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Recruitment involves building a pool of qualified job applicants to fill shortages of human resource in the organization. It involves various steps.Developing a thorough understanding of the human resources required to fill the gap observed by first critically evaluating current resources available in the organization. It helps in creating a clear target for the recruiting process. Documenting information obtained from the first step to create a job position description which includes job title, expected responsibilities and qualifications required to inform potential applicants. A job posting is created that includes salary, company information and the application process.Identifying appropriate channels to find suitable job candidates which can include newspaper adverts, etc. Creating an appropriate process for collecting applications.

Interviewing is one of the last steps of hiring. It involves various steps which include:Creating interview dates and informing job applicants what they are required to bring such as academic certificates, the time and place where the interview will take place.Preparing in advance for the interview. Preparation involves reviewing job requirements and description, preparing a list of questions for the job candidates and creating criteria for analyzing candidates. Collecting as much information as possible during the interview. Candidate information can be obtained by asking questions focusing on previous performances and listening to the responses given. Taking notes during the interview is essential to help distinguish the candidates.



Bryan A (2015, p.38)认为,在试图确定社交媒体的历史和当代发展的过程中,我们发现,自20世纪70年代以来,通过联网计算机的思想,社会互动一直存在,BBS (BBS) (BBS(公告板系统)是最早的此类系统之一。技术的逐步飞跃导致了更复杂的社交网络平台,开发人员试图通过给他们的社交网站一个不同的、更具体的目的来保持优势。所以,当Classmates.com引入了联系长期失散的学校、学院或大学同学的想法时,LinkedIn.com努力寻找职业关系。Sixdegrees.com网站提出了一个有趣的观点,那就是没有两个人之间的距离超过了6度,像Tinder这样的在线交友网站也随着互联网的繁荣而爆发。大量的其他社交网站Friendster等形成,MySpace,Snapchat,Instagram,Facebook等。成立于2004年作为一个学生项目的一部分,Facebook可以说是全球社交网站的新领导人永远改变人们看到社会性和连接的方式。


根据Campbell (2013, p.11)的说法,第四个屏幕技术(手机、平板电脑、智能手机)的兴起,给社交互动和社交媒体网站带来了另一个巨大的推动,因为它们让冲浪变得方便和轻松。社交能力的传统概念不断受到facebook等社交网络的挑战,因为社交行为继续以快速的速度扩展。随着时间的推移,facebook的使用发生了很大的变化和发展。它提供的基本功能是通过与虚拟世界中的朋友、家人和同伴的互动来进行社交和连接。一个人可以控制和谁分享什么信息。它还提供了一个组织工具,用于管理一个人的“新闻提要”,并选择我们想要从谁那里听到或看到更多。一个人向公众披露了什么信息,隐藏了什么信息,这些信息可以揭示很多关于这个人的信息,他们想要展现的身份,以及随之而来的社会行为。Boyd (2014, p.92)认为在这些网站上的身份创造过程是一个有意识的过程,一个人的心理官能深度参与到这个身份创造和消除的过程中。


Bryan, A (2015, p.38) opines that on trying to determine the historical and contemporary development of social media, one discovers that social interactivity through the idea of connected computers has been around since the 1970s, BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) being among the first ones of their kind. A gradual leap in technology resulted in more sophisticated social networking platforms, with the developers trying their best to stay on the edge by giving a different, more specific purpose to their networking sites. So, while Classmates.com introduced the idea of connecting to long-lost batchmates from school, college or university, LinkedIn.com strived for professional connections. Sixdegrees.com introduced the interesting idea that no two people are separated from one another by more than six degrees, and a host of online dating sites such as Tinder erupted with the boom of internet. A plethora of other social networking sites came into existence such as Friendster,MySpace, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook etc. Launched in the year 2004 as part of a student project, Facebook can be said to be the new leader of the global social networking sites, changing the way people saw sociality and connectivity forever.

According to Campbell (2013, p.11), the rise of the fourth screen technology (mobile phones, tablets, smartphones) brought about another big boost to social interactivity and social media websites since they made surfing convenient and effortless. The conventional notions of sociability are challenged continuously by SNS like facebook since social behaviours continue to expand at a fast rate. The usage of facebook has changed and developed considerably over time. The basic utility it provides is sociality and connectivity through interactions with friends, family and peers in the virtual world. One can control what information one shares with whom. It also provides an organization tool for managing one’s ‘newsfeed’ and choosing who we want to hear from or see more of. What information a person reveals to the public, and what information is kept hidden can reveal a lot about the person, the identity they want to project, and the resulting social behaviour that may ensue from their end. Boyd (2014, p.92) opines that the process of identity-creation on these sites is a conscious one, and the psychological faculties of a person are deeply engaged in this process of identity- creation and elimination.


代写论文 行为金融学


代写论文 行为金融学


代写论文 行为金融学

According to the literature, the over and under reaction of the market is based on the psychological reasons of investors. The under reaction is found to be the result of conservatism from the investors. This is based on fact as the reaction of the investors on previous information is different than the present information as they believe the stock will function as it performed previously.

代写论文 行为金融学

It is found that the representatives bias is one of the essential human behaviours as per the behavioural finance that results in overreaction. This is performed as the investor with recent information believes the same performance will continue in future and overestimates the security and meets with the disappointment resulted by the equilibrium. This overt and under reaction, results in the stock market bubble to emerge, grow and burst.






Literature has suggested that performance is the product of motivation and ability. The ability of an employee to perform is extrinsic and can be imparted through training and learning processes. However, motivation is intrinsic and needs to come from within the individual. It is practically impossible to make an employee work efficiently and deliver effective results unless they feel the need to do so. Nevertheless, the organization can impact the morale and motivation of the employee implicitly by understanding their needs and making the employee realise that the organization is indeed sensitive of their needs. In turn the employee shall also be inclined towards the needs of the business and the goals of the organization.

One of the ways to bring about this mutual win-win situation is through the performance management system that meritoriously rewards the employee when they make a positive impact on the results. Well-motivated employees are bound to bring a positive change at the workplace. P & G needs their employees to think and evolve continuously and unless the organization takes the step ahead in doing so, nothing much is bound to happen. Hence, a comprehensive performance management system has been suggested above. The balanced scorecard has had a huge success rate in large corporate and the same is expected to repeat at P & G. As Dale Carnegie quotes “People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards.”





创新特点:尽管Ampleforth Abbey以其产品而闻名,但人们必须了解公司推出的新产品Still Cider。为了在客户之间创造一个空间,我们需要实施创新的营销方式,包括广告的内容和其他方法。


As per the present trends in the market, it is obvious that there is a good scope in the market for the manufacture of the cider in the market. Also, the success of a product that is launched by Ampleforth Abbey is guaranteed. In the present run, we can say that the present market scenario is the best for the success of the product. The product requirement is at its best and the when the requirement is associated with a brand name, the success of the same can be forsaken.
In order to ensure that the customers like the product and it becomes a part and parcel of their day to day needs, it is necessary to capitalize the market as per its requirements. Some of the key requirements of the present market includes the following:

High Quality: The quality of the product which is delivered to the market should be the best. If we refer to our product, we have a best quality for all of our products. Our products are prepared from the best quality apples which are available at our own orchids. The process of fermentation is also carried out in the best environment and it is ensured that the product isn’t harmful for the customers by any means. Also during the process of packaging complete care will be taken for the packaging of dry cider. The packaging will be completely air free.

Innovative Features: Though Ampleforth Abbey is known for its products it is necessary that people must know about the new product launched by the company i.e. Still Cider. In order to create a space among the customers, we need to implement innovative ways for the marketing which will include contents and other methods of advertisements.



此外,阿皮亚认为,理解任何内容的关键是“措辞”。他在文中提出,即使使用通用语言也无助于克服困难(Skold 5-23)。他指出,不同文化的词汇中有足够的重叠。然而,尽管如此,我们仍然无法达成协议,只要我们使用类似的词汇。在这里,阿皮亚暗示我们可以克服我们的语言障碍,但是我们不能把我们的价值观,文化和信仰放在一边。重申许多意见分歧是依赖于一个人的文化。作为一种克服的手段,他提出了对他人的信仰和价值观进行宽容和思考的行为,并强调评价道德时需要考虑情况(Skold 5-23)。它标志着“宽容”的思想变得更加国际化,导致对文化的理解有所增加,对差异更加重视。
我们中的许多人都意识到与社区中的其他人一起生活的观念,这种做法被认为是与我们的本性紧密相连(Andersen 147-164)。这本书的世界主义开始于一个简单的想法,即社区需要发展和实践共存的习惯。早些时候,社区是为了生存而形成的,被视为必要的;这些是由他们的经验塑造的。在接下来的几年里,这些小社区发展壮大,形成共存的概念。世界正处于共存可能是最具挑战性,最重要的生活观念的阶段。由于全球化和社区和社会的增长,共存的需要得到加强。


This explains why it was so difficult for Ms. Sorensen to come to an agreement with the judiciary since she grew up with different values and beliefs.
Furthermore, Appiah suggests that the key to understanding any given content is “wording.” In his text, he suggests that even the use of a universal language will not help with overcoming the difficulties(Skold 5-23). He states that there is enough overlapping in the vocabulary of the varied cultures. However, despite this we would still not be able to come to an agreement, if only we used similar vocabulary. Here, Appiah suggests that we may overcome our language barriers but we cannot keep our values, culture and beliefs aside; restating the idea that a lot of disagreement is a dependent on a person’s culture. And as a means of overcoming this, he suggests the act of becoming tolerant and thoughtful towards the beliefs and values of others and emphasizes the need of considering circumstance when evaluating morals(Skold 5-23). It signifies the idea of “tolerance” becoming more cosmopolitan resulting in having an increased understanding cultures and a more valued understanding of the differences.
Evaluation of Appiah’s Ideas and Cosmopolitanism
Many of us are aware of the concept of living with others in a community and this practice is argued to be hard-wired into our nature (Andersen 147-164).The book cosmopolitanism begins with the simple idea that communities need to develop and practice habits of coexistence. In the earlier days, communities were formed for the purpose of survival and were viewed as a necessity; these were shaped by their experiences. In the following years, these small communities grew into larger ones and so on, evolving the concept of coexistence. The world is currently at a stage where coexistence is probably the most challenging and important concept of living. Due to globalizations and growth within communities and societies, the need for coexistence is heightened.



这是被告对原告的义务,没有履行。当被告与原告的关系被证明时,这个责任就产生了。在目前的情况下,斯科特和马特有关系,这可以由法庭证明。 Corrin(2001)评论说,根据2005年就业法中提到的第12C条,如果证明这种关系被证明是被告和原告之间关系的一部分。马特有责任告诉斯科特船上的重量问题,只有两名乘客被允许在船上。


Relevant standard of proof
Main idea of negligence is about the reasonable care that needs to be exercised by the people who are in charge of the job and they have the responsibility not to present harm to the individual or customers. In order to prove that the defendant was negligent it is important that all elements of negligence are proved that have caused the damage (Blum, 2007).
Elements of action requiring proof
Five elements are required by the party to proof that defendant is guilty and needs have pay the damages. The five elements are duty to care, breach of duty; cause in fact, proximate cause and damage (Buckley and Orekant, 2003). All these five elements are proved in this case and will be discussed further.
Measures of the damage
These measures of damages are present when the liability n negligence is proved and it is based on the principle regarding compensation and how claimant has faced financial loss and needs to be compensated (Conroy and Peterson, 2013). Causation mentions that if the harm could not have been occurred with the negligence of the negligence and it is because of the cause of harm and when the loss would not have been occurred then it is normal.
Elements requiring proof and legal requirements
The five elements will now be discussed in order to mention how it has impacted on the plaintiff and caused damages.
Duty of care:
This is the duty of care that was owed by the defendant to the plaintiff and was not fulfilled. This duty arises when relationship between defendant and plaintiff is proved. In the present case Scott and Matt have a relationship and this can be proved by the court. Corrin (2001) commented that according to section 12C mentioned in the Employment law of 2005 if this relationship is proved element of duty of care is proved between the defendant and plaintiff. Matt had the responsibility of telling Scott about weight issues in the boat and only two passengers are allowed in the boat.



虽然每个阶段都有很多不同的风格,但实际上所有阶段都是在更广泛的分类下进行分类的。因此,在研究每个阶段的风格之前,解释法国家具的两个基本定义非常重要:“Menuisrie”和“Ebenisterie”。在谈到一件法国古董家具时,经销商和收藏家通常首先将其分为两类之一。这是一个更广泛的分类。十六世纪的家具与餐厅的分部有明显的联系。菜单是一个与实木工作的人。虽然菜单可以直译为木匠,但这个人实际上不仅仅是一个木匠。这是一个处理皇家家具中使用的镶嵌复杂技术的人。然而从十六世纪走向十七世纪和十八世纪的家具,还有许多元素被添加。特别是17世纪是巴洛克时代。这是当更复杂的技术来使用。饰面和镶嵌被看作是取代较简单的技术。当时的菜单被称为电子书。 “ebenistes”一词的直译意为“橱柜制造者”。这又不是完整的翻译,因为所谓的橱柜制造商负责创造座椅,座椅家具,自助餐和衣橱,装饰板(比如用于墙壁的装饰板),以及窗户等等。 Ebenistes被称为是因为他们制造的家具不是来自当地常见的木材。他们从乌木制造家具。乌木或者ebene在16世纪在法国首次使用,但是它被用作一种非常专业的木材。由于皇室需要更多这样的产品,工匠更专注于其创作。使用乌木来制作艺术家具的工匠最初被称为enbene菜单。


While there are many different styles within each stage, all stages are actually classified under much broader classifications also. Hence before the study of the styles of each stage, it is very important to explain two basic definition of French furniture: “Menuisrie” and “Ebenisterie”. When talking about a piece of French antique furniture, dealers and collectors usually first classify it into one of these two sorts. This is a broader classification. The 16 century furniture was connected distinctly to the divisions of the menuisier. The menusier is one who worked with that of solid wood. While a menusier can be called a carpenter in literal translation, the person is actually more than a carpenter. This is a person that dealt with the intricate techniques of inlays that was used in the royal furniture. However moving from the sixteenth century towards the seventeenth and eighteenth century furniture’s, there were many elements that were added on. The 17th century in particular was the age of the baroque. This was when more sophisticated techniques came to be used. Veneering and marquetry was seen to replace the simpler techniques. The menuisiers at this time were referred to as the ebenistes. A literal translation of the term ebenistes means ‘cabinet-maker’. This is again not the complete translation as the so called cabinet maker was responsible for creating seat’s, seat furniture, buffets and armoires, decorative paneling such as for the walls called the boiseries, and windows and more. The Ebenistes were so called because the furniture they made was not from the normal, locally found wood. They made furniture from Ebony. The ebony or the ebene was first used in France in the 16th century but it was used rather sparingly being a very specialized form of woods. As royalty demanded more of such products, the craftsmen focused on its creation more. The craftsmen that used the Ebony to create artistic furniture were called the menuisiers en ebene initially.






In order to pass his vision, Wovoka stated that Native Americans must live their lives righteously performing the circular motion dance also called the Ghost Dance. His followers were forced to dance in circular motion along with religious singing. The pronouncements by Wovoka bored the heavy scar of famous Christianity ironically. Also, the audience of Wovoka, Paiute population along with several tribal nations, could not recognize the vision. The reason behind this was simply that the root of Christianity did not exist amongst Native population. This dance had been clearly accepted by those Native people who were puzzled by the protocol which was pew-bound by faiths of Christianity.

The message spread by Wovoka was highly influential on Native Americans and most of them dedicated themselves to the movement along with Wovoka. Soon, every Native American approached Wovoka for learning the Ghost Dance and related songs. Wovoka managed to find his audience who was desperate to follow his beliefs and teachings. The ferocity and speed with which the audience was increasing helped in demolishing barriers of geographical boundaries and language. Several other nations approached him as well for learning the dance. The Native Americans who followed Ghost Dance considered it to be their only hope for reviving “old ways”. This was in time period within which it had been demanded by government that all tribes of Native Americans must be moved to reservations. The ghost dance was a combination of moral ideas, religious beliefs, and rituals into a particular ceremony.



互联网审查的技术机制背后的基本目标是阻止传播者、生产者或内容是目前在线观众。对非技术性的互联网审查的目的是要下船和依法起诉对生产者的诋毁的帖子在网络中。它包括法律步骤的程序,社会和宗教法规,非法侵犯的互联网审查相关的方面(克兰德尔等人。352 – 365)。就互联网审查而言,以下方法属于非技术性机制:

  • 非法拘禁
  • 威胁、恐吓和其他各种违法违规
  • 法律起诉
  • 宗教和社会规范
  • 监控通过注册、相机、显示ID和注册等。
  • 其他各种行为导致的自我审查。


因特网的使用加强了基础设施,目的是促进发展中国家的教育,提高认识,鼓励民间社会参与。这也有助于创造更便宜和更好的技术。正如Ziccardi(187-307)的概念,表达改革国际和国家法律,促进人权自由在线。The freedom of expression enhances the security or privacy in terms of software production to indentify the violations against bloggers etc. to penalize the violators. 言论自由并不意味着防止滥用知识产权来限制言论自由。互联网治理保护消费者隐私泄露和监测,认为由McLelland(61)。


The basic target behind the non-technical mechanism of internet censorship is to discourage disseminators, producers or spectators of content which is present online. The objective of the non-technical internet censorship is to disembark and legally prosecuted against the producers of the vilified posts in the web based medium. The procedures that it includes are the legal step, social and religious regulations, and illegal violation of the providential aspects related to the internet censorship (Crandall et al. 352–365). The following methods come under the non-technical mechanism as far as internet censorship is concerned:

  • Illegal detention
  • Threats, intimidations and various other illegal violation
  • Legal prosecution
  • Religious and social norms
  • Surveillance by means of registering, cameras, showing IDs and registering etc.
  • Various other actions which leads to self-censorship.

According to Ziccardi (187-307), Due to the high security in the developed countries, internet censorship act comes into existence. With the help of censorship software and above discussed mechanisms, internet is being censored by a number of countries. As surveyed by McLelland (61) more than 40 countries on this world have started on various degrees to filter Internet. This is also recorded that the activities of more than half a billion of internet users which is the 32% of the total internet users in this world are being filtered by their respective countries.

An access to the Internet enhances infrastructure for the purpose of developing countries to promote education to raise awareness and to encourage civil society participation. This also helps to create cheaper as well as better technology. As mentioned by Ziccardi (187-307) that the notion of freedom of expression reforms international and national laws to promote human rights online. The freedom of expression enhances the security or privacy in terms of software production to indentify the violations against bloggers etc. to penalize the violators. The freedom of expression does not mean to prevent the abuse of intellectual property to limit the freedom of expression. The internet governance protects consumers from privacy breaches and surveillance as opined by McLelland (61).