

现场是安德森Cooper 360展示室设置。安德森·库珀和两位律师约翰·兰德奎斯特(Frederick Schwartz)和弗雷德·普里兹克(Fred Pritzker)将为新一届更严格的法律争辩和反对。这项法律将在自愿误杀中提供处罚 – 当有人明知地装运掺假产品和非自愿误杀时 – 当产品受到温度侵害时,病原体会增长到感染水平,或者产品在超市的熟食店的切片机上受到污染

Anderson Cooper:我们可以假定每个人都知道美国花生公司(PCA)的爆发和违反食品安全,导致人们死亡和中毒。但是对于那些不了解的人来说,我们有Fred Pritzker,他曾与联邦机构合作,并亲自代表一名9岁的雪莉·阿尔默(Shirley Almer)的家属,他死于掺假。那么弗雷德呢,这个案子发生了什么事情,那里从哪里去呢?

Fred Pritzker:2008年和2009年这是一个特别敏感的案例。疫情导致大约350家食品加工公司关闭,这些公司从PCA授权中提取了该产品。近714人感染和受影响,9人死亡,包括我的客户Shirley Almer。从这种情况来看,我们能够提出第三方审核工作,以获得FDA的认证,病原体的任何积极结果都必须强制向FDA报告,并提高掺假产品的溯源性。

Anderson Cooper:那么在这种情况下做了什么,我的意思是在PCA案中工作时你能发现什么联系。

弗雷德·普利兹克(Fred Pritzker):当我们正在调查这件事时,还有更多有关的关切。爱荷华州的蛋类设施受到严格审查,因为那里有类似的沙门氏菌疫情。


The scene is the Anderson Cooper 360 show room setting. Here Anderson Cooper and two lawyers John W. Lundquist and Fred Pritzker will be arguing for and against the case for a newer stricter law. This law will provide for penalty in voluntary manslaughter-when someone knowingly ships adulterated product and involuntary manslaughter-when product gets temperature abused so a pathogen grows to infective levels or a product get contaminated on the slicing machine in the deli of a supermarket

Anderson Cooper: We can assume that everyone is aware of the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) outbreaks and breach of food safety that led to people dying and getting poisoned. But for those watching who are not aware of it, we have here Fred Pritzker who worked the case with the Federal Agencies and also personally represented the family of a 9 year old Shirley Almer who died of the adulteration. So Fred, what was it that happened with the case, where did it go from there?

Fred Pritzker: Well this was a particularly sensitive case during 2008 and 2009. The outbreak resulted in the closure of around 350 of the food processing companies who brought the paste from PCA authorization. Nearly 714 people were infected and affected and 9 deaths including that of my client Shirley Almer. From the case, we were able to propose for third party audit work to be certified by the FDA, any positive result of pathogens must be mandatorily reported to the FDA and to improve the traceability of an adulterated product to its source.

Anderson Cooper: So what was done after this case, I mean were there any linkages that you were able to uncover when working in the PCA case.

Fred Pritzker: There were many more related concerns that came up to our notice when we were investigating the case. An Iowa based egg facility came under scrutiny as there was a similar Salmonella outbreak there.



从雇主的角度看培训的好处,从他们的观点来看,培训对员工很重要的原因应该被列出。当员工们认为公司正在为他们的培训和发展投资时,员工们就会觉得自己更有价值,进而对工作场所和他们所做的工作表现出更大的忠诚和感激之情(McGregor,1960:122 – 127)。随后,员工们觉得有必要提供更多的服务,并尽最大努力保持公司的利润和成功。



经过适当培训的员工也可以管理和监控自己,不需要对他们的工作进行微观管理,他们可能会得到更多的工作,并被要求指导和指导下级员工(Lombardi & laurano,2013:252 – 292)。员工培训的整个本质是在组织中创造一个学习环境,使员工成为不断成长的工作场所的一部分,使他们更能坚持组织工作,从而减少消耗。


Having seen the benefits of training from an employer’s perspective, the reasons why training is important to an employee from their viewpoint shall be listed. When the employees fell that the organization is investing money for their training and development, the employees feel more worthy and in turn show a greater sense of loyalty and gratitude to the workplace and the work they do (McGregor, 1960: 122-127). Subsequently the employees feel the need to deliver more and do their best to always keep the business in profit and success.

Training also creates a sense of empowerment to the employee which results in an increased willingness and acceptance to accommodate more tasks and responsibilities within a short period of time. On the whole employee training is beneficial to the organization they work for and also for themselves.

Another of the takeaways of training the staff of an organization is that they are motivated to be more productive and they may be constantly engaged in developing themselves and learning new technologies and techniques that shall help the business in the long run.

The staff who are trained properly shall also be able to manage and monitor themselves and there shall be no need for micromanagement of their work, rather they may be given more work and additionally asked to mentor and guide employees who are junior to them (Lombardi &Laurano, 2013: 252-292). The whole essence of staff training is to create a learning environment in the organization that makes the employees they are part of a continually growing workplace that makes them stick on to the organization for even more time, thereby a measure for also reducing attrition.





此外,同样重要的是,为了有效地管理各种竞争和利益多元化,组织必须完善其人才解决方案(Houkamau Boxall 2011)。尽管每个组织都有其独特的方式,但在更广泛的框架中,一些主要原则通常是正确的。这些原则,注重员工的多样化需求为手段,以提高效率,实现使命的马驹和完成项目和任务更迅速。



In order to maintain equilibrium amongst the needs of the diverse workforce and that of the organization, it is essential to clearly define success. Success for many agencies and organization might be measured by cross-generational knowledge sharing or intra-generational and intergenerational collaborations (Bardoel et. al 2014). Irrespective of the measurable standards it is essential that the organizations define the meaning of success so that the employees instead of working towards the platitudes should work towards tangible goals.

Moreover, it is also essential that in order to effectively manage various competing and diverse interests, the organization must refine its talent solutions (Houkamau and Boxall 2011). Even though each of the organization is unique in its own way, a few chief principles usually are true across the broader framework. These principles focus on the diverse needs of the workforce as a means to gain efficiency, achieve mission foals and completing projects and tasks more quickly.

There is a possibility that within an organization due to challenges in budget there could be a situation of hiring freezes, creation of a mentality of doing more with less, which is both in the form of personnel and resource wise. The workers might be discouraged because of the pay and hiring freezes, however initiatives like investment in personnel and career development could convince the workers to stay (Kramar 2012). Lack of career development in an organization is regarded as a reason why most of younger workforce leaves the organization. Other factors which contribute to the same are better job offer and continued pay freeze which are out of the control of the organization, thus they must work towards the career development.










Mismatch in job and the skills of the employee

It is a massive issue which is relevant to the overall employee recruitment process. If an unsuitable candidate is selected than it can cause several problems for the employer and the organization as a whole. Organizations are unable to confirm the optimum recruitment phase for employees and this creates a massive problem.

Lack of training, career growth and development

Employees feel that they there is no growth potential in their job and there is no potential for promotion in the company. They don’t have any motivation to work with the company and want to leave the company (Allen et al, 2003). Being dissatisfied with growth and career potential is one of the biggest reasons employees want to switch their current job. If employees are not provided adequate growth for job opportunities in updating their skills, than they will certainly leave their current job.

Low Salary/ Compensation

Motivational theories presume that individuals develop beliefs about what constitutes a fair and equitable return for their contributions to their jobs. The assumption is then made that when an individual believes that their own treatment is not equitable, they will be motivated to take actions they deem appropriate. The problem of attempting to keep talented members of the work force is further complicated because of bounded rationality. This leaves colleagues who cannot improve their positions within the hierarchy more likely to remain with the organisation. This is often due to inadequate information on outstanding performance, therefore it is not recognises financially.








I have excellent group dynamics. I can socialize well and am friendly and receptive when it comes to working in a group. In a project, during my undergraduate program I was in a team of five, with completely different backgrounds. We were able to jive well as a group and were able to meet each of our individual tasks and coordinated tasks deadline better. We were judged by our mentor as having good group dynamics. I also strive to ensure that in terms of group work, any and all conflicts are attended to in a quick and amicable manner. This was the peer review given by my team mates and I believe that this skill will help me in working better with organizations.

  1. I respond well to authority, but I also believe in autonomous obedience. I reason and ensure that I understand authoritarian steps better and then implement them. I believe I am more of an autonomous worker who is also interested in group perspective for the betterment of projects.
  2. In organizational working as experienced in my academic area I believe that I am a very dedicated worker. I ensure that all my skills are applied into a problem well. In order to do this, during problem solving, I make up a list of my skills that will be to my advantage and then follow them. This organized working ensures that I am not at a disadvantage once the process towards forming solution starts.

美国明尼苏达大学论文代写: 产品的附加功能

美国明尼苏达大学论文代写: 产品的附加功能




美国明尼苏达大学论文代写: 产品的附加功能

The post modern society has become fragmented and dispersed. The customer has to negotiate his lifestyle from the diversity of options present. Hence it is quite evident that the consumer looks out for self-identity. The post modern customers do not just consume the product but they consume the symbolic meaning of the product as well. The concept of hyper reality is closely associated with the symbolic meanings of the products.

The product companies use the power of simulation to determine the reality. The companies use the concept of arbitrariness as they attach several other meanings to the product with the use of sophisticated use of form, technique, symbol etc. For example a bathing soap is supposed to clean out body while people take bath. The advertisers give new symbolic meaning to the product like beauty, happiness, spa experience etc. These alternate symbols are projected so strongly that this becomes the ultimate reality for the consumers (Giddens, 1991).

It is argued that the essence of the product is lost, what is left is just the image. Thus consumers now use the image to buy a product. Thus it is not wrong to say that image is not representing the product rather the product is representing the image. The post modern consumes do not really consume the product instead they consume the symbolic meaning attached with the product (Hatch & Schultz, 1997). The post modern customers know that tooth paste makes teeth white but they are more concerned about the other collateral benefits like sexiness, the girls getting attracted and the like. They know that the basic feature would always be associated with the product. What they actually want to know is the additional feature which they would be getting along with the product.






Each of these characters faces ethical dilemmas. The CEO of the company and the Chief Management executives are seen to want the fire sale to be conducted. This fire sale will help the company; however, the sale will lead to the loss of reputation of the traders who encouraged the clients to buy the toxic securities. Here each of the individual chief executive officer faces an ethical issue of should the firm be saved, or should the reputation of the traders and even the firm be traded out as part of routing business.Each of these characters faces ethical dilemmas. The CEO of the company and the Chief Management executives are seen to want the fire sale to be conducted. This fire sale will help the company; however, the sale will lead to the loss of reputation of the traders who encouraged the clients to buy the toxic securities. Here each of the individual chief executive officer faces an ethical issue of should the firm be saved, or should the reputation of the traders and even the firm be traded out as part of routing business. John Tuld, the CEO of the company wants to sell out the shares in the fire sale. However, Sam Rogers is against this fire sale. He warns the heads of the consequences of this action. The fire sale could result in a financial risk being spread out. The firm will effectively be ending the relationship that it has with counterparties and the clients will also lose the respect they have for the firm. However, the CEO’s do not want to back off from this plan, as this is their one chance to handle the situation. It is only Sam and the middle level managerial people that are concerned and debate the ethics of the situation. At the top level of management, the CEO wants to save what they can for the firm and those associated with the firm who are ready to work for them. A latter scene even shows Sullivan being promoted after the fire sale, showing that the principle of maximum beneficence was ignored, and only a few benefits as a consequence.



欧莱雅品牌是法国在欧洲。 2012年欧洲欧莱雅市场规模为6,969万欧元。
该产品将创造一种产品,情感和持久的参与消费者。该产品将进一步创造心理上的吸引力。 Jane Fonda为了保持年轻而使用该产品将对目标受众进行尝试产品的心理吸引力。广告也变得更加清醒,以适应目标受众

This L’Oreal brand is for France in Europe. The market size for the L’Oreal segment in France is € 6,969 M in 2012.
The demographic for L’Oreal are normally aged 15 and above. It constitutes Generation X and Y and a small portion of the Baby Boomers. L’Oreal is predominantly a female purchase product. It is seen that L’Oreal products are brought by women in the upper middle class who have good earning power. The L’Oreal product that is advertised is for a specific age segment however. It is an anti-aging product and these products are usually bought by women in the age group of 30+
The psychographic for this product are women that want to look youthful. They want to look youthful as it gives them a sense of confidence and security. These are women that follow a very healthy lifestyle.
The process of grouping customers into market segments according to the benefits they seek from the product is called the benefit rate. The benefit rate for this product is seen to be good for the targeted segments.
Usage Rate
The usage rate would be a percentage of the actual L’Oreal consumers. This is because this is an anti-aging product and hence cannot be used by everyone.
The product has been appropriately targeted.
This product will create a product, emotional and enduring involvement in the consumer. The product will further create a psychological appeal. Jane Fonda’s using the product in order to stay young would be a psychological appeal to the target audience to try the product. The advertisement is also mellowed down to a more sober form to suit its target audience





Sony is a leading multinational company that is in to electronic business, founded in Japan. Its enhanced business is basically centered on the electronic items (TV, gaming supports, fridges), diversion, amusement and financial services. Sony is one of the leading electronic companies that has its branches all over the world. In this report, two business practices of Sony based on the Global Compact principles are discussed.
Business practice recommendations
It is essential for Sony Company to have environmental responsibility (CSR), that make a pledge to a reasonable and lawful working environment and diagram extraordinary securities for transient laborers. In order to provide quality service to the stakeholders morally and socially, Sony can adjust the model of corporate social responsibility.
Benefits, challenges and risks for key stakeholders if these recommendations are implemented
These codes of conduct will help to guide and bind together the activities and choices of all stakeholders who work for and with Sony. They will help to guarantee the improvement and usage of sound working systems over every practical range that screen out and oversee risks and issues identified with constrained work, obligation servitude and trafficking. By proper way of following the code of conduct as well as the environmental responsibility, Sony will be able to satisfy all its internal as well as external stakeholders, which in turn helps in building the goodwill and success in the organization.
To sum up, it is noted that it is a basic requirement for every organization to comply with the global impact principles in their business practices so as to ensure a quality business performance as well as success in a long term. Sony’s success in its global operations are based on the its effective Corporate Social responsibility or environmental responsibility and in the way it is following the business ethics or code of conduct within the company.

美国阿灵顿论文代写: 奔驰的品牌核心




It is notable that the three core brand aspects, which represent Mercedes Benz are luxury, quality and value. In regard to luxury, it is noteworthy that the product of the company are stylish, sophisticated and the royal appearance of the cars represents core luxury, which Mercedes Benz tries to offer to its customers. In context to quality, it is considerable that Mercedes Benz cars are highly innovated, safety and is known as a masculine brand because of their strong body and structure. Additionally, Mercedes Benz cars are related to value because the company take care of the safety of customers and offer expert solutions to them.
Analysis of the Current Brand using the Nestle Brand Essence Framework
Target Consumers: The target consumers of the company are upper class and rich businessman who wants to have a car as status symbol. Currently, the company is targeting a younger audience too as the stereotypes of the cars have made it complicated to break into a younger demographic as they view the cars vehicles as “conventional” and “more for their fathers”. The brand solves the problems of customers by offering them a strong and high quality car, which durable and luxurious, as well.
Product Attributes: The key brand attributes which Mercedes-Benz brand, suggests are classy, well-built, well-engineered, strong, and high-prestige automobiles.
Brand personality: The brand personality of the company includes the outside sign of individual accomplishment, safety and comfort along with long-lasting quality.
Brand Benefits: Mercedes Benz triggers the benefits of a well performing car that is enjoyable to drive and prestigious to own.
Brand Mantra
Brand Mantra can be regarded as the expression of the core aspects of the brand. Generally, it involves three to five word phrases that incarcerate the indisputable spirit or fortitude of the brand positioning and values and captures, function, descriptive modifier, emotional modifier. The brand mantra of Mercedes Benz is service-minded, excellence and luxury.