

Another irresponsive behavior of the public came into front when most of the ordinary Americans made a strange repeal for the Estate tax. Even though most of the Americans, especially with lower income level, did not used to come under the Estate Tax or rather had to bear the burden of the federal tax, they made an appeal to the government for the Estate Tax, which was by then a “death tax” in the country. Bartels argued that most of the people in the US supported the Estate Tax because they did want to bear the burden of the federal tax law. Although they did not spare a thought about whether the current law is burdening them or the richer people who are there in the society, they did not even think about whether it would lessen their burden or the burden of those people who belongs to the affluent class of the society.

According to Bartels, the ideology or the partisanship did not played an important role in the Estate Tax repeal rather what played an important role in this case is the attitude that the Americans have towards their own tax burden and this had ultimately resulted in this strange and the popular appeal that was made by the ordinary Americans who resides in the country (Bartels, 175). According to one of the surveys conducted during that time, and whose evidence could easily be found in the book, Unequal Democracy, states that; when the common people are asked about whether or not they support the Estate Tax repeal, many replied that they did not have much idea about it. Almost 19% of the people came up with this answer. Therefore, it can be said that the ordinary Americans in this case did not have an appropriate and the responsive attitude towards the whole things or the procedure. Thus, the ordinary tax payers failed to notice that in the long run the Estate Tax would decrease or rather reduce the burden of the wealthy tax payers who are there in the society and it would not affect them much.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


美国代写-在买家供应商之间增加权力的方法。在买家供应商之间的关系是自然和主要偏差这两个很少平等(Kö维勒和夯,2012)。然而,政党可以通过增加权力的方式来与对手达成更好的协议。当一个供应商是唯一的独家营销,并有一个独特的产品,它可以选择买家或超市打算出售的产品(Zolghadri et al., 2011)。在这种情况下,一个供应商,如食品和饮料独家菜,是强大的杠杆作用与多个买家的权力,从而确保一个有利可图的合同。在这种情况下,供应商要求在合同中加入“机会主义”、“道德风险”等条款。它还要求把所有关于信息处理和信息不对称的信息都摆出来。例如,当特易购这样的买家将其服务外包给IBM或西门子时,它会在合同中加入信息不对称的硬性条款,以减少为了自身利益而滥用权力的一方。

Power in a buyer supplier relationship is natural and is mostly misaligned among the two and is seldom equal (Köhler and Rammer, 2012). However, there are ways in which power can be increased by a party to get a better deal with its counterpart.
Strategies to leverage power in the downstream
1. B2B advertising
When IBM uses the B2B advertising campaigns, it uses power to be leveraged among all its downstream suppliers or customers. They do it by using business to business advertising, thereby keeping the actual downstream advertisers at bay and disadvantaged. This compels them to agree to IBM’s terms of advertising.
2. Lock in strategy
Companies’ uses lock-in strategies to use power on downstream partners. For example, as a renowned company, Apple uses its brand name and image to discourage customers and suppliers by raising switching costs to a rival. By this way, it keeps its downstream partners in line with their expectations and strategic advantage.
3. Premium pricing
This is one interesting tool of discouraging downstream partners to dissociate with companies. For instance, Samsung or a furniture brand like Hettich uses premium prices on its furniture, with which it can keep competitors at bay and also suppliers and retailers are discouraged to leave the company. Uniqueness of a product is used as a power by companies, which makes its retailers think thrice about quitting selling the brand.
4. Branding management
The culmination of a supplier into the finished product of the buyer who sells to consumers is a smart tactic (Cummins, David and Kawamoto, 2011). For example, Intel Corporation has been married to Microsoft as they both are compatible and both are sold by a laptop manufacturer. This makes them stay together. When one brand has a higher global image, it sells a subsidiary brand together.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



This calls for a natural absence of glass ceiling because when women appear as victims, it is camouflaged for them to ignore the injustice. There may never raise a question of the existence of glass ceiling. Despite there are commissions and activists who are keen enough to notice the existence of glass ceiling in new ways.

One innovative way in which women remain away from their deserving positions is the motherhood and child bearing, which is propelled by lacklustre laws of women’s resurgence at workplace after maternity leave and affordable healthcare (Russell, 2016). Child bearing requires women to be naturally out of work for six months or more. When they return, they are seen with the eyes of suspicion as women are seen as demotivated and not fit for work physically. This is an innovative way of allowing women to let go of their rightful place and she does not even realise the discreet discrimination that she is a part of (O’Brien, 2009). The second generation gender bias is prominent in its usage at multinationals resulting into glass ceiling and its perpetual increment.

Glass ceiling has never vanished as assumed and alleged when discrimination and equality laws came into force. It had been practiced openly and influenced by first generation gender bias where patriarchal society made women look uncomfortable at work. While women competes with men equally, glass ceiling provides men an easier progress but restricts women artificially to their position. Attachment to traditional gender roles is seen as the primary reason for the persistence of glass ceiling that is openly upheld in society instead of being abolished. Second generation gender bias is making innovative ways of deterring women from succeeding as they use women’s natural and socially imposed weaknesses as reasons for their inability to perform the task. Glass ceiling is to stay unless radical law enforcement is not introduced in all work settings.

 留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


美国论文代写-组织变革的阻力分析。组织变革的成功与否,完全取决于员工接受变革的方式。Kubler Ross认为,人类经历悲伤、愤怒、否定、抑郁、接受和讨价还价的过程分为五个阶段。这些主要是人们将损失或变化应用于组织变化的管理后所面临的(Piper and szaboo – jones, 2015)。这种模式主要用于指导沟通,从而支持整个变革时期。沟通应该根据所发生的变化和所交付的变化进行调整。

When it comes to the success of the organisational change, it entirely depends on the manner in which change is accepted by the employees. It was argued by Kubler Ross that humans are subject to 5 stages where they experience grief, anger, denial, depression, acceptance and bargaining. These are mainly faced when people undergo a loss or change after applying it to the management of organisational change (Piper and Szabo-Jones, 2015). This model is utilised mainly for guiding communication and thereby supporting the entire period of change. Communication is expected to be tailored with respect to the change which takes place and the change which is delivered. Employees should be provided with information in order to handle their denial. After the information has sunk in totally, then people are likely to experience depression, bargaining and even anger. After accepting the situation, it is required by the employees to put their commitment into vision (Stickler, 2011). There are several others who take an individualistic approach for studying the resistance to change and arguing the reactions of individuals which are likely to vary greatly and are highly complex. One of the major advocates of this kind of thinking is ShaulOreg who outlined that resistance to change is based entirely on personality and also with the context of change. A scale called “Resistance to change scale” was developed which was considered to be a stable trait of personality. A suitable and positive relation was witnessed between the individuals. It was observed by Oreg that the context variables play a significant role. In management, trust is likely to have a strong impact on cognitive, behavioural and effective resistance. These findings provide an emphasis on the importance of the skills related to management which is present in the entire period of change. It was found out by Oreg that a certain amount of information can be provided to the employees beyond the employees themselves feeling overwhelmed. The role played by the management has been put forth where the communication strategy takes an edge over the other aspects. It can be put forth that the emergent theory and the advocates of OD makes effective decisions about these issues. An elaborate knowledge about the structures, personnel, strategy and the culture of the chosen organisation is required (Anderson, 2016). In order to reduce the resistance among the employees or the worker’s literature of organisational change, the involvement of the employees in the empowerment or change makes suitable changes in itself (Cumming and Ng, 2015). It can be outlined that the involvement of the employees is not at all sufficient with the managers who play critical roles in rewarding or encouraging the various innovation. It needs to be stated that the participation of the employees along with various phases or stages of changes is essential. A more emergent view with handling the employees was put forth by Kotter and Schlesinger. It was stated by them that the reasons and the content of change are likely to vary between the various organisations and the response is likely to be determined by these circumstances and the content. The various methods which are involved in addressing the resistance include education, participation, facilitation, negotiation and coercion etc. Every group of employees will cover the entire range of the various types of personality that implies the different ranges of the strategies that are essential in nature (Zimmermann, 2011).

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Insights provide a window into understanding the mind of the consumer. An opportunity to be exploited starts from an insight. Only when the marketer understands the driving behaviour of the consumer, will they be able to construct successful marketing. Insights into consumer behaviour, the industry, how the marketing can be done to sell a creative idea to the consumer and how to create sales out of the whole process are all interconnected. The purpose of this work is to understand the opportunities that can be created for Puma and how the fashion lifestyle line can be improved to focus on the teenager.

The opportunities understood are as follows. Teenagers of current times have more options for purchasing their own things, especially when it comes to their sports apparel and their everyday things. They prefer trendy clothes, and at the same time, they are influenced by those brands that would help them feel like they belong. It should satisfy their ego needs as well. Their sense of belongingness influences them to purchase those brands that present young adults like themselves or celebrities in their age group.

Interactive media Strategy

In this context, the best strategy to use for Puma would be an interactive media strategy. An interactive media strategy would be useful to target all young adult segments. Young adults are more hooked on their laptops, tablets or smartphones and hence traditional media like print advertising would not aid. Smart media use trends can be tapped into. The marketer will have to structure their advertisement based on their understanding of consumer. Puma by targeting into the young adult media use would have a better idea of their involvement.

Puma’s style of advertising is indeed efficient for retaining its brand value over the years, but a new strategy would definitely help Puma improve its target customer base over the years. The analysis reveals that Puma would be able to catch up with competitive peers like Nike if it restructures its strategy.

美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis是一家專業的美國論文代寫平台機構,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有美國代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!


 論文代寫-有關老師的教學模式的研究分析。把英語作為第二語言來教是一項艱巨的任務。教師需要關注學生的需求。學生的需求會根據他們的文化背景、母語以及每個人的主觀需求而有所不同。這些都在不斷變化。教師和學生必須處理好課堂和政治期望的問題。一個稱職的教師應該根據學生在課堂上的需要來發展教學方法。研究者認為,這將在語言的敘事建構和語言建構過程中發揮重要作用。在這一過程中可以認識到語言建設的重要性和語言的不同形式。這將要求教師了解影響每個學生的主觀變量,並尋找方法以不同的方式教育每個學生(Kramsch, 2009)。從個人角度來看,這種教學模式對教師來說是困難的。可以觀察到,在這種情況下,沒有標准化的過程,學生的學習能力和測試過程將是困難的。因此,教學模式必須是一個合理規范的流動模式,以了解學生的知識水平。它必須幫助學生在現實世界的情況下,也要維持在學術世界。

Kramsch (2009) had comprehended about the ways in which the language and the symbolic spaces aid in the profound comprehension of the languages. A number of irreconcilable paradoxes that the learner needs to comprehend while learning the language. Authorial manoeuvring needs to be done by the learner and taught by the teacher to grasp the language and the wholesome meaning of the subject that was intended by the speaker. Kramsch (2009) explains about the need to be flexible for the language learning process. A penchant for the language that must be elucidated by the speaker. In the case of multi lingual speakers, the speakers can use the fundamental language construction.

One teaching methodology that has been professed was by Wallace. This was critically analysed by Edge (2011). These have been detailed in the following. Edge states that the craft model of teacher education has benefits that are associated with the process. However, increased reliance in the reproduction of the exiting methodologies. It is observed that there is focus on the ways in which the students need to collate the activities of the teacher and reproduce what already exists in the process. However, in this process, it is observed that remodelling of the behaviour (Genesee, 2012). In this process a stifling of the creative process is observed and the creative facilities of the people are overlooked in this process. These two aspects of modelling and copying exiting behaviour would not enable the individuals to gain competency in the second language acquisition. Owing to this, Edge (2011) states the importance of role playing and the modals for the students to develop their own individuality in this process.

It is difficult to develop a contextual teaching model that can be standardized in this process. The dissemination of the teaching of this language requires intricate understanding of the cultures of the learner and their background. It is difficult for the teachers to develop a process given other political and academic expectations of the teacher. The teachers can use fluid methods that are described in this analysis. However, a robust methodology needs to be developed in this process to ensure that holistic growth is enabled for the learner.

It is documented that many challenges that the teachers need to overcome to ensure that the student makes progress. A number of researches have been developed for meeting student requirements. However, the teacher needs to work through these efforts. Currently, the learning abilities of the students and their development of cognitive development depend on the attributes of the teacher. A lot more research is needed to develop a standardized protocol that would benefit the entire student.

美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis是一家專業的美國論文代寫平台機構,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有碩士論文代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!


美国论文代写-宏观经济新闻公告的形式和性质。Ederington和Lee(1996)分析了宏观经济新闻公告的影响。作者试图评估宏观经济的新闻公告将如何影响金融市场。他们不仅研究波动性溢出效应,还研究宏观经济变量的广泛列表。Edrington & Lee(1996)利用宏观经济新闻稿进行了测试,研究其对美国国债、欧洲美元、德国马克和日元期货合约的影响。他们试图回答的一些关键问题是,新闻公告将如何影响市场。其次,他们研究了宏观经济新闻对波动性的影响,以及基于所观察到的溢出效应所假设的波动性模式。

Edrington & Lee (1996) did tests with macroeconomic news release to study how it impacted on the T-bond, Eurodollar, German mark and Japanese yen futures contracts. Some of the key questions that they attempted to answer were how the news announcement will move the market. Secondly, they studied the impact of macroeconomic news with respect to volatility and volatility patterns assumed based on spillover effects that were observed. Thirdly, the authors set out to study how the markets responded to the information, and how quick they were to respond. This objective would show how some markets are more strongly integrated than others are and so response time assessment is more important. Fourthly, the response time of market with respect to both scheduled and unscheduled assessments are considered.
Macroeconomic news announcements cannot always be scheduled. Surprise announcements exist based on the situation and this could in fact have the most damage. Surprise news announcements result in uncertainty because of a poor understanding of transmission effects. Finally, the authors attempt to understand how new release will have an effect on the market volatility in general. Ederington and Lee (1996) have in fact made use of statistical tests that help understand announcement impact based on critical five-minute interval after the respective announcement has been delivered to the public. This form of study, therefore, was very time sensitive and their data could hence be understood as more reliable. In terms of macroeconomic news announcements, many types are identified, and the authors found that employment related news had the most significant impact on the financial market as compared to any other macroeconomic news. They were able to find that the release of news pertaining to the Producer Price Index or the PPI was observed to be the largest impact causing type. The consumer price index or the CPI was just as significant in the form of impact it raised in the market. Finally, trade deficits were analysed. In the analysis of trade deficits, the author was able to note that the impact is usually true when they are considered in terms of exchange rates and not the interest rates. Where the interest rates are considered, then the impact could be minimal based on the news. Similarly, in the context of construction level spending expenditures, the authors found that weekly news, scheduled or unscheduled seemed to have no effect at all. The authors established that all forms of changes noticed were in the time period of the weekends, typically Fridays and this could be because the macroeconomic news is usually released at this day.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的论文代写平台机构,此代写论文平台的论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The results of the quantitative research will be analysed by SPSS software to find out whether direct marketing is a proper marketing method for the badminton rackets market in Taiwan. Afterward, the opinions from Taiwan’s badminton rackets companies will be taken into SWOT analysis to discover the weaknesses and strengths of adopting direct marketing and the limitation or support from Taiwan’s environment. In the end, the results of SPSS and SWOT analysis will all be considered to make cross analysis to figure out the applicability of direct marketing among Taiwan’s badminton rackets markets.

The reliability of a research work data is the consistency of the data. When the data is g collected and measured against a research objective, and the same results are obtained every time, then the data can be said to be consistent. To achieve consistency, the researcher has collected data from a sample of 272 users. The sample strength assures that there is no bias in the data. The validity of data is established when the data measures what it is supposed to measure.

In all research works involving direct data collection from a participant such as primary data, it is necessary to ensure that the research work remains within a defined set of ethics (Copulsky & Wolf, 1990).

Firstly, ethics of consent was maintained. The data was collected from the participants only after the consent was obtained from the participants. Participants were presented with a consent affirmation in the same link where the questionnaire was shared. Only after signing the consent by clicking on the check consent box, the participant will be able to navigate to the questionnaire. The participant was given data such as mail id and phone number of the researcher. This data was given to the participant to contact the researcher if they had any queries on the research work. The participant was given the right to withhold consent or withdraw consent at any time during the research as they saw fit.

In data collection, the questions were structured such that it did not cross boundaries in the context of sensitivity and the questions in no way harmed the participants. The data collected was stored and handled only for research purposes. No person other than the researcher had access to the data, and it was handled with a high degree of privacy as well. The data collected furthermore was anonymous data, meaning the data cannot be traced back to the participant. The data was collected and participants were just numbered and hence, anonymity was maintained. Data was not handled in a biased way. The data was not interpreted to fit a hypothesis, instead, the data was interpreted and analysed critically with existing secondary data to obtain an objective understanding of the research aim and questions.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


assignment代写-NCPL人力资源管理的战略。NCPL人力资源管理的一个战略,鼓励合作和团队合作,而候选人是经过严格的筛选和技能测试。在职业发展方面,NCPL帮助自己增加了个人性格的活力,并教授了多项任务。公司提供了安全审核员培训。他们进行了严格的培训,提高了员工的软技能,而在筛选过程中,他们采用了员工的七点计划。根据Person, the specification of seven-point plan,一个理想的候选人应该表现出满足工作岗位的七个基本的明确属性:身体构成、造诣、一般智力、特殊才能、兴趣、性格和环境。

It was only after this rigorous screening procedure I was hired as the safety-officer. However, in the context of examining organisational politics power, it is essential to understand some core concepts related to the topic. Mc Clelland had suggested a ‘Two-face power’ model, which deals in the positive and negative aspects of power (Yusoff & Kian, 2013). The positive aspect of power seeks to empower others and self, while rendering other socialized needs. Negative facade of power is characterized by the unwanted domination and arrogance aspects of a human personality. Weber perceived organisational power as the potential of an actor’s intrinsic and social relationship. This power would lend him the capacity to carry out his will in spite of resistance. However, this proposition fell short of practical application, which was supplemented by French and Raven’s Five Sources of Power which are coercive power, legitimate power, reward power, referent power and expert power (Hunt & Nevin, 1974). Of the different types of organisational politics like creating obligations, managing impressions, cultivating networks, forming coalitions, controlling information, stigmatizing and creating obligations, NCPL follows coalition formation and network cultivation. Therefore, as a part of the organisational policy, as a safety programme auditor, I follow political and tactical behaviour to combat organisational politics for image building, prevent scapegoating, compromising, and negotiating to prevent being exploited or victimized by any situation.

Psychological Aspects

An individual personality is psychologically defined as the pattern of an individual’s emotional and rational working that defines the person’s way of relating to the external environment. As a part of the recruitment procedure, a psychometric application was performed to analyse my social and emotional potential. In terms of Carl Jung’s Personality Type theory, there are four essential personality types segregated based on practicality, conceptuality, gregariousness and creativity. Each set of characters are constituted of a personality pattern and in the personnel selection process, it is important to categorise the personality types based on the Jungian theory to harness the qualitative potentials of the candidates effectively (Jung, 2014). It is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that makes the practical application of the Jungian theory plausible. This indicator helps in scaling an individual’s personality based on the rating of personal preferences. In a business organisation, managers are ideally the individuals who have the potential of realising an individual’s strength and uniqueness and capitalise on the selected potential (Kolb, 1984). In the current study, we shall analyse the psychological domain in the context of determining the leadership skills and personality traits.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Tactile pictures typically give a more portrayal of the coloured zones in the relating image. It is conceivable to utilize microcapsule paper (or a swell paper) to change over a highly contrasting picture to a tactile variant. This method offers access to line drawings, maps, diagrams and more in a lasting manner. Hence, it can be used by blinds for crossing roads. The primary downside is that it requires more time to deliver these photos, yet in numerous applications this is not a major issue. These gadgets can be contrasted with the printers in PC frameworks for individuals with vision. Emblazoning thick paper as is regularly there in the Braille content can likewise create static assistances. By utilizing vacuum framed plastic, it is conceivable to deliver tactile images that are more vigorous than emblazoned paper (Kennedy, 1980).

What is considerably more troublesome in any case is to get to graphical data that is variable, for example, web illustrations or graphical UIs. To get to such data one requires an updateable touch presentation that can replace the screen in an ordinary PC framework. A few specialists have done examinations with updateable tactile stick.

One of the issues that have to be managed when working with haptic interfaces is that as far as possible the connection to a discrete number of focuses at once, as portrayed previously. In spite of the fact that this may give off an impression of being a genuine restriction, the issue ought not to be overrated. It has been exhibited by a few independent research groups that haptic interfaces can be extremely successful for road crossings, for instance, recreations, diagram applications and for data access for blind people.

In the area of PC based simulations for the blind, haptic portrayals of numerical bends have pulled in exceptional intrigue. It is exceptionally attainable to utilize haptics (usually along with sound) to access numerical data. In different current programs of mathematics, individuals wish to adhere to the groove rendering strategy, which has been discovered extremely viable, yet there can be change in old usage to a polygon mesh execution that is extra suitable for the present haptic application programming interfaces. Additionally, to connect the maths application to a genuine learning circumstance an application can use the useful diagram/graphs into a specific circumstance. This is, obviously, just a case of what this innovation can be utilized for, yet at the same time a critical way forward to use haptic in a genuine learning circumstance.

美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis是一家專業的美國論文代寫平台機構,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有碩士論文代寫、美國代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!