








The sectoral production price: Sectoral Price is equivalent to the average cost price and the average profit rate on the production capital which may be applied to the output of any commodity which has been produced (Nelson, 2012). This is the actual price for production which reflects the average returns of the producers.

The economic production price: The economic production price is equivalent of the average cost price and average profit rate of the output during the point of sale to the final customer, which includes the costs which has been occurred at different enterprises who are the part of the production.

Inter Sectoral Production Price: This price may be referred to as the sale of the output of the producer’s price which can reflect on the profit rate of the quantity of capital which is applied to different sectors.

Thus, this notion aims at the fact that an object gains importance and becomes a commodity and is treated as a value only if the price of the commodity is accurate.


Subjective Theory of Value
It is a theory which determines that the value of the goods can’t be determined by any specific inherent property of the product. Instead, they are determined by the importance which the individuals give to the product.

Potlatch Concept :
Potlatch is an important concept for the purpose of discussion related to the price such that the economies are marked by the processes involving competitive exchanges of gifts, in which the gift-givers gives important gifts in order to capture important and powerful political and social roles. The gift items may include different things.






Marketing Strategic Drift as seen in the case of the Danish family owned business of Lego made it suffer marketing losses in the international community. At a time when other businesses were invested in marketing on the internet, CD-ROM games and more, Lego was seen to be left behind because of a strategic drift. People had less control on the type of toys that their children used and in such a time Lego not embracing the use of the internet and computer game themed


development was seen to suffer losses. In the early 2000’s Lego re-evaluated its strategy and moved on to include marketing based on internet usage, and technology usage. The company had suffered huge losses in 1998, and the reintroduction of marketing strategy with support from the internet and other technology reintroduced one year of profit in 2002, and in 2003 the company showed a sold loss of 3190 million, and had to retrench (Hollensen, 2011). The reasons cited for the losses were that the company in revamping its marketing strategy had lost focus on the traditional pedagogical concept that Lego is famous for. The core concept of Lego is the unique customized product it offers, in changing marketing to meet the selling aspects set out by other competitors, Lego did not focus on its strong product (Hollensen, 2011).
Lego attempted to change this failed marketing attempt in 2004 when the company once again went back LEGO is now returning to its former concept. This strategy has helped Lego in the past years and its net profits have increased and have become more sustainable (Hollensen, 2011).


该公司自1982年以来经历了一次详细的合并和重组,但公司的财务状况没有太大的改善。事实证明,公司仍然在2014年在成熟和周期性的市场中运作。 1994年之后,卡特彼勒进行了许多收购,所有收购都旨在重新获得市场地位。在此期间,公司总利润的25%被分配到财务部门(Porter,2004)。



This essay is an effort to shed light on the facts associated with restructuring particularly on the scenario of mature and cyclical markets that drive restructuring of an organization. The case study of Caterpillar is analyzed to explore different implications of restructuring, particularly its impact on financial performance. Finally the conclusion is derived on the basis of facts and figures to judge whether restructuring has resulted in the betterment of financial performance or not.
Outcomes of Caterpillar’s Restructuring
The firm had undergone from a detailed consolidation and restructuring since 1982 but the financial conditions of the firm are not that much improved. It can be proven with the help of fact that firm still in the year 2014 operates in the mature and cyclical market. After 1994 many acquisitions took place on the part of Caterpillar and all were aimed to regain its position in the market. On the whole 25% of the total profits of the firm were allocated to its financial divisions during that period (Porter, 2004).
On the basis of above mentioned facts and figures it can be concluded that mature markets in which Caterpillar operated forced the firm to go for restructuring. The internal structure of the company had many flaws and restructuring was much needed in order to overcome them. Internal problems played important role in motivating the firm to restructure but the major reason behind it was a mature market. The organization restructured itself to better sustain the labor costs. The deployment of labor was undertaken to cope up with the external factor of competition. The labor saving which were expected by the firm to be realized was not up to the mark. On the whole, restructuring remained successful in having positive impacts on the profitability of the firm but it also caused some negative impacts on the labor policies being followed by the firm.






Every organisation has a culture which works like a driving force for the workforce to perform. A culture consists of many elements like leadership, environment in the organisation, satisfaction at employee’s level, high performance and recognition of work in form of rewards. All these elements are very crucial and when any of these elements suffer, company as whole suffers.
Human resources department need to learn more about corporate culture if they wanted to have an impact on the business successfully. Culture or corporate culture can be defined as a way of thinking or to act in a particular way or behave in the organisation(Saks& Burke, 2012). Those employees who can understand the culture in a proper way can behave or act accordingly and that is why will be able to fit in properly. On the contrary, employees those who chose to behave or act in an opposite direction will not be able to sustain in the company for a long period of time.

A person who works in an organisation helps in creating culture and the kind of culture which will give them a competitive edge over others. If the culture of the company is such that relies on innovation and creativity then employees will also have to perform in the similar way which helps the company to sustain in the business for the long run (Saks& Burke, 2012). Therefore, corporate culture helps the organisation and human resources in adapting the external environment and strike a balance between internal and external environment.






With increasing labour flexibility in global context, international HRM has become extremely significant for an organisation. Unlike domestic HRM, when organisations were focused only on the domestic regulatory framework, today international HRM has to ensure compliance to various regulatory frameworks. This is necessary in order to avoid any legal hassles in the country where organisation has its office.

Organisations today are focusing on gaining maximum advantage from the labour market flexibility. However, he process of using labour market flexibility for organization’s advantage in turn has impacted various international HRM practices. Some of the impacts are:
Issue of low paid work: wage rationalization has become one major HRM challenge for the organisation. For example, n organisation having its operation in countries such as Canada, and China has to differ its wages, because minimum wage offered in China is much lower as compared to what is offered in countries such as US or Canada. Such situation creates a conflicting scenario for the organisation. On one hand, organisation takes an advantage in terms wage differentiation and saves operational cost; on the other hand this conflicting scenario impacts the HRM practice. HR department of the organisation has to draft separate policies for country based operations, which at times is a cumbersome process. Also this sort of labour flexibility at times lands an organisation in trouble. For example, Apple is often accused of paying lowest possible wages to the workers who are employed in its supplier’s factories (Bae& Rowley, 2002: 402-428). Thus Apple does successfully takes an advantage of low cost labour in China, but in this process has created various unsatisfied parties, who are not satisfied with the way Apple handles its international HRM practices.






The objective of this paper derives from a fictional situation set in an airline company in New Zealand. By attempting a review and application of Australia’s company laws, it seeks to advise the Australian Pilots Association on all legal matters related to the issue at hand. The paper first attempts a review of the Corporations Act 2001, which is significant throughout the Commonwealth. The legislative domain of this paper would be incomplete without a perusal of the Fair Work Act 2009. The limitations offered by these legislations in the context of the complexity of the case will be examined and elucidated with the aid of Company Law precedents in Australia. A plausible legal recourse will then be presented citing options offered by both legislative and judicial instruments discussed.

The provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 are very significant in analysing this case. The Act was historically the first of its kind to elucidate on the directive principles of the relationships between employers and employees. In addition to this, insolvency as a vicarious liability has been a prominent aspect of Australian jurisprudence, owing to the non-restrictive nature of its legislations and judicial precedents.
The party to the case that is being advised in this paper is the Australian Pilots Association, which safeguards the rights of its members. These rights derive from the responsibility of the enterprise towards its members, the question being which of the two business entities mentioned in the case history can be considered the enterprise. The Corporations Act of 2001 was thus, instrumental in eliminating the inherent ambiguity of insolvency legislation.






The various alternative organizational structures are functional structures, divisional structures, self contained group structure, geographic structure and hybrid structure. The functional structures segregate the functions which the organization performs and each function has a functional head that is responsible for a particular function. The functional structures play a very important role when the organization is trying to achieve economies of scale and is trying to develop some in-depth skills.
The divisional structure is an organizational structure which is segregated in groups on the basis of product, services, geography or markets. This is good for the organization which is working on different products simultaneously. The self contained product organizational structure is an organizational structure in which the segregation is done on the basis of various products which the company makes. Each product group would have its own teams which would comprise of research and development, manufacturing, accounting, human resource, marketing etc. Another alternative organizational structure is the geographic structure in which the organization is segregated on the basis of the region. It can be east region, south region, west or east region. Each region would have a regional office and the regional offices control the local markets.

Apart from the mentioned structures, sometimes the organizations introduce new structures which according to the organization would serve the organization the best. Thus there are not set organization structure, rather companies decide the hierarchy on the basis of product, or a service or geography. Thus one can easily see that the organization structure of the companies differ from one company to other depending on the product or the services which they would offer.




波特模型中没有历史意义,钻石模型被认为只是一个抽象的后发展理论的历史维度的模型。这个理论也没有关注国家文化和呈现国家作用的低估(Brander and Krugman,2003)。搬运工模式中缺少国家的作用,不关注国家竞争力。


The attention now is towards the companies that are giving material tools like most of the US companies. In this context information is playing an important role during the process of innovation. Some nations look for the information that is not available to other nations. By using this information market gaps are discovered and assumptions are build on conventional wisdom. This is a trick used by most of the companies and nations that are smart and believe in innovation, research and development (Siggel, 2006).
Circumstances and conditions of the countries play a vital role in the development of competencies throughout the companies. The way companies are organized, managed and given structure is based on the fact that how circumstances of the country are taking place. Example of this can be observed in the example of successful companies that are medium range, short range and big sized, they are owned by the families. This situation is present in Italy because the wealth of family is present in the country and people have wealth that they inherited from their ancestors. This situation is reversed in Germany as the companies are hierarchical and management practices and policies are according to this technical background (Brender and Spencer, 2005).

Lack of historical dimension
It has been debated that historical significance is not present in the porter model and diamond model has been observed to be a model that presents only abstract about the application of historical dimensions of the late development theory. This theory is also not giving attention about the national cultures and downplays that are presenting the role of the state (Brander and Krugman, 2003). The role of the state is missing in the porter model and is not giving attention about the national competitiveness.







Organizational behavior has become an integral concern in the contemporary complex business organizations. A promising work environment and higher performance level of the employees can be attained with a proper study of the organizational behavior. Organizational behavior helps to know the behavioral patterns of the employees. This can be done by conducting personality tests in the organizations. By knowing the personalities of different employees, their work efficiency levels, commitment towards work, relationship with other employees etc will be known. As a result of this, the employer can chose the best candidates for the company as well as entrusting specific work according to their personality traits. In this report, the personality tests are conducted based on the Big Five model. The report also highlights about the role of personality differences in the organizational behavior and how the personality of a person affects his behavior at work.


Personality is otherwise termed as the behavioral patterns and characteristics exhibited by a person related to his or her emotions, interactions with others, attitude, motivational factors and so on. Every individual has unique personality traits and it will be exhibited differently in different contexts of work performance and in personal environment. Personality shows the attitude of a person to different situations or to others. This has a high impact in the work efficiency level, career growth, other’s attitude and behavior towards this person and so on.



本报告审视了女性董事在场与公司气候贡献之间的关系。通过比较“ET Carbon排名”和“2013年女性富时董事会报告”中提取的事实,达到这个目标。本报告提出的假设是,船上性别平等与公司在气候问题上的表现,特别是温室气体排放正相关。结果和图表显示了这两个因素之间的明显关系。这些结果打算着重于企业界性别平等的重要性。可以清楚地看到,董事会中的性别多样性对于提高公司在温室气体排放和整体气候方面的绩效起着重要作用。

本报告的结果积极支持Prado Lorenzo等人。 (2009)认为合法化激发了气候事件或温室气体排放披露。有一个愿望,使那些使他们的排放数据可访问的公司的记录更加透明,并激励不披露他们的数据的公司,使他们的排放记录公开访问,这样不仅有利于他们的公司的进展,但也会帮助投资者评估公司。而且,这会带来社会生态的改善。女董事人数最少的公司应该研究他们的政策和规定。本报告和以往的研究表明,实行性别多样性和平等的公司在涉及公司发展和生态问题的各种因素中进行得更加迅速,成为投资者关注的重点。


This report scrutinized the relation between presence of female directors on board and climatic contributions of a company. This objective is achieved by comparing the facts extracted from the reports, ‘ET Carbon Rankings’ and ‘The Female FTSE Board Report 2013’. The hypothesis developed in this report was that gender equality on board is positively related to the performance of company on climatic matters, especially GHG emissions. The results and charts show an evident relationship between these two factors. These results intend to focus on the emerging importance of gender equality in the corporate world. It can, clearly, be stated that gender diversity on board plays significant role in improving company’s performance on GHG emissions and overall climatic matters.
The results of this report positively support Prado Lorenzo et al. (2009) suggestion that legitimization motivates climatic matters or GHG emission disclosures. There is an urge to bring more transparency in the records of those companies which made their emissions data accessible, and also to motivate the companies who do not disclose their data to make their emissions record publically accessible so that it will be beneficial for not only their company’s progress but it will also assist investors to assess the companies. Moreover, this will bring ecological improvement in the society. The companies with minimal number of female board directors should look into their policies and regulations. It is indicated by this report and previous studies that the companies which practice gender diversity and equality progress more rapidly in various factors involved in company’s growth and ecological matters which are becoming major concern of the investors.