标签存档: 代写本科essay


幸福条件可以分为五个条件,即一般条件、内容条件、准备条件、真诚条件和必要条件。一般情况下,有一种语言是假定在某一情境中使用rot的语言的预设(Austin, 2014;Richards, & Schmidt, 2014)。在内容条件下,语言或基于情境和话语语境方面的特定术语得以发展(Perrault, 1990)。预备条件涉及言外之意行为。真诚的条件泄露了说话人的本意。基本条件是话语、语境、说话人的意图和需要执行的具体行为的组合。接下来有关洛杉矶论文代写-幸福条件和言语行为策略的组合分析如下:

As mentioned already Felicity conditions can be classified into five conditions they are general conditions, content conditions, preparatory conditions, sincerity conditions and essential conditions.
When they student greeted each other, there was a general smile and a happy greeting that was given to the students who had joined the table. Their body language and their tone in greeting can be construed that the people in the conversation were really friends. The utterances were based on this context. Being a restaurant, there was an initial discussion about the food menus and general menu orders was given to the waitress. This is the general conditions of the languages. General conditions are the presupposition of the language. Initial contextual discussions were about the same.

A speech act can be considered to be a functional unit in communication. It is the actions that are undertaken by the speaker after uttering a specific word. In many situations the actual words spoken by the speaker and the intention intended by the speaker are not the same. They are found to vary based on the social context of the events. There are many hidden modalities that have been observed in this analysis. Speakers’ intent may be sarcastic or they may hide what the true intentions are with their words (Müller, 2000). Some people use the words guardedly or diplomatically and hence never really express what they truly feel in a conversation. They essentially put on a speech act to the people around them.
Directive aspect of speech is intended by one speaker to the other, in order to make the other person halt a particular action they have been doing. The notion of the person speaking is to make the other person stop their action and heed to their words. In this context, within the English language there are two kinds of directive. They are direct and police version. People invariable try to be polite and this to maintain their overall amiability of the situation. This is based on the felicity conditions of a situation. It has been found that each cultural interpretation of an event is based on the social appropriateness. People tend to focus on any one aspect of their speech in order to ensure that they are polite. Performances which are under this context meet the primary requirements of the felicity conditions.

Representative aspect of a speech is considered to be the act of informing another person about a fact. In combustive speech conditions is when the speaker wants to commit towards something. They essentially state how their actions will be in the future. It is a promise of undertaking a certain task. Expressive speech condition is to express the emotion of the speaker. They can express emotions about a particular context. This could be the act of expressing gratitude or thanking another person for a particular aspect. Declaration aspect of the speech conditions explains or divulges in detail about what the person declares. This could similar to the judge declaring or rendering a particular judgment. Speech act strategy is a strategy that is based on the age, social status, social distance and the culture of a person. It is not limited to any one variable. It is based on a multitude of analysis that is a combination of personal ideals, requirement or the context of the situation and the ideals of the culture. This is affected in the way in which a person communicates with the other.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


费城论文代写-共同所有权是创造社会变革的方式之一。通过共同拥有,大多数资源可以得到安全的保护,或者应该突出地利用这些资源。为了实现可持续性,我们必须从过去的错误中吸取教训(Smith, 2017)。由于我们没有以最佳的方式利用许多资源,这可能在未来造成这种特殊资源的匮乏,我们将不得不管理我们的共同资源,通过管理共同资源,还将发展一些价值、规则和传统。这些价值观和规则将促使节约资源和最有效地利用资源,使每个人都应享受资源,不应剥夺任何人享受资源的权利。

The term “commons” can be described as an asset which is shared and has equal rights owned by a community. The common resources such as- water, knowledge, land, scientific research, minerals and software, are used to be shared as a common property rather than being dividing them in the names of some individuals. However, then again, these assets are mostly sealed off by either the private interests or by the state. These assets or commons have been treated as one of the other form of capital (Smith, 2017). Formation and conservation of commons have over and over again convoluted conflict among communities, social classes, individuals and species. The restoration of commons has excessive impending not only for dispense wealth, but also for transformation of the society.
Common ownership will aid for the use of our commons in prominent way to create a sustainable future. The commons` members try to manage and project the common resources, and through the duration of these practices, they build strong relationships with each other beside their resources (assets).
Land is one of the other resources which used to be belonging to no one or to everyone, up to now, it has been acquired by subgroups and this disregards other individuals from its enjoyment. The author proposed that the individuals who use the land solely should compensate a community land contribution as a reimbursement (Coote, 2017). By this way, sales and income tax can be replaced, land hoarding can be prevented and the price of the land can be brought down. The revenue collected from the reimbursement can aid to endow general basic income.
To save energy sources, some principles can be applied, in addition, auctions can be done for the right to turn out carbon by burning the fossil fuels. Earnings from the auction of the right can be used for endowment for public services and a conversion to clean energy. This will help to create sustainability in future as through auctioning a common pool can be created for short period and the usage of fossil fuel would be done in effective and efficient manner. In addition to this, individuals who desire to use sunlight or wind as an option to generate energy should be asked to make compensation as a community contribution and this earning can be used for funding the social services (Smith, 2017).

Non-renewable sources such as petroleum, coal, natural gas should be optimally utilized as we all know which these sources will not be available on this planet after a certain time period (Bocken & Short, 2014). These sources should be replaced by some renewable sources such as- electricity, as it can be produced through water and can be used again and again.
It is crucial to save our commons, so that all of us can encounter our necessities and flourish- at this moment and in upcoming period.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有毕业论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


芝加哥论文代写-家庭预算的案例研究分析。根据Joan和Tom Anderson的案例,很明显他们想从圣保罗搬到St Croix,这样可以改变他们的消费模式和优先顺序。使用家庭预算计算器,预期预算:这里的住房条件和圣保罗的差不多,每月946美元。在扣除他们的汽车和住房费用后,剩下的余额为61,148美元,这比他们和两个孩子在新地方的可能开支要少。他们还需要支付医疗和儿童保健费用。在这个阶段,这当然不是一个投资新房子的好主意,因为儿童保健和医疗保健的费用正在增加。随着孩子的成长,这可能会导致一些困难。他们作为夫妻所挣的工资不足以管理一个家庭和投资一栋新房子。

Masters are found to be gentle, respectful, honest, curious, responsible and self soothing whereas disasters are known for stonewalling, contempt, criticism and defensiveness. Marriages fail when the person is a disaster and not a master. One difference between master and disaster is that the former takes the effort to repair the mistakes and this reduces/ eliminates alienation and conflict in the relationship.
In Gottman’s 35 years of research, he discovered the sliding door moment which is an inconsequential moment happening everyday where words are used haphazardly that can lead to frustration and unhappiness between the two. This moment is the culprit known to damage the relationship and change it into a disaster from master. Lower the sliding door moments, stronger are the relationship.
His discovery of four horsemen of Apocalypse is absolutely true. These are perhaps the key reasons for separation among the couple. It is true that the tenets mentioned have the potential to damage the emotional mindset of a person and are not healthy from the perspective of a person’s welfare. It is important to remind the couples of these tenets as it can inform them of the possible culprits and warn them to eliminate such signs. Gottman has taken a good attempt to discover the specific tenets such as contempt, destructive criticism and defensiveness that have negative impacts if not handled rightly.
Section 3: Parenting
Jeff uses authoritarian parenting style where he believes that children should not be heard but seen and they should mandatorily oblige to the rules. Theresa follows permissive parenting style where she is keen about rules, but fails to enforce them. In addition, she believes that her children will learn automatically when her interference is less. Although children display bad behavior, she is less concerned and attempts to take a friend role instead of a mother. This is not the case with Jeff George.
The couple has 3 children. Jeff follows a structured life and the choice of language is straight and clear. He leads a strong life with social connections at the workplace (Lareau, 2002). However, Theresa has limited or no social connection which increased her temper towards the children. Moreover, she is impatient when she fails to seek support from her only connection which is her husband. Her daily life is messy and she becomes aggressive at times.
The children need to be taught discipline in a tougher way, so they do not forget at any instance. Jeff should encourage Theresa to establish more social connections and both of them should socialize with others, so it can give an opportunity for their children to mingle and understand the way others behave. This is rather practical. Both of them can follow authoritative parenting style that enforces discipline and understanding of children’s feelings. Their organization of everyday life could be better structured to avoid messes and sudden tensions.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士毕业论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


波士顿论文代写-金融服务的技术应用程序。自最近以来,越来越多地使用技术来提供当前的金融服务和提供不同类别的金融服务。大型金融机构一直在积极探索成功理财的新途径(Casey, 2011)。本研究的目的是开发一个新的个人应用程序的概念,提供新的服务,以帮助个人的日常财务。在开发这一概念时,本研究将首先描述该应用程序将提供的服务,同时确定其用户和价格估算。进一步,本研究对该app的功能进行了详细的介绍。最后,本研究将为该app的财务计划和时间提供一个合理的估算。

The key focus is on designing a sophisticated app system to assist plan, monitor and control the finances of an individual, organization or a project. The app will provide services for the management of personal incomes and expenses by automated app to maintain discipline in the organization of finances. Rather than tracking all transactions throughout the month, this app will allow the creation of customized categories to be subtracted from as spending is made. The expenses will be added to several categories and the app will provide notification whenever the funds are low (Foltin, 2012). This will help to plan and monitor budget for the identification of wasteful expended, quickly adapting as changes take place in the financial scenario. The key focus is to ensure achievement of financial objectives. This process of planning can be used for prioritizing the spending and focusing funds on important things.
Users of the App and Key Rationale, and Price Estimates
The app has strong suitability to trace expense and income for the construction of healthy finance. In the current busy era, this assists individuals in understanding cash flow and planning the expenses accordingly (Karhu and Heiskala, 2013). The key users will be inclusive of students, parents and anyone with the willingness of tracking their personal costs. Fifty two per cent of the American population with bank accounts and smartphones consider using financial and mobile banking apps to explore specific options, complete transactions, and check the key balances. The industry of financial service will be leveraging increased mobile for the improvement of interaction among clients and establishment of loyalty. This mobile app will serve the purpose of increasing productivity and improving the experience of client to battle the shift in perspectives. The industry of financial apps has started to gain traction significantly with opening of 30 per cent more financial apps in comparison with other categories (Kotsopoulos and Stamatiou, 2012).
In the market of United States, approximately 50 per cent of financial institution ranked top 25 are offering mobile apps of advanced features in the aspects of cash deposit and transfer services. One third of the customers in major banks ensure the utilization of mobile banking regularly. Mobile phone is the main factor driving consumers for the accessibility of personal financial data on app websites as majority of them remark the satisfactory and positive experience among used. Majority of the users selected may perceive the app for the following purposes (Lee, 2013):
Reviewing the information of bank account or checking the balances
Reviewing the positions of mutual fund, individual stock, or brokerage account
Researching new mutual funds, stocks, and investments
Conducting transactions on the bank
Conducting transactions related to mutual fund and stock
Making payments on individual basis
Researching or shopping for a new insurance policy of financial account
Applying for a new account at a bank
Requesting a quote for a specific loan rate or insurance policy

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!


本文代写价格-“青龙社”网站的批判性分析将对“青龙社”网站进行回顾和批判性分析。这个社团的主要目的是提供关于中国最著名和最受欢迎的道教圣地的信息。道教是中国的一种信仰或哲学,它基于老子的著作(Smith & Marranca, 2009)。人们认为,道教不仅仅是一种“宗教”或“哲学”。它是宗教和文化价值的一个持久传统。因此,本网站的主要目的是通过寺庙和神龛来展示道教的文化、信仰和宏伟。网站上展示的道教寺庙和神龛是中国历史和宗教信仰最遥远、最神秘的地方之一。

The main purpose of the website is to explain the history of Taoism in China and what are some of the significant Taoist shrines that still exist in the most dangerous conditions (Smith & Marranca, 2009). Structure of the website is very simple. It seems like a single page website and the content of the website only focuses on Taoist temples situated in most remote and dangerous geographical locations of China. The domain name of the website is “Green Dragon Society”.
The most significant part of the website is that it provides the set of the most stunning photos of the temples and shrines that display the hidden beauty of these temples situated on different mountains of China (Taoism 101: Introduction to the Tao, 2017). The hosting organization has its own name. However, the website is not housed in any University of academic institution. Website is not related to any country, or it can be said that website does not provide any specific details about the country. This website is very simple and provides reliable information. The information on the website is reliable because it has been cross checked from many other resources, which provide same information regarding these Taoist temples. According to the information offered by the website, Taoist Shrine situated at the peak of Tayun mountain (Northwest China) is considered as the most remote temple located in the dangerous geographical location. It is believed that peak of this mountain is considered as the holy land of Taoism. This information is cross checked with the information available on other reliable resources. The resources have revealed that Tayun Mountain is the most sacred mountain for Taoist religion (Smith & Marranca, 2009). It is a holy land with very steep peak.
Website does not provide any links to other active website. It does not even display any hyperlinks. The information regarding the height and peak of the mountains is correct. However, still website lacks creativity and attraction. It is a very simple web page and no information is available regarding the last update of the website. This means that website is not well maintained, despite of some interesting information it provides. Website provides information regarding some of the other famous mountains as well. Taoism is a very broad cultural and religious philosophy that has important place for its temples and shrines. According to this interpretation, the website provides some significant information about the religion.
However, the website lacks the information about the author and the organization. No specific details are included about them, which means the viewers will remain vulnerable about the qualification and expertise of the author to provide relevant religious information. According to the content available on the website, it can be said that no significant efforts have been made regarding the collection of the information, as this information is easily available on many other resources or websites. The content should have included some specific points about the history and importance of these Taoist shrines. Content provides the information about the dates and geographical history, but no information is provided regarding the historical aspects of the construction, who made these shrines, what technology was used to make these shrines on some of the remote locations of China and what are some other important factors about the construction of these Taoist shrines. However, readers can get some important and specific information regarding the geographical locations and how they can reach to these places. Content can considered to be valuable in terms of explanations that it provides regarding beauty and scenic locations of these places.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



创新能力是组织以改进的产品或过程或新产品或过程的形式为组织产生更新价值的能力。创新能力是帮助组织更好地为成功的创新做出决策的一系列因素。正是这种能力帮助组织提出更新的想法并对这些想法进行追求。这种能力是基于可用的资源、组织拥有的业务结构形式及其技术能力(Atuahene-Gima, 2005)。在美国商业论文代写-组织的创新能力的背景下,本研究探讨了组织的创新能力以及如何提高创新能力。

All successful innovations for newer product or process development will draw from four main stages. First is the ideation stage. The ideation stage is where customer needs are first absorbed and based on the information absorption, an idea is created. Both needs and requirements of the customer and existing technology is used to formulate what could work for the market. The second phase is the product development stage (Lillis et al., 2015). In the product development stage, the idea is now conceptualized and researched into, but an active input is considered at this point from the customers. This would help assess the market risks and understand newer platforms. In the commercialization platform, the product is being rolled out across different marketing sectors. Most of the successful innovative companies are seen to work with strategies that understand emerging technologies well. Needs of customers and technological capabilities are brought together in this context (Tamer et al., 2003). Innovation capability needs to consider four critical things which are capabilities, operations capabilities management capabilities and transacting capabilities.

Technology development allied capability is very important here. Technology capability has been defined traditionally as the efficient use of knowledge related to newer technologies. The extended definition is the capabilities needed to generate and management newer technologies. In terms of technology development capabilities, at a minimum, the firm must be able to understand how and why they are not able to meet their operational efficiencies and how the use of technology or improvement in their existing technology would help address the issue (Chiva et al., 2014). Technological capabilities, however, very closely allied to human resource capabilities as human resources will need to have the skills, knowledge and experience to understand and manipulate technology for innovative capabilities. The lack of technology capability in innovation management will lead to a stagnant organization that has the information but would not be able to use it right (Clanton et al., 2002). This is an organization that can acquire information on technology but would not be able to adapt or make use of it in the right way. A major requirement of organizations is to develop their technology capability with a firm understanding of how it would support their innovative developments and vice versa (Zawislak et al., 2012).

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!


代寫-觀眾參與的重要性。觀眾的參與是影響體育成績的重要因素。沒有社會心理效應對運動員的運動成績起重要作用。這些變量會影響體育運動的方式。許多因素在這個範例中發揮作用。體育社會促進被認為是觀眾參與的一個重要因素。這被視為一個吸引人的概念。在這些動態中,觀眾參與的作用是必不可少的。喚醒的增加有助於助手增加主導反應。觀眾的出現提高了技術人員的表演水平。這些也導致非熟練人員的工作表現下降。這些互動的觀眾對表演產生了影響(Wong and Trumper, 2002)。當觀眾參與度增加時,運動員的表現就會增加(Hutchins, 2011)。觀眾人數的增加導致消費者人數的增加。

Similar to the goods and services marketing campaigns, the sports organizations try to develop perception of a particular goods and service. They try to gain viewership and increase the audience segmentation order to maintain the loyalty with the company and the sports team. Sport marketing campaigns are specifically created for niche consumer base. These are the fans or loyal patrons who want to identify with the team. The fans feel “we won the game,” even if they did not play in the game. This is based on the strong emotional connection that they feel with their favourite sports team. There is research done using data analytic tools that the people use in order to connect with the audience. This is done so that the audience can learn about the current trends and many important factors. From this research, the target audience is developed. The sport marketing campaigns tend to focus on the male gender of certain ages. An increase in the women and girl audience in the recent times is found. The age segmentation is done to build the brand. Extreme sports are viewed to be for a younger crowd and the white golf is found to have the older affluent male category. Some games such as the Olympic Games, FIFA football games, and UEFA sports leagues have a wider range of audience. This is done to ensure that the branding tools are merchandise. The team colours are printed on the products. The branding efforts are found to give the fans a lot of opportunities to interact with the team. Sports marketing are a difficult marketing campaign when it is compared to the general marketing efforts. The successful sports marketing impact is about the establishment of deep connection with the fan base and the team. These are done to inspire people and to interact with the teams on a regular basis. The audience participation stems from an emotional level of attachment people feel with the teams. For this, the branding efforts are done by the sports organizations.
The factors that drive the audience participation are the legacy of the event. For example, the people share deep emotional connection with the Football in many European and South American nations. The FIFA tournament is held every 4 years, and they have managed to garner the appeal of the world audience. Deep rooted legacy is embedded in this design. This makes it seems lucrative to people who are involved in the teams.
The next factor that is needed is the endorsement for financial cash flow. In the case of the Wimbledon tennis tournament, the celebrities cheer as fans for their favourite player. The development of endorsement and emotional connection with people are developed from these tenets. This is factored in by people who also want to be part of the process in connecting with the teams. One of the interesting developments that have been observed in the current times on the basis of the development of the Internet is the disintermediation and reinters mediation methods.

留學生論文寫作提升,可以找美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,美國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構經過多年的經營與磨礪,已經發展成為一家專業的美國論文代寫平臺機構,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有論文代寫、美國代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



Leadership has remained the most talked after and most sought after subject in organisations literature. It is the element which has the maximum impact on every aspect of the organisational goals and objectives. There are theories of leadership which are developed, implemented and suggested in various different situations and organisations. These theories have their fair share of benefits and lose impact depending on the execution and the way it is accepted and incepted in the organisation and the employees. There may be a definite leadership style which is always best for an organisation, but the same contention does not stand true when the organisation itself is required to undergo multiple changes as influenced by the internal and external factors. Thus, the leadership style adopted may differ with organisations and there may even be no requirement of a fixed style for a particular organisation so as to have a clean and smooth operative standards focused on a segregated list of targets and achievements.

This paper argues that there is no fixed leadership style that is suitable or proved to be useful for leaders in organisations, because the whole idea of leadership may die if it is subjected to a restricted method of acting and leading people. However, the contingency theory scores more on the basis of situational leadership. In addition, a critical awareness of the requirement of leadership types in leaders is also made from relevant literature topics.

A contingent leader is better than the trait leader as he or she is not narrow in the approach and considers broader influences to be able to take a decision which is most profitable and most loss avoiding for the organisation. The contingent leader may be a good choice for the 21st century but he or she has limited focus of assuming the future and taking decisions. The results may be undesired, primarily because leaders also need to fix the present and the past in addition to securing the future. A flexible and adaptable leader is the most essential in the current generation of organisations due to the pace with which the growth and decline happens and the sporadic demands of the changing market is also to be considered. A trait based leader is again limited in the approach and may not succeed in situations which are out of bounds of the dominant trait of the leader, hence not the most useful for the leader. The best leader is the one who is all the time flexible, sensible, and adaptable, understands the reality and takes decisions which not only take the organisation ahead but also clear the backlog, and avoid all kinds of undesired results that are irreparable.

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For the mass marketing activities, both the store managers and the corporate HR team of the company will have to perform various functions and responsibilities. The first responsibility of the store manager is to negotiate with all the brands to offer the best deals and bulk discounts so that Walmart can maintain the lowest price possible for all the products being sold at stores. The manager will also have to maintain supplier relationships.The HR team will conduct employee training programs to provide them with the skills of effective customer negotiations so that the customer experience can be improved. This will serve as a marketing tactic as employee serve as the forefront of a retail business and promote the brand image.For the online web promotions to drive traffic to the website, the company will outsource the Search Engine Optimization activities for the website. This job will be carried out by online marketing companies that offer various SEO packages. The social media marketing activities of the online business of Walmart will be conducted by marketing team of Walmart. They will manage the Facebook and Twitter account of the company on a daily basis by posting status updates on discounts and offers, and by engaging with the customers.
These accounts will also be used to handle customer queries regarding the product and services at Walmart.The relationship marketing strategies will be purely handled by the marketing and PR team of Walmart. Their job will be to promote the image of the company as a responsible brand. They will collaborate with social organizations to take part in social awareness programs and will also promote the employee development and training activities in Media. This would include online social media promotions of the social activities at Walmart, and posting press releases and blogs with online platforms and PR magazines. The relationship marketing team will also collaborate with local communities to engage them into operating small convenience stores. This will promote both brand image and business expansion.The marketing activities of an organization have a core connection with the objectives and vision of the organization. The main purpose of the marketing activities is to promote the overall mission or the objectives of the organization. These objectives can only be ensured with the support and collaboration between the departments of the organization. E.g.the marketing department cannot ensure that the customer experience is facilitated unless the HR department effectively collaborate to train the employee.




格式要求。美国留学论文写作基本是有essay和report两种格式。essay结构分为introduction,main body,和conclusion.不用太复杂的结构。Report要有executive summary,结构要求很高,文章要分为几个部分来写,每个部分都要有不同的大标题,后面的章节还要有副标题等。


文章引用部分的注释规范。如果作者的姓名在文章中出现,要给出作者的姓和出版省份,将出版年份放在小括号内。比如,In a recent study Harvey(1993)agued that…;被引用的作者在同一年中出版了两部以上著作或发表了两篇以上的essay,用小写字母a.b.c等予以区别,放在年份后面,如,Johnson(1989a)discussed the subject…;如果有三位以上的作者,只给出第一位作者的姓,再用斜体写上et al.(等人),如,Wilson et al.(1993)conclude that…;如果在文中有引用其他作何的话,而且引文的字数不超过两行的话,直接插入文本中即可,可以使用引号将文本隔开。美国留学essay中写作可以使用单引号也可以使用双引号,全文一致就可以了。比如,Aitchison(1981),for example,points out that language issubject to change,and is not caused by“unnecessary sloppiness,laziness orignorance”。

字数的问题。建议大家不要为了凑字数而来回绕,可以在写作中从不同角度验证自己的观点,从不同的角度写的话,字数就多了,而且只要自己的观点正确,导师要二回觉得你的分析很全面、很有见解。但是如果你车轱辘话、绕来绕去的话,就只会给人留下一个差的印象,不仅不会加分,还会减分。要注意的是文后的references列表和附录(appendix)是不算字的。比如,导师要求文章是4000字,那正文的字数就是4000+/-10%字。如果要求no more than 4000 words,那正文的字数就不能超过4000字。如果要求no less than 4000 words,那正文的字数就不能少于4000字。

人称问题。美国留学essay的写作属于学术文章,在写作的时候是不能够使用第一人称(I,we,in my opinion,…),可以用被动语态。不能说I DO STH,要说XX HAS BEEN DONE…特别是写REPORT的时候,导师们一般喜欢看被动语态的句子和文章。
