标签存档: 美国论文代写





My research topic is ‘Chinese students’ perception about English and their attitude towards English language as a Global language in China”. This project explains the importance of learning and speaking English language in China. English language has been selected as a global language and people understand this language all over the world. Looking into this aspect it is important that English language should be widely recognized in mainland China. After looking at the current situation of China it can be stated that learning and speaking English is not enough. It is important that communicating in English becomes the final destiny for learning English. Chinese government has worked on various programs that can help the students to learn this language. Initiatives taken by the government are not enough private schools in the country need to take appropriate steps towards this issue. The improvements are conducted for the citizens of the country and initiatives are taken for the education system. In China English language has been used as a foreign language for decades. The initiatives taken by the government of China for education system can be evaluated from the development of various policies. Among such policies making English language a compulsory subject from Grade 3 in primary school since 2001 was a major step ahead. Chinese students spent 16 years to get bachelor’ degree that means before get in the working society, students have to learn English language for 13 years. However from the point of view of Chinese students, not all of them agree to make English as an international (global) language in China. The main interest for selecting this topic is to look in the attitudes and perceptions of Chinese students toward English and what are the factors that lead them to hold that attitude.



凭借他们在各种形式上的出色的活力,不管怎样,非洲裔美国人都想扩大他们的可能性。来自密西西比州Clarksdale黑社会的一些非洲人搬到了芝加哥,希望得到一些有益的机会。随着棉纺技术的快速发展,强大的农业劳动力和劳动力队伍成为流入城市的开销。美国开始准备参加成为自由国家的战争,工业单位这样做需要大量的劳动力来建设防卫设备。这个目的是得到非洲裔美国人的支持。非洲裔美国人的影响也达到了家庭结构,因为与那些定居在核心家庭的欧洲人和远东移民相比,他们因经济条件差而住在贫民窟(Sluby,2004)。政治观察,由林登·约翰逊(Lyndon Johnson)领导的联邦政府发起了“贫穷战争”(War on Poverty),“工作兵团”这场运动的一部分是出于政治动机,目标是在20世纪60年代之后赢得选票份额,因为这确保了公民权利随后登记​​每一个黑人选民。民主党和共和党人意识到了黑人选民的力量,并且考虑到这一点,他们提出了几个最大化黑人选票的方案。这从一个经济的角度来看待美国黑人运动和移民,了解利用社会的美国政治的根本原则。



With their vigor of excelling in every form the can and going to nay extent African Americans wanted to extent their possibilities. Some Africans from black quarters of Clarksdale, Mississippi moved to Chicago expecting some rewarding opportunities. With cotton spinning technologies rapidly expanding, a strong agricultural and industrial labor workforce became an overhead which made them to move to cities. The US started preparing for their participation in the war of becoming a free country, and in doing so, industrial units demanded a large supply of workforce to construct defense equipment. This purpose was served with the support of African American labors. The African American influence reached the family structure as well, because they settled in ghettos due to low economic condition as compared to the Europeans and the Far East migrators who settled in nuclear families (Sluby, 2004). Politically observed, the federal government led by Lyndon Johnson initiated schemes like War on Poverty, Job Corps and deployed millions of dollars into new welfare programs. Part of this movement was politically motivated and targeting to win back the vote share after the 1960s where it was sure that the Civil Rights ensued the registration of every black voter. The Democrats and Republicans realized the power of black voters and with this in mind introduced several schemes to maximize the votes from the blacks. This gives a glimpse into the African American movement and migration from an economic perspective and understand the underlying principle of American politics which made use of the community.

The quality of their past life in terms of education, social structure, social values, and ability to learn was a major influence on the way they adopted quickly to the new regions of America and influenced the culture by making it more collaborative and displayed a desire to belong to the Americans.





The main function performed is to get things done by the group of employees. Motivation is referred to as the process of psychology that provides direction and purpose of behaviour that is a pre- disposition for behaving in a purposive way for the achievement of unmet and specific needs (Kinicki and Kreitner, 2005). This acts as an internal factor for satisfying an unsatisfied need or requirement, and the will for achieving it.
Business organizations are present for the achievement of corporate objectives and employees that work within the organization aiding for the achievement of those objectives in order to work towards their individual targets and goals (Hall and Taylor, 2004). In an ideal business environment, if each and every single individual will be putting in his or her best efforts while performing, then the goals of the organization will be met in a significant manner. However, as per the psychology of humans, they tend to not work putting in their best efforts due to certain reasons.
In the current world of business, with rapid changes taking place all the time, it has been becoming extremely important for the managers to be motivating their staff members and helping their staff to optimize their performance in a significant manner. It has been identified that employees who are highly motivated tend to be more productive and creative within the setting of the work place (Kinicki and Kreitner, 2005). However, it is also important to note that motivation of humans is a difficult task. This has to be done in a number of different ways and in accordance with the individual needs and preferences of different employees.



1854年,一份名为“Ostend宣言”的文件写道,美国从西班牙购买古巴的意图,甚至在西班牙拒绝的情况下宣布了一场战争。然而,美国对古巴在软弱的西班牙手中感到满意,而不是去一些更强大的国家,比如英国或法国。美国甚至准备使用军事力量以国家安全的名义占领古巴(图尔钦& j . s .),1988)。

结束后美国内战(1861 – 1865),为了保持与拉丁美洲的商业环境,会议被称为1889年,目标是组装的拉美国家的领导下美国和拉丁美洲的打开了市场对美国的交易员。后来,美国干涉了古巴和西班牙之间的冲突,以获得古巴,这导致了1898年美西战争。1902年,美国军队在1901年通过普拉特修正案后离开了古巴。根据这一点,美国被允许干涉古巴发生的事情,以保持古巴和古巴的独立,不会将其土地转让给除美国以外的任何其他国家。在1904年,罗斯福总统为美国辩护作为美国“国际警察力量”的职责,对其他国家的事务进行干预,并对发生的任何事情进行检查。1900 – 45,经过一段时间的经济扩张的美国在中美洲的进出口的咖啡,糖,香蕉等。1930 – 1940年期间,睦邻政策是通过美国罗斯福总统的政府下向拉丁美洲,和美国同意不干涉别国内政的古巴。

In 1854, a document called Ostend Manifesto was written, which described the intentions of the United States to purchase Cuba from Spain, and even declare a war if Spain refused. However, U.S. was satisfied with Cuba being in the hands of the weak Spain, instead of going to some stronger nations like Britain or France. U.S. was even ready to use military forces in order to seize Cuba, in the name of national security (Tulchin & J.S., 1988).
After the end of the US Civil War (1861-1865), in order to maintain the business environment with the Latin America, a meeting was called in 1889, with the aim of assembling the Latin American nations under the leadership of the United States and opens the markets of Latin America to U.S. traders. Later, U.S. interfered in a conflict between Cuba and Spain, in order to acquire Cuba, which lead to the Spanish-American War in 1898. Later in 1902, the U.S. army left Cuba after the Platt Amendment was passed in 1901. According to this, U.S. was allowed to interfere in the happening in Cuba , in order to preserve the independence of Cuba and Cuba would not transfer its land to any other country other than the United States. In 1904, President Roosevelt justified the U.S.’s intervention in other state’ affairs as the responsibility of US to act as “international police power” and keep a check on anything wrong happening. The period of 1900-45, was a period of economic expansion of the United States in the Central America in terms of import and export of coffee, sugar, bananas etc. During the period of 1930-1940, the good neighbor policy was adopted by U.S. under the administration of President Roosevelt towards Latin America, and U.S. agreed not to interfere in the internal affairs of Cuba.




在本文中进行了研究并在原始数据的帮助下进行了结果解释。在这项研究中,纵向数据是由MBA学生收集的。横向数据选自政府机构雇员,公共会计师事务所和非营利组织。收集这些数据后,结果得到了解释,有人建议组织的个人与文化之间的关系是可以解释的。作者解释说,组织的个人喜好和文化维度存在于现实世界中,对个人的工作满意度有很大的影响。分析认为,组织内部适合人员在组织环境中工作,员工在工作一年后应该满足工作满意度和承诺。学生表示有兴趣在创新和开放系统的组织中工作(Reilly,et al。2001,p。510)。另一方面,政府机构的流动率很高,因为这些机构的员工对工作不满意。这可以被看作是关于个人行为和组织文化背景有直接关系的有力证据。




In this article research was conducted and with the help of primary data results were interpreted. In this research longitudinal data was collected by the students of MBA. Cross sectional data was selected from the government agency employees, public accounting firms and nonprofit organizations. After collecting this data results were interpreted and it was suggested that relationship between the individuals and culture of the organization is interpretable. Authors explained that dimensions of individual preferences and culture of the organizations exist in real world and they have a strong impact on the job satisfaction of individuals. It was analyzed that person fit in the organization was present in the organizational settings and employees should job satisfaction and commitment after one year of working in the organizations. Students showed interest in working in the organizations that had innovative and open systems (Reilly, et al. 2001, p. 510). On the other hand turnover rate in governmental organizations was high because, employees in those organizations were not satisfied with their jobs. This can be taken as strong evidence about the behavior of the individuals and settings of the organizational culture have a direct relationship.

Positive setting in organizational behavior context

Positive approach is needed for bringing stability in the behavior of the individuals in the organization. This was learned in the lectures of organizational behavior class. If culture of the organization is supportive and they are giving stress free environment to the individuals than motivation of the employees will be increased (Luthans, 2002). This article was written in 2001 but now situations have changed and the field of organizational behavior needs a proactive approach that is positive. This approach will help in resolving the work life balance issues. Strengths of the employees need to be identified and on the basis of these strengths new strategies will be developed.




一个组织确立了一些管理者缺乏有效识别和选择能够管理变革的项目团队的技能和能力。他们所缺乏的具体技能导致管理者做出糟糕的决定,所选择的团队无法完成分配的工作 – 分配的工作是变更管理。








2.2. Specific issue being analysed

An organization established that some of its managers lack skills and abilities for effective identification and selection of project team that could manage change. The specific skills they lacked lead the managers to make poor decisions, so the selected team could not complete allocated work-the allocated work was change management.

2.3. Report Purpose

The purpose of the report is to help the managers in developing their managerial skills and abilities for selecting appropriate employees and teams for change management. Different options for developing and promoting sound team design and selection processes are advised.


3.1. Recruitment and Selection Processes

The recruitment and section process involved for forming the change management team is the key issue identified here. For the recruitment and selection process to be successful the primary factors involved in the change management have to be identified. The factors for change management can be called the change agent.

Change Agent: In a change management context, the person or the group that is assuming charge for leading and managing change is the change agent (Lindegaard, 2011). While the change agent can be anybody, from the managers involved to the particular teams, the manager is the primary change agent being in the top of the hierarchy. Most managers for innovative companies are usually trained to manage change (Tschirky, 2011). Some organization might also use external consultant to manage change, but given the nature of the educational industry, managers that are trained to handle change would be able to handle any issues related to the change later. So a consultancy approach would not be preferred.







  • 分析购买时装消费者行为的概念和不同的购买模式和行为。
  • 分析中国时尚产业的现状,以及消费者对时尚潮流的需求。
  • 分析影响消费者购买行为的因素,特别是在中国服装设计行业。
  • 评估在整个行业中针对中国消费者的策略。


The title of this research indicates that it is concerned with analysing the buying industry as prevalent in respect to Chinese markets. The analysis has been specific to designer stores whereby the researcher focuses on assessing the buyer’s behaviour while they make purchases of fashion designing products from the retailers. An analysis of Chinese fashion industry indicates that it has been growing rapidly and with the rising level of percapita income of people across the country; there has been rising level of demands within the Chinese consumers regarding fashion clothing across the country (Oliver, 2015). An analysis indicates that there have been deep social, economic and cultural changes that have been witnessed within Chinese consumers in the past decade. This allows for significant scope and opportunity to analyse the buying behaviour of consumers across the industry. This research therefore seeks to analyse in detail about the buying behaviour of Chinese consumers especially in respect to Chinese designer stores (Team, 2014).

Aims and Objectives of the Research

The main aim of this research has therefore been to analyse the buying industry of China with specific emphasis on the designer stores operating across the country. The research focuses on buying pattern and behaviour within Chinese consumers with regard to designer’s products such as fashionable wears across the country. In accomplishing this main aim of the research, there is certain important research objectives considered essential and these are indicated as follows:

  • To analyse the concept of consumer behaviour and different buying patterns and behaviour as reflected by them while purchasing fashionable wear.
  • To analyse the current performance of the fashionable industry in China and the consumer’s demand for fashionable wears across the country.
  • To analyse factors that impact the buying behaviour of consumers especially in fashion designing industry in China.
  • To make an assessment of the strategies that could be utilised in targeting Chinese consumers across the industry.


美国塔尔萨大学论文代写: 网络平台评估

美国塔尔萨大学论文代写: 网络平台评估

由于评估是确定计划成功的重要途径,因此将采用多种方法评估沟通计划。为了衡量沟通计划的成功和进展,评估和渐进评估将根据以下各项目标进行。首先,为了评估公司是否实现了成为多服务的目标媒体公司在澳大利亚市场的中文语言片段中占有很大的份额,将会进行逐步的评估。这将通过衡量公司在可以建立的媒体平台数量的基础上的渗透率并利用社交媒体和其他在线媒体渗透。它的多重服务方面将根据受访者的多样性进行评估(Robbins et al。2011)。为了建立效率,通过社会平台的不断反弹将被利用。
此外,评估公司是否正在响应受众的需求,将使用网络推广员(Net Promoter Score,NPS)工具来调查和评估这是否正在进行。为了确保结果的独立性和准确性,将签订一个独立的组织。在这种情况下的目标将是有55%及以上的NPS分数。

美国塔尔萨大学论文代写: 网络平台评估

Since an evaluation is a vital way of determining the success o a plan, a number o approaches will be used to evaluate the communication plan. In order to gauge the success and progress of the communication plan, assessment and progressive evaluations will be done on the basis of the various objectives as follows.To begin with, in order to assess whether the company is achieving its objective of becoming a multi servicing media firm with a high presence in the Chinese language segment of the market in Australia, progressive evaluation will be done.This will be done by gauging the penetration of the companyon the basis of the number of media platforms which it will be able to set up and penetrate using social media and other online media outlets. The multi servicing aspect of it will be evaluated on the basis of the diversity of the respondents (Robbins et al. 2011). In order to establish theefficiency, constant eedback through the social platormswill be utilized.
Secondly, the use of online medium to communicate with audiences will be evaluated on the basis of the number of interactions via Weibo and Wechat that are done in Chinese in the comparison to any other language. This is because, this plan targets the Chinese community and promoting the online medium to communicate with itstarget audience implies the use of the language that is common and familiar to them.
In addition, evaluation on whether the company is responding to the demand of its audience, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) tool will be used to survey and assess whether this is being done. An independent organization will be contracted in order to ensure the independence and the veracity of the results. The objective in this case will be to have an NPSscore of 55 percent and above.





There are a variety of standard contracts, which are released by publishers, but also by the associations of trade officials and entrepreneurs for the drafting of commercial contracts. All these standard contracts are mean that they cannot take account of the special features of cooperation in individual cases. It should be noted that contract is developed to protect the interest of the both side partied to ensure the happy and trustable business environment.
It is important in the design of a commercial contract adherence with the legal authorities is inevitable. In other words, it should also be noted that a commercial contract should be the replica of predefined governmental laws without any type of conflict with the legal authorities, Hence, it is highly advisable to have proper written contract prior to join any organization to do the job either part time or full time (esquaredlawgroup, 2014). Australia is still now the dream place for lots of people not only inside the Australia but also outside. Each state has its own adaptation of workers’ compensation laws and state laws regulating the responsibility of the employer to the employee. State law also specifies the types of injuries and diseases of the shares and the type of award the victim can be expected to have. The federal law applies only to federal employees or persons engaged in interstate commerce. Accident Compensation covers things such as work-related illness, falls and other accidents in the workplace, but also includes damage to company employees outside of work in certain circumstances. For example, if the employee were required to transport supplies such as job function, injuries suffered in the creation of the offer would probably be covered under workers compensation.






The event “Meet New Students BBQ” is going to be focused by the esteemed bodies of Student Scholar Association and Canadian professionals Association in China and the event are going to be a program for communication with the students. In this part, the event can be marketed and promoted through conventional and digital media both. The event is going to be published and printed in flyers and posters and those are going to be distributed within the colleges and institutions for promotion. There will be pamphlets and leaflets been printed also and those will be circulated within the adjacent society, railway, and bus stations. The brochures will also be distributed within the public places like malls and other institutions. The event can be promoted within the news event and news bulletin and the news can be circulated within the television and radio channels in the locality. The news about the event and the program will be printed and published in the local news papers and two science and general magazines within the society just before the event. There will be a time period like one before the event which will be used for the printing options.

Apart from the conventional media, there can be promotional steps been integrated and positioned within the digital era. There will be emails and social media been used for this communication plan and the social media like face book, Twitter, Instagram, etc. will be used to communicate with other people.