标签存档: 美国论文代写



学术写作尽可能地避开中国企业实现人际关系的本质。无论如何,对于一些西方公司来说,监督中国人际关系的决定可能会让人困惑,频频地提出裙带关系,误导和污蔑的观点(Pye 1992; Blackman 2000)。然而,这种缺乏理解力并不是考验力的一个能力,因为在过去十年中,中国商业关系领域的探索一直在扩大。不管怎么说,那些考虑到对中国商业环境的信任的迟来的研究,从决定性的角度来看还有很长的路要走,强调还有很多要学习的地方,特别是在多方面的业务联系上。
例如Leung et al。 (2005年)努力检查在中国发展的业务关系范围之间的交易,包括以研究为特征的关系,关系和/或关系,以及个人信任(xinyong);一些方法论的问题给他们的发现造成了阴影。尽管人们有信心地加强与中国企业的业务关系的人际信任的基本理由,但是对于用于量化信任的事物进行更为仔细的评估似乎与所有构造的特征(即集中于业务)无关信任而不是个人信任)。此外,甚至对使用大多数中文字参考文献作为信誉值得称赞的xinyong这个表达方式进行了基本的查询。尽管创造者报道了他们的信任度与关系之间的实际和实际值得关注的事实,但是他们的估计模型的问题忽视了承诺,并加强了更好地表征中国人的信念。


The academic writing as often as possible evades the essentialness of solid interpersonal connections for accomplishment in Chinese business. In any case, for some Western firms the decides that oversee Chinese interpersonal connections may appear confused, frequently prompting view of nepotism, misdirection and defilement (Pye 1992; Blackman 2000). Yet this absence of comprehension is not a capacity of examination exertion, as exploration in the territory of Chinese business connections has consistently expanded over the previous decade. Be that as it may, late studies that have considered the idea of trust in the Chinese business setting are a long way from decisive, highlighting that there is still much to be learnt, especially concerning multifaceted business connections.
Case in point, while Leung et al. (2005) endeavor to inspect the transaction between a scope of business relationship develops in China, including guanxi, characterized in our study as associations and/or connections, and individual trust (xinyong); some methodological issues cast a shadow over their discoveries. Notwithstanding giving a decent justification to the essentialness of interpersonal trust in reinforcing business relations with Chinese firms, a closer assessment of the things used to quantify trust seem, by all accounts, to be disconnected to how they characterize the build (i.e., concentrate on business trust as opposed to individual trust). Further, there are even fundamental inquiries in regards to their utilization of the expression xinyong, which most Chinese word references characterize as credit-commendable. In spite of the fact that the creators reported a solid and factually noteworthy relationship between their measure of trust and guanxi, the issues with their estimation model cutoff the commitment, and strengthen the need to better characterize confide in the Chinese connection.



在一篇名为《明天的电话》的特写文章中,哈罗德·s·奥斯本(Harold s . Osborne)预测,在未来的一段时间里,每一个新生婴儿都会得到一个电话号码,而电话号码将是他一生的时间。


Thus, mobile phones have produced a pervasive impact on human lives which can be classified into both positive and negative aspects. From interpersonal communication to providing infrastructure for businesses and from managing your work to launching a huge campaign, mobile phone has become essential for human beings. However, its impact and usage don’t end here. With the ongoing Research and Development in the field of mobile technology, it would be not useless to say that countless striking revolutions in this field are in the making; which are likely to make human lives more automatic, paperless and fast.
In a featured article titled “Telephone of Tomorrow”, published in Mechanic’s free press, Harold S. Osborne predicts that a time will come when every newborn baby will be given a telephone number which will remain his for the entire lifetime.
Many scientists and researchers predict that while today mobile phones are used to schedule your work and manage your schedules, in the coming times, such intelligent apps will be developed which will provide your day-to-day data to the marketing companies, who on the basis of such information will offer tailored products and services.
Various apps will be created by different organizations and institutions such as the app created by various hospitals will enable one to browse through the list of doctors, take online health advices, book their appointments, get a tailored diet chart etc.
Mobile phones are also expected to use the concept of augmented reality which would enable users to use their mobile cameras to point at some place and identify the important aspects of such areas such as nearest cafes, clinics, police stations etc.
Some researchers also expect mobile phones to serve as important medical devices such as stethoscopes, thermometer or even blood pressure meter. iWander is a medical app which can be used by the people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. This app tracks the location of the patient and informs his family members if the patient moves away from their house.









简洁明了: Hi, my name is _______,nice to meet you. (你好,我是xxx,很高兴认识你)。

礼貌婉转:Do you mind if I join youguys? (介不介意我加入你们啊?)

抛砖引玉:I like your dress. It looks very nice on you! (我好喜欢你的裙子,看上去好赞。) 从夸奖对方的衣物或饰品开始,以此展开话题。






正如前面所提到的,当你和所在的圈子聊得差不多了,想要离开去认识新朋友的时候,你该如何礼貌性的离开呢。一般我会这么说:“Excuse me,I am going to get another drink. ”(对不起,我要重新去拿杯饮料)。然后就顺其自然的去其他组。或者也可以说,I just saw someone I know. I am going to say hi to him. ( 我看到个熟人,我想过去打个招呼)。只要你不是很鲁莽的打断别人的谈话,美国人心里都知道这是个借口,因为他们平时也这么用,所以不用担心这么说会显得不礼貌。当然,在离开小组之前,可以礼貌性地问大家要一下名片,也许将来会用得上。


在聚会上与陌生人交谈,是一门学问也是一门艺术。 中国学生一定要勇敢地踏出第一步,不要过不了自己语言那一关,只要勤加练习,你也可以成为聚会上那个口吐莲花的社交达人。


1900的合作形式为农场主和农民提供了有限的反垄断豁免,以便他们可以联合起来,合作营销以获取未来的利益。提供的另一项特权是合作贷款,从而加强合作运动。The concept of personhood is significant as the same help in protection of the rights and institutionalization of human beings. 它也加强了宪法的前提。它认为,企业没有人,包括那些特权授予或允许他们通过法律规定(卡罗尔& Buchholtz,2006)。通过允许法人对公司的地位,《宪法》和其他法律条款为公司利益提供了与人类类似的利益。

Extended family can be defined as a family which consists of cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents all living in the same household or nearby. The extended family has been a part of SA culture from a long time. The SA communities are traditionally extended, however economic underdevelopment, political factors, housing problems, and urbanization, and poverty highly impacted the urban families lead to nuclear families (Andersen & Taylor, 2007). The SA culture is incorporated with extended family largely mainly because of their belief in staying united. These people within extended family considered the concept of extended family more stable than the nuclear families.
There is a huge difference in between the extended family and the US version of SA, as US version of SA is about nuclear families, where the son after marrying or having a stable job leaves the house of parents and lives independently. With time there has been considerable decrease in the extended family system mainly because of the decrease in support resources. Decline in the traditional values, customs, and institutions, rising divorce rates, urbanization, poor housing, and poverty are some other reasons which lead the SA towards US culture and decline of extended families.
Cooperation Form
The cooperation form in 1900 was provided with limited antitrust immunity for ranchers and farmers so that they can join together and cooperate marketing for future benefits. Another privilege provided was cooperative loans which lead to the strengthening of cooperative movement. The concept of personhood is significant as the same help in protection of the rights and institutionalization of human beings. It also strengthens the premise of Constitution. It perceives that corporations are not persons and are inclusive of only those privileges which are granted or permitted to them by legal provisions (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2006). Through permitting the status of legal persons to the corporations, the Constitution and other legal provisions serve corporate interests similar to that of humans.



在媒体驱动的运动世界的罗斯认为,使用基于图标的符号和名人照片带来了血汗工厂的问题在个人身份政治领域(罗斯,1997)。购买衣服开始成为一种行为,定义了一个客户在经济与全球相互依存但这种努力将顾客的选择只可能发生在铺设通过文献研究,已透过媒体基础。因此,它成为重要的学习反“血汗工厂”活动人士的新理由可以突破注意示范与发展中经济体的散乱性劳动力的方式(罗斯,2009)。这是一种有效的方法,对那些不承担全部改变分散生产责任的知名组织进行加压。优先反血汗工厂人士因此罗斯应该借助公众让他们获得的权利和立法,为他们谋福利的一个清晰的观点。从反消费主义的人因此他们应该学习,多曝光机会可以获得相同的品牌,为了体现的劳动力,在这个全球化的世界存在的消费主义之间的关系的方法。另一个例子可以引用Naomi Klein的纪录片-没有标识:品牌,全球化和阻力。在纪录片导演描绘的标志是突出在这世界品牌的所有地方(小et al,2008)。然而,世界上最知名的品牌往往通过新教徒或积极分子成为反企业运动的目标。克莱因进一步指出,全球化是其中的方法组织发现利润不是由开发更多的产品获得了(外包给发展中国家以低工资的工人)但利润在于人,帮助客户采取不同的生活方式,同一品牌的创建。


In the world of media driven campaigns according to Ross, use of icon based symbols and photographs of celebrities has brought the issue of sweatshop within the personal identity political realm (Ross, 1997). To purchase clothes started to become an act that defines a customer in an economy with global interdependence but such an effort politicizing the choices of customers could happen only after laying groundwork through documents and researches that have been filtered through media. Therefore, it becomes important to learn from anti-sweatshop activists the way in which new grounds can be broken through attentive demonstration and linking with labor forces of unorganized nature in the developing economies (Ross, 2009). This is an efficient manner for pressurizing high profile organizations who do not take the whole change dispersal production responsibilities. The priority of anti-sweatshop activists therefore for Ross should be on drawing support from the public by letting them attain a clear view on the rights and legislations that work for their welfare. From the anti-consumerists therefore they should learn the way in which opportunities for multiple exposures can be gained on same brands in order to exemplify the relationships between labor forces and the consumerism existing in this globalized world. Another example can be quoted here of a documentary by Naomi Klein- No Logo: Brands, Globalization and Resistance. In the documentary the director depicts logos to be prominent at all places in this world of brands (Littler et al, 2008). However the best known brands of the world often become anti-corporate campaigns targets through Protestants or through activists. Klein has further argued that globalization is the method wherein organizations discovered that profit is gained not by developing more products (outsourced to workers taking low wages in developing nations) but the profit lies in creation of an identical brand for people that helps the customer to adopt different lifestyle.



Joyce S认为,全球化是一种相互依存的关系,是来自不同国家、全世界的人之间的关系。然而,这一术语可能指的是世界经济一体化,贸易、资本、技术和人员流动障碍的减少。许多企业家认为,全球化利益的公司很大程度上是通过证明他们具有显著的机会,提供更好的质量和更低的价格(barkema et al.,2006)。换句话说,国际业务由两个或多个国家之间的商业交易(Ramaswami说,2012)。同时,企业专注于获取最大利润,但政府的业务并没有受到利润的驱使。


According to Joyce S, globalization is in – boarding set of interdependent relationship, among people from different nations, all across the world. However, the concerned term might refer to the integration of world economics, decrease in the barriers of movement of trade, capital, technology, and people. Many of the entrepreneurs believe that globalization benefits the companies to a large extent through proving them with significant opportunities to offer better quality and lower price (Barkema et al., 2006). In other words, international business consists of all commercial transactions between two or more countries (Ramaswami, 2012). Simultaneously, the businesses are focused on making maximal profits, however the government business are not motivated by profits.
Product cycle theory and division of labor theories illustrate that several companies locate their manufacturing functions overseas, especially within developing counties, to minimize the production costs and to offset the loss of technology advantages in home countries as products mature (Reuber and Fisher, 2013). This is highly advantageous for the companies, in the context of standardized products on an international scale, a huge worldwide labor pool, modern transportation and communication technology, and fragmentation of production (Robert, 2007). Many of the studies are found focused on the technology from headquarters to subsidiaries in other countries. However, there are still a few researches associated with the emergence of R&D overseas (Sara and Newhouse, 2005). With time, more and more studies showed that multi – national business are establishing R&D overseas significantly to attain a competitive advantage, especially those large firms that are based in smaller developed counties, for example Switzerland and Netherlands (Root, 2014). These researches concentrate on investigation of centripetal and centrifugal and examine the reasons of establishing R&D overseas (Young et al., 2009). In mid-1990s, “many dimensions and missions of expatriates R&D were highlighted, and issues of the management and coordination within a global network became more important”.





There are various services provided by the Uber organization which can’t be copied very easily and perfectly. One example of this service is the ice cream facility to the user. Uber transportation provides the credit system to the customers. These credits can be used for various types of benefits by the users.
Uber organization is famous for providing the black coloured luxury cars to the customers which is very tough to implement in the market as it involves lot of cost. The other facility is maintaining the timeliness. Uber transportation is famous for its punctuality. It provides the taxi within couple of minutes (Seattled central, 2014). These services and facilities are very tough to substitute.
Thus, above factors help the organization in staying ahead in this competitive market.
Business Strategy of Uber Transport
The business strategy of Uber transport can be understood by the tagline of the Uber organization, which is, cheaper, better and faster. Thus, the organization believes in providing its services at the cheaper prices than in the market, users can get the rides within just a couple of minutes, highly maintained luxury cars which attract the people and is always punctual. Uber transportation changes its model and services every year by considering the market situation. These changes may be high or low.
Uber business model is based on the low inventory, high margin and high transaction. Low inventory means the Uber business always tries to use the low inventory in any type of work. High transaction actually means if the number of customers will be more the number of transactions also will be more. Uber always tries to make its services more reliable, efficient and effective. Uber always tries to find new offers which can attract more customers (Owyang, 2014).
Thus, the above business strategy has been used by the Uber transport to grow in this competitive market.





How technology reshapes traditional bureaucracy
Technology has the capacity to bust through functional slides, reduce the response time dramatically and simplify byzantine processes. According to Hammer and Chumpy (1993), the operating processes that the organizations used to produce, source and distribute their services and products need a comprehensive retooling. This resulted in businesses around the world spending hundreds of millions in streamlining and integrating their supply chains. Today’s organizations pay a fortune to vendors like ORACLE, and SAP, for the enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management. What might have looked like a one-time project years back has today become a never-ending process. And it doesn’t come cheap either. In 2013, a leading IT consultancy, Gartner estimated that companies around the world spent up to nearly three hundred billion dollars for enterprise software.
In the recent years, the greatest stories about management have not been about the success of the company itself, but successes over the companies. The best managers have been those who tended to think out of the box, bypassed corporate hierarchies, attacked the existing work cultures, and undermined corporate structures. For example, to reach an audience base of fifty million, radio took thirty eight years, and television took thirteen years but the internet took only four years, the apple iPhone took only three years and Facebook just over a year. This whirlwind change has effected even the best managed bureaucratic organizations. In this changing scenario, it is imperative that managements go along with market trend, study customer reaction and allocate capital for the innovations.
The advent of the Internet
The Internet led to the foundation of a new industrial order. It empowered customers; dramatically decreased the cost of entry, reduced industrial boundaries, blurred margins, eliminated middlemen and the very idea of mass market was challenged.





The company’s website is engaging and attractive, yet simple. It offers all information on the homepage of the bank’s website. It has the sections simple visible and subsections link in them clearly visible and clickable. The brand is a more reserved looking brand with strong ethics and enterprise culture. The website is designed in a similar manner. The selection of colour, the divisions, the ease of navigation on the website, ease of finding information, the leadership available, the current news and history of the bank is written in a meticulous manner. The bank is very transparent in its results and that is why the annual report is clearly downloadable on the homepage itself. This gives an indication of the firm’s crystal clear identity of being a global bank with utmost transparency. The choice of colour and the design of divisions’ placement for search has made the bank look more like a simple bank but with high knowledge capital. Because it is a transparent bank and loves to operate in such a way, the website design has also helped it to gain a similar image in countries where it has entered and where it will enter soon. The graduate programme information is available on the website and this shows the banks employee policy and non-discriminated recruitment. The programme information has given an image of being a guide to students who are looking to join the corporate culture and has also given credit to the bank for being a preferred employer. The reports of citizenship charts and how the company helps in containing carbon emission through its optimum operation strategies, displaying results of the number and type of employees, and its involvement in enhancing customer experience helps in building an image which is seen as non-discriminative, employer friendly, adherer to its policies and government policies of hiring and recruitment, and doing as much as it can to reduce its direct effect on the environment.



网上零售是一个动态的过程,零售商交换产品、服务和买家通过互联网的价值(2010基利奇和山诺,)。零售商利用电子商务作为一种方式来接触消费者,并产生需求,以及销售的结果。电子商务带来的每个交易者的潜在客户基数增加,更广泛的市场覆盖率,降低成本,分散风险,灵活性,客户忠诚度,以及提高形象和品牌复兴”(Heinemann和Schwarzl,2010,p. 215)。从消费者的角度来看,基于商店的商店节省时间,价格比较和更多的品种。根据库什曼和Wakefield的研究出版的一份报告(2013)、在线业务正变得越来越受欢迎。全球e-commercesales一直生长在平均超过18%年过去三年。它在2013年间达到1兆2510亿美元,比2012的1兆580亿美元增加了17.5%。这将继续增长,到今年年底达到1兆5050亿美元,根据eMarketer的估计(2014)。另一方面,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的数据显示,在十名英国成年人中,有六人使用互联网购买食品、服装、音乐或假日等产品。许多研究也表明,网上购物的消费者和数字商务的持续增长,越来越多的人所接受,(DeLone和Mclean,2004;N et al.,1998;HäUBL和Trifts的工作,2000;蒂鲁马来宫和制版,2001)。
最近的网上零售业的研究主要集中在基于Web的商店氛围为了识别网络零售商的成功或失败背后的因素,这可能随后提高购买率。商店大气”首先是由科特勒提出的(1973),它是指在商店环境thatstimulate特定情感的设计因素中,影响消费者购买决策。这些因素可以分为四个维度:外部因素,一般的内部元素,布局和设计元素,以及购买点和装饰元素(伯曼等,1995)。例如,比特纳(1992)专门列出主要内部因素在他的文章1992。这些包括灯光、音乐、气味、色彩、油漆和墙纸、温度、清洁、地毯等(比特纳,1992)。图1提供了基于以前的文献,分为每个类别的设计因素概述(史米斯和克诺,1966;kotzan和埃文森,1969;骑士,1975;Curhan,1973;德1982;巴瓦et al.,1989;1989;yalch Iyer,施潘根贝格,1990;沙克利,1992;格罗斯巴特et al.,1990;甲苯和基姆,1994;Chebat et al.,1993;克劳利,1993;平托和Leonidas,1994)。


Online retailing is a dynamic process which retailers exchange products, services and values with buyers though the internet (Kilic and Senol, 2010). Retailers utilise e-commerce as a way to reach consumers and generate demands as well as sales volume as a result. Electronic business brings each trader ‘an increased base of potential customers, wider market coverage, cost-effectiveness, a diffusion of risks, flexibility, customer loyalty, as well as improved image and brand revitalisation’ (Heinemann and Schwarzl, 2010, p. 215). From consumer’s perspective, wed-based store takes advantage of time saving, price comparison and more variety. According to a report from Cushman and Wakefield Research Publication (2013), online business is now becoming more and more popular. Global e-commercesales has been growing at an average of over 18% year-on-year over the last three years. It reached $1251 billion in 2013, which increased a 17.5% from $1058 billion in 2012. This would continue to grow and reach $1505 billion by the end of this year, based on eMarketer’s estimations (2014). On the other hand, Figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) show that six out of ten British adults use the internet to buy products such as food, clothing, music or holidays. Many studies also suggest the increasing acceptance of e-shopping by consumers and the sustained growth of digital commerce (Delone and Mclean, 2004; Tapscott et al., 1998; Häubl and Trifts,2000; Thirumalai and Sinha, 2001).

Recent studies of online retailing have focused on the wed-based store atmospherics in order to identify the factors behind e-retailer’s success or failure, which may subsequently enhance purchase probability. ‘Store atmospheric’ was first proposed by Kotler (1973), which refers to the design factors in store environments thatstimulate specific emotion among consumers that affecttheir buying decision. These factors can be categorised into four dimension: the external elements, the general interior elements, the layout and design elements, and the point-of-purchase and decoration elements (Berman et al., 1995). For example, Bitner (1992) specifically listed the main general interior factors in his article in 1992. These include lighting, music, scents, colour schemes, paint and wall paper, temperature, cleanliness and carpeting etc. (Bitner, 1992). Figure 1 provides an overview of the design factors that classified into each category based on previous literatures (Smith and Curnow, 1966; Kotzan and Evanson, 1969; Chevalier, 1975; Curhan, 1973; Milliman, 1982; Bawa et al., 1989; Iyer, 1989; Yalch and Spangenberg, 1990; Shackley, 1992; Grossbart et al., 1990; Areni and Kim, 1994; Chebat et al., 1993; Crowley, 1993; Pinto and Leonidas, 1994).