标签存档: 美国论文代写



根据Collier(2015),管理会计信息和相关决策对现代企业运营是重要的。它有助于财务报告程序。有趣的是,它与管理者的计划和控制决策相关。相关性持续试图降低成本和提高组织的生产力(Laudon和Laudon, 2016)。然而,管理会计的理论背景经常因其与理解管理会计系统的相关性而受到批评。一些文献认为管理会计系统在组织中是停滞的(Johnson和Kaplan, 1987)。这项研究将确定和审查最近的管理会计做法对组织的负面影响。此外,该研究将分析企业会计管理系统的不断上升的挑战,这肯定会阻碍为管理人员提供准确的信息,同时促进控制成本或衡量和提高组织内的生产力的努力。

管理会计系统在许多组织中被认为是停滞不前的,因为该系统经常不能得出准确的产品成本。与产品成本相关的信息需要由管理层进行评估,以确保业务的生产率。有趣的是,通过随意的措施,成本与产品是分开的。成本管理会计的文献被发现足够的管理者的必要的财务报告,使价值的存货和销货成本和满足审计和外部报告的要求。然而,这样的会计制度并没有披露产品在个体产品层面的成本(Johnson and Kaplan, 1987)。常用的标准成本计算方法通常会误导管理层对实际产品成本的评估。换句话说,许多组织在使用仅与产品相关的管理会计信息时犹豫不决,因为有机会展开产品定价、采购、产品组合和对竞争产品的反应等信息(Ernstberger和Prott, 2016)。相反,一些管理会计文献认为,这种成本核算在评估与此类产品相关的可变成本方面是合适的。在制造过程中,管理者可以利用这些管理信息来修正库存价值。此外,许多学者支持管理会计报告对项目跟踪至关重要这一事实。这种成本核算系统有助于将广泛的成本划分为许多部门成本,便于组织的每个部门负责人跟踪。根据McLaren, Appleyard和Mitchell(2016),管理会计系统有助于确定产品成本,可以被称为决策的基础。

According to Collier (2015) management accounting information and associated decisions are significant for modern business operations. It helps in financial reporting procedure. Interestingly, it is relevant for manager’s planning and control decisions. Relevance persists in attempting to reduce costs and improve productivity of the organization (Laudon and Laudon, 2016). However, the theoretical background of management accounting often criticized for its relevance to understanding systems of management accounting. Several literatures identified systems of management accounting as stagnant in organizations (Johnson and Kaplan, 1987). The study will identify and review the negative consequences of recent management accounting practices to the organization. Furthermore, the study will analyse the rising challenges of corporate management systems of accounting which certainly obstructs to provide accurate information to managers while facilitating efforts to control costs or measure and improve productivity within the organization.

The system of management accounting is referred as stagnant in many organizations because the system often failed to derive accurate cost of product. Information related to costs of the product needs to be assessed by the management to ensure productivity of the business. Interestingly, costs are segregated to products by casual measures. Literatures of cost management accounting are found adequate for manager’s essentialities regarding financial reporting which enables value for inventory and COGS and satisfy requirements of auditing and external reporting. However, such accounting system failed to disclose the costs of the product at individual product level (Johnson and Kaplan, 1987). The common standard costing method usually misleads management decisions regarding the assessment of the actual product costs. In other words, many organizations made hesitant to use management accounting information related to only product because there is an opportunity exists for unfolding information about product pricing, sourcing, product mix and responses to competitive products (Ernstberger and Prott, 2016). On the contrary, several management accounting literatures argued that such costing is appropriate in terms of assessing variable costing related to such product. Managers can be beneficial to use such management information for correcting inventory values during the process of manufacturing. Moreover, many scholars supported the fact that management accounting reports are vital for project tracking. This costing system helps to differentiate broad costs into many departmental costs which can be easily tracked by each departmental head of the organization. According to McLaren, Appleyard and Mitchell (2016), management accounting system is helpful for determining product cost that can be referred as foundation of the decision making.





该剧在对流行的后殖民主义观念的同化方面表现出现代主义的元素,其中包括对传统叙事手法的背离。詹姆斯·艾奇逊(James Acheson)等评论家评论了该剧的情节结构。他批判地指出,观众一定会注意到情节的划分:它被分成两幕,由两个主要的主角扮演。这个角色发现他们自己与彼此的命运相抗争,必须与一个荒谬世界的可能性进行斗争(Akhter, 2016)。尤金·韦伯(Eugene Webb)也评论说,贝克特已经成功地将这部戏剧变成了一种文化符号,尤其是他对时间的巧妙管理。贝克特在剧中分解时间元素的方式确实值得称道。此外,对一个不存在的角色“戈多”的永恒等待在不同的视角层面上具有象征意义。值得注意的是,剧作家有策略地让弗拉基米尔和爱斯特拉根在一系列活动中消磨时间:交换帽子,玩游戏,考虑自杀(Beckett, 2012)。它反映和讽刺了人类所专注的病态和徒劳的承诺。此外,在剧中,相对重要的事情都被处理得很琐碎。悲剧和喜剧之间界限的消解,使悲喜剧元素融入了戏剧。最重要的是,等待元素推动游戏向前发展。


It has been observed that Godot stands symbolically of the essential driving force in Estragon and Vladimir, who is seen in an act of endless waiting. Beckett advocated the opinion that it represents the ultimate aim, quest, and search of man. It is a futile search that never ends. Both the characters have invested their absolute trust in Godot, thereby, manifesting the haunting insecurities of a human mind. Beckett has unravelled the inherent fears and uncertainties haunting the post-Darwinian society. The plot structure of the play, as it has been already pointed out, does not have any dynamism in terms of development. It has no situation development, conflict or conclusion. Nevertheless, the plot development successfully triggers a feeling of discomfort among his audiences as they’re presented with the brutal existential truth (Beckett, 2012). It must also be noted that timelessness is yet another essential quality of the modern drama.

The play manifested the elements of modernism in term of assimilation of the popular post-colonial conception which involves the deviation from the traditional narrative technique. Critics like James Acheson observes has commented on the physical structuring of the play. He has critically pointed out that the audiences are bound to notice the plot division: it is split into two acts which are acted by the two major protagonists. The character finds themselves pitted against the fate of one another and must struggle against the odds of an absurd world (Akhter, 2016). It has also been commented by Eugene Webb that Beckett has been successful in turning this play into a cultural icon particularly for his skilful management of time. The way in which Beckett has broken down the element of time in the play is indeed commendable. Besides, the eternal waiting for an absent character named ‘Godot’ assumes symbolic significance at different perspective levels. It is to be noted that the playwright had strategically engaged the character, Vladimir and Estragon in a series of activities order to pass their time: swapping their hats, playing games, and contemplating suicide (Beckett, 2012). It mirrors and satirises the morbid and the futile engagements that human beings are preoccupied with. Besides, the matters of relative importance are treated with triviality in the play. This dissolution of the borders between the tragedy and comedy renders the tragicomic element to the play. Most importantly, the element of waiting propels the play forward.

Therefore, it could be effectively concluded that Samuel Beckett has been a successful modern dramatist who had successfully incorporated all the elements of the contemporary drama. He brought forward his iconoclastic ideas through the medium of the plays.





可持续城市交通要想保持可持续,就需要稳定,满足于不持续的投资,并反复尝试改变集体公民的良知,以采用可持续的出行措施。这些可以通过影响公民的步行习惯、在城市中规划自我可持续和自我实现的集群来实现,并将反车辆流动作为优先事项。例如,从工业化时代开始,孟买一直在不断地增加新的火车、公共汽车、道路、汽车车道、道路拓宽和城市公共交通系统。这从来没有结束,随着一个新的城市交通服务的委托,需要另一个,而另一个站在要求(Knox和McCarthy, 2012)。这不是可持续的城市交通系统,因为孟买当局从来没有考虑过限制移民的可能性,并尝试在印度各地实现相应的城市发展。当按比例进行城市发展时,从农村到城市的移民流动就会停止或减少,城市交通系统的负担也会减轻。此外,土地划分的无序性,进一步加剧了城市流动性问题,对城市交通系统提出了另一种需求。

在另一项关于紧凑城市奥斯陆的研究中,人们注意到,如果不不断改进、修正和改善土地使用特点,所有提供城市交通的努力都是不足的。也许,它的执行不当且不平衡。由于人们认为奥斯陆人口稠密地区对汽车的依赖程度较低,闲暇时间水平较高,因此郊区的交通和机动性最高(Holden and Norland, 2005)。这否定了一个假设的真实性,即在人口密集的城市,接近日常服务将减少旅行时间。事实上,这些问题是由于缺乏规划远见和增长模式不均衡造成的。对于在人口密集的城市中旅行时间较短的概念,一直有完全不同的批评(Williams, 2016)。奥斯陆表明,可持续的城市交通也许并不是解决交通问题的确切答案。当分散的集中在城市发展中主导了规划师的良知,目光从感知和即将出现的城市交通问题及其不稳定的本质上撤退。在理想的情况下,城市交通必须在很长一段时间内保持可观的水平,但如果不能实现可持续发展,就不存在实现其目标的问题。城市交通总是内在地体现在土地利用规划、城市规划、交通规划和城市发展规划中。因此,当城市规划者违背流动性逻辑,对城市规划进行修改,导致流动性规划的随意性时,城市交通永远是不可持续和不合理的。

Up until now, every urban city, having grown from the industrial past and the antiquate imperial, has been addressing problems as they arise. Fortunately, the authorities and urban cities have been addressing perceived challenges or urban cities, urban sprawl, urban transport system, which the land use zoning and model plan development of urban cities. If the only progress is to identify problems, provide solutions, identify perceived problems and provide suitable solutions, then there could be no end to such a monotonous movement of problems and solutions. The authorities in such situations shall become either redundant or incompetent to handle the rise of overcomplicated problems.

For sustainable urban transport to remain sustainable, it needs to stabilize, remain content without continuous investment, and attempt repeatedly to change the collective citizen conscience to adopt sustainable measures of mobility. These can be done by influencing citizen habits of walking, planning self-sustainable and self-fulfilling clusters within urban cities, and make anti-vehicular mobility a priority. As for example, the urban city of Mumbai has been relentlessly adding new trains, buses, roads, automobile lanes, road widening, and mass transit urban transport systems from the industrialization era. This has never ended, and as a new urban transport offering is commissioned, a need for another one, and yet another ones stands demanded (Knox and McCarthy, 2012). This is not sustainable urban transport system, because Mumbai authorities have never been enlightened to think about the possibility of capping migrants and giving a shot to proportionate urban development across India. When proportionate urban development is executed, migrant movement from rural to urban cities is halted or diminished, and the burden on urban transport system reduces. In addition, land zoning is without order, which further fuels the problems of urban mobility, raising another demand of urban transport system.

In another study of a compact city, Oslo, it was noticed that without continuous refinement, correction, improvement of land use characteristics, all efforts of urban transport provision have been just undersupplied. Perhaps, it has been improperly and unevenly executed. Since densely populated areas in Oslo were assumed to be less automobile dependent and represented higher level of leisure time, the suburban areas showed the highest amount of transport and mobility (Holden and Norland, 2005). This nullifies the authenticity of the assumption that proximity to everyday services in a densely populated city would reduce travel time. In fact, such issues arise of the lack of planning foresight and uneven growth patterns. Critiques have always been in complete disagreement of this notion of less travel time in densely populated cities (Williams, 2016). Oslo showed that sustainable urban transport is perhaps not the definite answer to the consistent problem of mobility. When decentralized concentration in urban development dominates the conscience of planners, the eye withdraws from the perceived and forthcoming problems of urban transport and its unstable nature. When urban transport is not, in ideal terms, sustainable, which must remain substantial for a long period, there be no question of fulfilling its objective. Urban transport is always inherently embodied in the land use plan, city planning, mobility planning, and in the city growth plans. Hence, when city planners defy the mobility logic and make amendments to city plans that results in haphazard planning of mobility, urban transport shall always remain unsustainable and unjustified.



毕业论文代写:转基因生物影响。转基因生物带来了一场粮食生产革命,提高了土地生产率,使产量翻了一番(Watson和Preedy XII),它对粮食安全,特别是发展中国家的粮食安全有着重大影响。关于在农业中广泛使用转基因作物会产生“意想不到的”影响,人们有几个担忧。接下来毕业论文代写专家将分析讨论下转基因生物影响。

转基因作物的独特卖点要么是抗除草剂,要么是抗虫。虽然最初的论点是杂草或其他不受欢迎的植物不会很快进化或适应这些修改,但很快就发现,新的和更具抗性的农业杂草形式的发展对农业生产力和自然生物多样性的损失产生了不利的影响(Schütte,它既影响了当地的本土植物,也影响了动物,特别是节肢动物(如有助于授粉的蜜蜂等昆虫)。即使在除草剂的使用方面,虽然这些植物是耐除草剂的,除草剂的使用在最初几年有所下降,但最终杂草适应了除草剂的使用。重复使用草甘膦(使用的最普遍的除草剂)而不改变使用模式会导致产生对这种化学物质具有抗性的杂草(Bonny 43)。鉴于此,杂草管理是困难的,农民不知道除草剂和其他杂草驱避剂的特性(邦尼40)。在转基因作物广泛应用后,如何避免杂草在农业生产中泛滥已成为一个棘手的问题。

此外,与旨在保持土壤健康和肥力的混合种植或间作等可持续农业做法相比,这些做法是不可持续的(Schütte, Eckerstorfer和Rastelli 5)。这也导致了一些作物种植中更高的劳动力需求。


Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have brought about a revolution in food production in terms of increased productivity of land and have doubled the yield (Watson and Preedy XII). It has had significant bearings on food security especially in the developing world. There have been several concerns about the “unintended” effects of extensive use of GMO in agriculture.

The unique selling proposition of the genetically modified crops was either herbicide resistance or insect resistant. While the initial argument was that weeds or other unwanted plants would not evolve or adapt to these modifications very fast, it was soon found that new and more resistant forms of agricultural weeds developed contributing adversely to both agricultural productivity and loss of natural biodiversity (Schütte, Eckerstorfer and Rastelli 5). It impacted both the indigenous plants of the area and the animals specially the arthropods (insects like bees which facilitate pollination). Even in terms of herbicide use, while the plants were herbicide tolerant and the use of herbicide declined in the first few years, eventually, the weeds adapted to the herbicides. Repeated use of Glyphosphates (the most popular herbicide used) without any change in the usage pattern led to generation of weeds which were resistant to the chemical (Bonny 43). Given that, weed management is difficult and farmers are unaware of properties of herbicides and other weed repellents (Bonny 40). It has become a difficult proposition to escape the infestation of weeds in agriculture post extensive usage of GM crops.

Furthermore, these practices are not sustainable with sustainable agricultural practices like mixed cropping or intercropping which is designed to retain health and fertility of the soils (Schütte, Eckerstorfer and Rastelli 5). It led to higher labor demand in several crop cultivations as well.

It turns out that the boastings of genetically modified plants after all were more of a hyperbole for even the productivity of these plants that were not significantly high when considered over a long period of time. In essence, GM crops have turned out to be more focused on increasing farm-level productivity and have failed magnificently in integrating externalities such as enhancement of biodiversity, environmental protection, reduced use of labor or even better management of weed.




接触是指为孩子提供广泛的学习机会。这些活动可以以不同的形式出现(Grace et al., 2008)。它可以基于学前教育项目,儿童保育和娱乐项目,提供学前或学龄前服务。然后将这些项目与早期教育项目相结合。在许多情况下,这些简单的改变可导致增加对个别儿童接触的便利。通用设计可以表述为为人们提供访问(Sumsion等人,2009年)。这些是用来进入不同环境的。这些是通过移除物理或结构障碍而形成的。该技术的使用可以让孩子们参与一系列功能能力,成为包容性环境的一部分。在这些环境中,项目设计的目的是方便进入,一些孩子需要额外的个性化住宿。研究发现,人口中的成年人在包容性环境中促进了儿童的归属感和参与感。这些被用于各种有意的方法(Mac Naughton, Rolfe & Siraj-Blatchford, 2010)。

早期教育的分层模式被用来帮助成人组织评估和干预。个人需要为孩子们创造脚手架学习和参与元素。社会情绪发展的目的是促进参与。这些是儿童早期融入所需要的一些关键目标。此外,儿童还需要有办法解决参与问题,并把重点放在系统级支助的基础设施上。为了让孩子参与,成年家庭成员或监护人需要有安全感,才能让孩子参与。关键的利益相关者需要在不同的各方之间发展合作(Silver, 2010)。其中包括家庭、医生和专家。增加专门的服务和治疗可以导致更好的协调风尚。支助系统需要有适当的质量标准。质量框架是用来创建或指导包容性实践的项目质量标准和学习指南。理解法律和准则是很重要的。

The definition of the Early Childhood Inclusion is used for the process of generation of values, policies, and practices. It is derived from the notion that every infant and younger child needs to participate in a broad range of activities and contexts. They need to have inclusive experiences for children and create a sense of membership and creation of potential social relationships. One of the defining features of this inclusion process is the ability to discern and create a high-quality education program that is based on access, participation, and supports.

Access is the act of providing the children with a wide range of learning opportunities. These involve the activities that can occur in different forms (Grace et al., 2008). It could be based on the head start programs, child care, and recreational programs, providing preschool or pre-kindergarten services. These are then blended with the early education programs. In many of the cases, these simple changes can lead to increase in the facilitation of the access of the individual children. The universal design could be stated to provide the access to the people (Sumsion et al., 2009). These are used to access to the differential environments. These are made by the removal of the physical or structural barriers. The access to the technology can allow the children to participate in a range of functional abilities to become a part of the inclusive settings. In these environments, the programs are designed for the purpose of facilitating access and some children require additional individualized accommodations. The adults of the population are found to promote a sense of belonging and engagement of the children in inclusive settings. These are used in a variety of intentional methods (Mac Naughton,, Rolfe & Siraj-Blatchford, 2010).

The tiered models in early education are used to hold the promise of aiding the adults to organize assessments and interventions. The individuals need to create scaffold learning and the elements of participation for the children. The social-emotional development is used for the purpose to facilitate the participation. These are some of the critical goals that are required for the early childhood inclusion. Added to this, the children need to have provisions to address the participation and focus on the infrastructure of systems-level supports. To make the children participate, the adult family members or guardians need to feel secured to allow the children to participate. The key stakeholders need to develop collaboration among the different parties (Silver, 2010). These include families, practitioners, and specialists to name a few. Addition of specialized services and therapies could lead to better coordinated fashion. The support systems need to have the appropriate quality standards. Quality framework is the program quality standards and learning guidelines that are used to create or guide inclusive practices. It is important to have comprehension of the laws and guidelines.





查理·帕克是一名中音萨克斯管演奏者和即兴演奏家。即兴创作是爵士乐的支柱,即兴创作是爵士乐能够更快地在全国传播的原因之一。即兴创作比作曲更受爵士乐的重视。帕克早期的大师作品,如“Ko Ko”,以其简单的结构和即兴组合的中音萨克斯管和小号,演奏在8个小节旋律短语。



Music is influenced by society and music also influences society. In as early as the 1880’s melting pot of cultures, New Orleans was awash with a mixture of music in the form of rag time music, brass bands and more. Played in the saloons and dancehalls, a mixed music began to develop in the perennial party atmosphere of New Orleans. Charles Buddy Bolden’s trumpet was acclaimed as the first hot jazz, and later Bill Johnson’s Bass mixed with the dance craze of the 1910s led to the development of new version bands. The Original Dixieland Jass Band was one of the first to record what is now acclaimed as Jazz music. The band also served to introduce music to Chicago. “Dixieland Jazz” introduced the music to all other states in the country. As with developing music genre, Jazz underwent many trends in development and has been influenced by many artists over the years. One such acclaimed artist whose name is forever associated with Jazz is “the Bird” Charlie Parker.

Charlie Parker was an alto saxophone player and an improviser. Improvisations are the backbone of Jazz and improvisation is one of the reasons that the music was able to spread all over the nation in a faster manner. Improvisations are something that Jazz came to recognize more than compositions. Parker’s early master pieces such as “Ko Ko” are acclaimed for its simple structure, and improvised combinations of the alto saxophone and the trumpet, played in eight bar melodic phrases.

Given this background context, the purpose of this work is to critically discuss African American work songs history by specifically selecting the example of Jazz, and more specifically focusing on the works and influence of “the Bird”. In this analysis, there will be discussion of the Ornithology and the role of Charles Parker for this structure. This Ornithology concept is about the contrafact tune. This stems from the compositional device which originates from the blues times and was important during the development of the bop from 1940s. Melodies have underlying harmonic structures which can not be copyrighted. The Jazz musicians fundamentally improvised newer pieces of composition and performed.

The essay makes the argument that ornithology was a significant contribution of Parker to Jazz and its influence can be felt on other musicians in the way it led them to improvise over the years. Although many would hail the contribution of Parker to Jazz music from a pure artistic angle, his contribution did more than to just improve the music. It served as a way for racial upliftment, liberation and assimilation of Black people and their ideologies.




全球化通过加强思想、金钱和文化的国际流动,增加了人与人之间以及国家之间的互动(Jayasuriya, 2002)。全球化对经济、人民、政治关系、文化和体育都产生了影响。由于全球化机制和时间的推移,体育运动越来越受欢迎,并超越了发源地的国界;NBA球队把目光投向了美国以外的地方,招募像姚明这样的运动员,德国的神枪手德克·诺维茨基(Dirk Nowitski)等人也成为了关注的焦点。


澳大利亚和其他先进国家一样,已经开始扩大其城市体育和文化基础设施的规模,以便从城市景观和国际和当地旅游业中获得经济效益和创造就业机会(Pascoe, 2006)。以内墨尔本为例,在20世纪80年代之前,由于面对亚洲和其他大陆新兴产业的竞争,旧制造业逐渐衰落,它面临着停滞和经济危机。相反,悉尼作为门户城市正在上升,而人口向昆士兰漂移(Scibilia和Hutchins, 2011)。因此,全球化带来的好处在体育领域是一个可喜的变化,就业岗位也因此事件被托管,旅游见证了上升运动和新经济政策是承认墨尔本扮演的角色是一个城市文化和体育全球化。

Globalisation resulted in increased interaction among people as well as nations by means of enhanced international flow of ideas, money and culture (Jayasuriya, 2002). Globalisation has had its effect on economy, people, political relations, culture and sports. As a result of globalisation mechanisms and the passage of time, the popularity of sports increased and sports moved beyond borders where they originated in; NBA teams looked beyond the US to recruit athletes like Yao Ming, sharpshooters like Dirk Nowitski from Germany came into the limelight among others.

It is ideally regarded that Australia is united and characterised by sport. The nation is referred to as ‘paradise of sport’ with sporting events such as AFL gaining popularity. As the air time of sports available on television has increased sufficiently, the teams for Australian sports gradually find it difficult to motivate the fans to attend live matches hence creating social obligation on the sporting bodies to use sport for encouraging the fans to be active in leading a healthy and sport inspired lifestyle. Melbourne in the year 2006 hosted a number of international cultural and sporting events such as the Commonwealth Games, Australian Open, formula One Grand Prix among others (Maltese and Veran, 2013). Events such as the Commonwealth Games are an economic strategy which benefits tourism that promoted Melbourne as being an events city. Sydney had been highly successful in hosting the Olympics in the year 2000 using its tradition and cultural infrastructure for mass spectatorship and thus driving the development of the economy. The physical based impacts of such policies are visible mostly in the downtown regions that have undergone notable transformation with the development of arts, cultural and sporting institutions. Ever since the early 1980s, the MCG was totally rebuilt to be a 100,000 seater day and night sporting venue; a 52,000 seater multi – purpose stadium having both indoor and outdoor facilities and other facilities such as the National Tennis Centre, the Sports and Aquatic Centre and so on (Brach, 2012).

Australia like other forward nations have set about to expand its profile of urban sporting and cultural infrastructure in order to reap economic benefits and generate employment opportunities that would result from both urban spectacle and international and local tourism (Pascoe, 2006). Citing the example of inner Melbourne, prior to the 1980s, it was facing stagnation and economic crisis with the fading off of old manufacturing industries as a result of competition faced from new industries in Asia and other continents. Sydney on the contrary was on the rise as the gateway city while the population drifted towards Queensland (Scibilia and Hutchins, 2011). Thus, the benefits that globalisation brought in the realm of sports were a welcome change, jobs were created as a result of events being hosted, tourism witnessed a rise and new economic policies were put to motion that acknowledged the role that Melbourne played as being a cultural and sporting city post globalisation.





要建立一种教学方法,就必须确定情境的背景。总之,研究和培训必须以一种方式培养,使病人能够与护士一起工作,以获得健康。计算能力可以定义为推理和应用数字概念的能力。基本算术技能包括对基本算术的理解(Kelly, 1996)。在这一分析中,识字和计算能力在卫生保健中的重要性已被探讨。


Specifically, the nursing workers do not have comprehension of the local speech patterns by the native speakers. This creates a gap for them to teach the patients about the required lifestyle habits and the ways in which they need to take the specific medications. These have been probed in this analysis. This is an important factor for the regaining of the health or for improvement of quality of life by the patients. These have been detailed in the following. It is an important factor to incorporate health literacy-related content with the nursing education curriculum. This is imperative as the newer nurses will be well equipped to deal with these issues. It is important for the people to incorporate health literacy and the content needs to be mixed with the nursing curriculum and to impact the assessment of the educational session. This is based on the ability of the nursing to master the content and apply it to the clinical setting. Health literacy is the ability to obtain and comprehend about the healthcare information and instructions. These include the activities which are prescribed medications. These involve providing the informed consent for the medical procedures and appropriate tests. These involve the actions as providing the people with prescribed medications. These are involved with the acts of providing informed consent for the medical procedure. These are reading of the food labels to ensure that the patient follows the prescribed diet and addresses the complex healthcare system.

For the creation of a pedagogical approach, it is imperative to define the context of the situation. To summarize, the research and training must be fostered in a manner where the patients are able to work with the nurses to gain their health. Numeracy can be defined as ability to reason and apply the numerical concepts. Basic numeracy skills consist of the comprehension of the fundamental arithmetic (Kelly, 1996). The importance of literacy and numeracy in the health care has been probed in this analysis.

It is important to use the relevant vocational resources that are motivating. The language system of English is found to change based on the nuances of learning about the subject as well as the language. The teachers need to teach the students about the vocational learning resources. This is imperative. The vocational courses need to combine the aspects of learning the jargons of the professions as well as the patient speech. It is one of the most important aspects. The native speakers of the language are taught the subject about the specific requisite to learn English. On other cases, it is important to learn the subject simultaneously. Hence, the nurses need to have an innate understanding of the vocational courses that are offered. The assessment methods are about the learning of the subject from different contextual factors.




根据个人情况,Cheesy Pizza公司会有不同类别的绩效奖励,如薪酬、认可、津贴、福利和赞赏。芝士披萨公司将扩大成就,并在整个公司保持一致。给予员工奖励的主要目标是持续的绩效改进,从而实现公司的增长(Barkhuizen, 2014)。在实施奖励制度时,芝士披萨公司必须首先将员工的参与纳入其中;这不仅会给多元化的想法提供空间,而且还会让员工感到被赋予了这种制度。其次,奖励将与公司的目标相挂钩;对芝士披萨公司的战略目标有直接影响的行为和表现将得到奖励。奖励模糊的无形资产会导致有关偏袒的猜测(Salah, 2016)。第三,一致性和针对性很重要;个人和特定的目标将是奖励的标准,因此即使是低成就者也会因为实现了个人里程碑而获得一些奖励(Gil和Mataveli, 2016)。第四,将有一个单独的行为奖励类别;虽然销售和其他因素非常重要,但某些行为调整也会得到奖励,比如团队合作、守时等(Talley and Frazier, 2016)。第五,芝士披萨公司(Cheesy Pizza Company)在两个国家新开了10家分店,这将会有巨大的人力资源,因此会奖励团队。

一个表现良好的团队需要所有团队成员的投入,因此,当团队表现良好以促进合作时,整个团队都会得到奖励。奖励系统只有在设置得当的情况下才能成功(Kluvers and Tippet, 2014)。芝士披萨公司必须宣布奖励,宣布每个团队的目标,设定理想的基准,并在达到目标时庆祝,并以新的奖励重新开始,以保持员工的热情。他的目标是在组织内整合一个奖励系统,以一种公平、一致和公平的方式奖励员工,与这些个人在组织内的价值相关(Lardner, 2015)。

In accordance with the individual circumstances, Cheesy Pizza Company would have categories of performance rewards such as compensation, recognition, perks and benefits and appreciation. Cheesy Pizza Company would scale the accomplishments and these would be consistent across the company. The primary goal for giving rewards to the employees would be continued performance improvements and thus growth of the company (Barkhuizen, 2014). While implementing the rewards system, Cheesy Pizza Company would have to firstly incorporate employee involvement; this would not only give scope to diversified ideas, but also make the employees feel vested in the system. Secondly, the rewards would be tied to the goals of the company; behaviour and performance that has a direct impact on the strategic goals of Cheesy Pizza Company would be rewarded. Rewarding fuzzy intangibles would result in speculation pertaining to favouritism (Salah, 2016). Thirdly, consistency and being specific is important; individual and specific goals would be the criteria for a reward, thus even low achievers would receive some rewards for achieving a personal milestone (Gil and Mataveli, 2016). Fourthly, there would be a separate category for behavioural rewards; while sales and other factors would be of immense significance, certain behavioural adjustments would be rewarded as well like team collaboration, punctuality and so on (Talley and Frazier, 2016). Fifthly, Cheesy Pizza Company with ten new outlets in two nations would have huge manpower and hence would reward teams.

A team that performs well has inputs of all the team members, and hence, when it performs well in order to foster cooperation, the entire team would be rewarded. A reward system can be successful only when it is set up properly (Kluvers and Tippet, 2014). Cheesy Pizza Company would have to announce the reward, announce the goals for each team, set the desired benchmark, and celebrate when the goal is reached and start over with a new reward to keep up the enthusiasm among employees.he objective of incorporating a reward system within an organisation is to reward the employees in a manner that is equitable, consistent and fair in correlation with the values of such individuals within the organisation (Lardner, 2015).




景观设计师和建筑师马里奥·赫拉达(Mario Herrada)的作品被选为案例研究之一。她的作品展示了现代流线的原则是如何应用于满足社会和环境需求的。流线型现代车的主要特点是有圆润的边缘。边缘像装饰艺术一样时尚,建筑是功能性的。曲线或曲线和水平线通常在这幅作品中突出。


流线型现代和航海现代经常重叠,在流线型现代中包含航海元素是常见的。加入航海风格会使它看起来就像在海边。类似的图案可以在Maria Herrada的流线型现代建筑中看到。使用的面板、开放的窗户、热带花园和薰衣草田等形式都表明了多年生和热带季节,因此是航海方面的。下面是另一个建筑的例子,是现代流线型的航海形式的例子(Dzegede, 2000)。

Mario Herrada, a landscape designer and architect’s work has been selected as one of the case studies. Her work shows how the principles of streamline moderne have been applied in compliance to meeting social, environmental needs. Key characteristics of streamline moderne are to have rounded edges. The edges are stylish like the art deco and the construction is functional. Curves or curving lines and horizontal lines are usually highlighted in this work.

The curved edges are observed in keeping in line with the movement. Horizontal and some vertical representations are also observed. Streamline Moderne was a movement that led to compositions and design including architectural forms and technology, such as the lamps for instance. In this work, one can see how a smart technique has been used for the water fountain and this has been incorporated as part of the design. The work adds to the aesthetics of the place. This is a business cum residential place and it this water fountain will be useful in helping people destress. Therefore, it has a functional role. The technique has been used to create the curved and bevelled edge short walls before the pillars. The entrance to the main building includes multiple curves. Similarly, the roof structure is softened and curves at the ends, as if there is no sharp edge.

Streamline moderne and nautical moderne often overlap, and it is common to include nautical elements in streamline moderne. Inclusion of nautical style will make it appear as if one is near the sea. Similar motifs can be seen in the streamline moderne constructions of Maria Herrada. The form of panels used, open windows, and tropical gardens and lavender fields and more are indicative of perennial and tropical seasons, and hence are nautical aspects. The below is an example of another architecture and is an example of the nautical form of streamlining moderne (Dzegede, 2000).
