely focus on and important aspect of a father and daughter relationship, it somewhat over rides the theme of a ‘white lie is sometimes expedient’. The director of the film Ozu presents this pressure of the marriage through various characters with different possibilities i.e. divorce, re-marriage, arranged marriage or love. The film also portrays the post-war Japanese society with slight renditions of the transitional phase of post-war Japanese society.
The movie opens with the main character Noriko, a female protagonist who has reached the suitable age to get married but has an ailing father to look after and is content being unmarried. However, the father, Professor Somiya wants to see his daughter well-settled and thus conspires in a number of ways to get his daughter to marry someone. For some time, the father suspects that Noriko is in love with Hattori, but discovers that Hattori is engaged to someone else after which Professor Somiya conspires with Norito’s aunt Masa in to thinking that he has decided to re-marry. The fact is that Norito’s father will no more be there for her really crosses Norito and she runs to her friend Aya’s home for some time and eventually decides to go on an arranged date with a man who resembles to ‘Garry Cooper’ and decides to get married finally.
Most of the technicalities are very well utilized in the movie which adds in bringing out the plot and successfully delivers the plot to the audience. The movie’s message hence can be termed as ‘clear’ not ambiguous. However, the movie is not based on novel though resembles in some ways with the novel, but not solely presents the plot which has been discussed in the novel. The situation of a daughter’s marriage and her separation from parent’s remains the chief focus in the movie, while Noriko’s sensual acting delivers the phenomenon of Electra complex usually associated with this kind of father-daughter relationship and has remained the focus of director.





Many more reasons were proposed by the state to oppose the act, like;
Inaccuracy: as the law states that insurance premium will drop on average $2500 for each family, it cannot be true as many families are already insured; their premium will not be lessened as a result of the implementation of this act. Only new insured individuals would be benefitted and those who are already insured would be left.
Dependency: individuals will not be responsible for their expenses rather they government budget would be affected as a result of provisions of subsidies, ultimately increasing the burden on the budget.
Liability: it was estimated that bill will cost around $900 billion for the first decade but as a year passed, this amount was revised and new set amount was said to be more than $1 trillion, which is more than 50% increase in the initial estimate of the costs. Estimate is continuously rising and it is expected that the cost would be around $2.6 trillion for the next decade.
Discontinuity: private insurance market will be destructed and private insurance companies would ultimately close their doors because pre-existing conditions’ individuals cannot get insurance and this will raise the cost of the insurance companies. They will not be able to make profits out of the premiums. They would not be able to determine the premium on the basis of the pre-existing conditions. Companies would not be allowed to deny their coverage at all.
Predictability: as private insurance company would not exist or would be very less, more responsibility of proving health care facilities to the individuals would be entirely be on federal government. As this is mandatory, the cost of providing the facilities will rise as almost everyone would have federal government’s insurance. All these things will lower the quality of health care facilities for the public, poor quality than it is today.


社交媒体代理和反馈分析师是现有的QBD Pty客户服务和公关人员。但是,由于计划实施期间估计要处理的额外工作量,他们必须得到补偿。这是因为增加工作量而不补偿风险会产生反作用,因为这可能会使他们士气低落。


In assessing the budget for the plan, a number of factors are worth mentions. First of all some of the elements of the budget may look overly funded while others look fairly estimated. It is noteworthy that the one-off and short term costs such as expenditure the polling company, consultation fees and the hiring of the opinion shapes are based on the current rates and negotiations do (Weimer & Vining 2005). They are also critical elements of the plan which cannot be dispensed.
The social media agents and feedback analysts are existing QBD Pty customer service and PR employees. However, they have to be compensated in view of the extra workload that they are estimated to handle during the plan implementation period. This is because, increasing their workload without equally compensating them risks being counterproductive since this might demoralize them.
There is a budget for multiple media outlets. This will be evaluated on an ongoing basis where the resources may be redirected to the media that proves to be more effective or even totally withdrawn where no positive effect is visible without necessarily redirecting them.
Making a comprehensive comparison of the cost and benefit, it is evident that the company will gain massive attention from the target groups. In addition, the campaign will gain the attention to new clients with an interest in the Chinese language and culture (Campbell & Brown 2003). Although the campaign will cost a lot in the short run, the company will benefit significantly in the long run.



托里·贝内特(Tory Bennett)在他的书中提到“展览复合体”,并与“伟大的展览”(1988)进行了讨论。 “大展”的成功带动了展览,博物馆和画廊的兴起。 “综合体”的概念是在福柯制度创造禁闭的基本思想的基础上发展起来的,托尼·贝内特(Tory Bennett)认为还有另外一套有知识或权力的制度,大展以来的纪律效应,以及后来的类似展览形式。福柯认为,监狱制度发展进步的重要标志是1840年Mettray新监狱的开放。



Tory Bennett mentioned ‘Exhibitioner complex’ in his book and discussed with ‘The Great Exhibition’ (1988). The success of ‘The Great Exhibition’ brought to a rise of exhibitions, museums and galleries. The notion of ‘Exhibitionary complex’ is developed base on Foucault’s fundamental idea of institutional creation of confinement, Tory Bennett suggested the there is another set of institution with knowledge or power; the disciplinary effect emerged since the Great Exhibition and all later similar exhibition forms. Foucault considers that the significant mark in Carceral institution developing progress is the opening of the new prison at Mettray in 1840。

Thus, the great exhibition was one of the most appealing exhibition of the world which represented the exhibits from different nations. It has been immensely popular because of its art, science and the innovation. The visit to the exhibition is an unforgettable event for the people. The people admire the place and they are attracted towards the beautiful exhibits. Since 150 years, this place has been known for its greatness. Also, the visitors gets a unique experience at the place which is unmatched. Thus, the great exhibition of Britain is the best exhibition in the world.





The model of creative writing and creative composition by Freisinger focuses on the motives of the student to follow the creative writing style along with the creative composition. This writing style allows the students to completely develop their writing skills based on their motivation to follow creative composition. The secondary focus of the creative writing model is the enthusiasm of the students to follow creative composition (Myers, 2006). This writing model defines the enthusiasm and motivation of the students to follow creative composition to be based on the creativity factor in the characteristics of the individuals. This writing model allows the students to write on the basis of their own experiences in the real life, which in turn allows them to be vulnerable. This vulnerability of the individuals writing based on their own experiences causes the writing model to have risks associated to it. This writing model also allows the individuals to play with various words and express their creativeness. This in turn allows the students to experience and play with the actual power of language to create very creative writings. Freisinger’s model of creative writing and creative composition also focus on the ego formation of the individuals in terms of the wish to achieve more in the sector of writing and become a successful writer. This wish allows the individuals to explore themselves and their writing skills. This in turn allows the effective and efficient usage of the writing skills to achieve high quality of the writings (Mayers, 2007).



1865 – 1866年,新的南方州立法机构通过了限制性的“黑人法典”,以控制奴隶和非裔美国人的劳动和行为。这些法规导致了北方的愤慨,并减少了对总统重建方式的支持,结果导致了共和党更为激进的胜利(Fritz,2007)。美国从英国独立出来的民主革命,是一个深刻的悖论。世界领先的拥有最高掌权的政治民主模式是美国革命的结果。

占总人口20%的非洲裔美国人与白人自由的不和谐共处。 1787年的宪法会议上,联邦联盟体现了在其管辖下的管制奴隶的国家权利得到美国宪法承认的矛盾(Morris,1996)。如果没有表示承认奴隶制的主权,那么提议的联盟从未被奴隶国家加入。因此,黑人的奴役和白人的自由形成了联邦创立的基础,并加入了宪法。

发展的社会和经济模式也随着分界线急剧分化,同时南方国家的政治权力下滑。 1820年南方众议院只得到了42%的选票,原因是1790年北方的权力不平衡。白人南方人第一次因为担心少数民族地位的增加,甚至因为北方的愤怒试图在1819年强制解密密苏里(霍尔,1996年)。


In 1865-1866 the restrictive ‘black codes’ were passed by the new southern state legislatures for controlling the labor and behavior of slaves and African Americans. These codes led to the outrage in the North and diminished the support for the approach of the Presidential Reconstruction and this resulted with more radical wings of the Republican Party which was led in triumph (Fritz, 2007). A profound paradox was laid for the democratic revolution through which the United States got its independence from British. The world’s leading model for political democracy with the highest slaveholding powers were the results of the American Revolution.

African Americans that comprises of 20% of the total population were in bondage with the uneasy coexistence of freedom of whites.  In 1787 at Constitutional Convention the federal Union embodied the contradiction when the right of a state for regulation slaves under its jurisdiction was recognized under the Constitution of United States (Morris, 1996).  The proposed Union was never been joined by the slave states if the sovereign power over slavery was not expressed with acknowledgement. Therefore the slavery of blacks and the liberty of whites formed the basis of creation of federal Union and were joined constitutionally.

The social and economic patterns of development were also diverged along with the sectional lines sharply but at the same time the political power of the South’s national share slipped. The South in 1820 in the House of Representatives had only 42% votes due to the imbalanced power in the North in 1790.  The White southerners for the first time due to their worry about the increasing minority status and even due to enraged because of the Northern attempt for forcing emancipation over Missouri in 1819 (Hall, 1996).








In order to pass his vision, Wovoka stated that Native Americans must live their lives righteously performing the circular motion dance also called the Ghost Dance. His followers were forced to dance in circular motion along with religious singing. The pronouncements by Wovoka bored the heavy scar of famous Christianity ironically. Also, the audience of Wovoka, Paiute population along with several tribal nations, could not recognize the vision. The reason behind this was simply that the root of Christianity did not exist amongst Native population. This dance had been clearly accepted by those Native people who were puzzled by the protocol which was pew-bound by faiths of Christianity.

The message spread by Wovoka was highly influential on Native Americans and most of them dedicated themselves to the movement along with Wovoka. Soon, every Native American approached Wovoka for learning the Ghost Dance and related songs. Wovoka managed to find his audience who was desperate to follow his beliefs and teachings. The ferocity and speed with which the audience was increasing helped in demolishing barriers of geographical boundaries and language. Several other nations approached him as well for learning the dance. The Native Americans who followed Ghost Dance considered it to be their only hope for reviving “old ways”. This was in time period within which it had been demanded by government that all tribes of Native Americans must be moved to reservations. The ghost dance was a combination of moral ideas, religious beliefs, and rituals into a particular ceremony.






After the Second World War ended in 1945, there started a phase of Cold War. The President, Harry Truman came up with Truman doctrine. The Truman Doctrine of containment was a policy adopted by United States in order to control the expansion of Soviet Union. According to this policy, U.S. was there to support any country, with both military and economy whose stability was threatened by communism. President Harry Truman said, “It must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” In 1947, US signed a defense treaty with Latin-America, called the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (also called Rio Treaty), according to which an attack against one was considered as an attack against all. It aimed at maintaining peace and security in the continent, in order to strengthen the relations of friendship and good neighborliness Furthermore, in 1948, the Organization of American States (OAS) was created during the ninth Conference of American States, which aimed at achieving an order of peace and justice in the continent, promoting democracy with non-interference of other states, settling disputes among the countries, seeking solutions for the political, economical and judicial problems that may arise between them, establishing cooperation among its member states and so on (Friedman & M.P., 2003).

The result of all these steps can be observed in the case of Guatemala. Since 1930, the dictator General, Jorge Ubico, with the support of the United States, ruled over Guatemala. His period of rule is considered as one of the toughest situation that the Latin America has ever gone through. In return of the support of his rule, United States got thousands of hectares of land for the American United Fruit Company (UFCO) as well as bases for U.S. military in Guatemala.






美国曾经的经济动力正在转移到许多国家。最高的交易量仍在美国进行。由于全球化和欧盟的形成,中国和印度等发展中国家的发展已经引起了世界经济动态的变化(Dicken 26)。尽管有这些因素,美国仍然是经济的领导者。


十九世纪四十年代以后,由于铁路发展,国家被认为是工业化国家。这些企业对在中国,夏威夷和加利福尼亚州开展业务特别感兴趣。它最初试图建立殖民地,并改变了这一政策以开放贸易政策(琼斯70)。目前国家遵循全球化,开放的贸易政策(Dicken 25)。夏威夷和加利福尼亚州现在正式成为美国的州。




The economy of the United States is still number one economy but the importance that it had in early 20st century has declined in 2015.


The economic momentum that US once had is shifting to many countries. Highest trade volume is still conducted with the United States. Due to globalization and formation of the European Union and growth of developing countries like China and India has caused a change in dynamics of the world economy (Dicken 26). In spite of all these factors United States remains to be a leader in the economy.

Occupation of US (19th Century to current)

After 1840s the country was considered to be an industrialized nation owing to railways development. The businesses were particularly interested in building businesses in the China, Hawaii and California. It tried to establish colonies initially and changed that policy to open trade policy (Jones 70). Currently the country follows globalization, open trade policy (Dicken 25). Hawaii and California are now formally states of the US.


From this it is clear that the US remains as the leading economy of the world. The power it once wielded has declined owing to growth of other economies. The development of the other economies is dependent on The US economy. United States still remains as a powerhouse for economic and political policies.