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随机漫步理论有两种截然不同的模式,在这两种模型中,数据或信息的快速合并对分析师和投资者都是不利的。来自公众的信息不会帮助分析师或投资者选择被低估的股票,因为市场已经将信息纳入了安全价格(Xu and Zhang, 2014)。

根据研究学者们的观点,主张随机漫步理论的人认为,这种理论是由具有相似分布的安全价格变化构成的。它还表明,安全价格变动并不相互依赖,这意味着它们是独立的。因此,不能利用以前的安全价格或市场趋势来预测其未来的走势(Zhang和Yang, 2016)。按照这个概念,安全价格是随机的,也是不可预测的。


根据随机漫步理论的支持者们的说法,如果不承担额外的风险,就不可能超越或打破市场。有效市场假说认为,股票价格完全复制了完全可用的信息和预测;因此,实际价格是对公司内在价值的最好估计。这将阻止任何人以稳定的方式对错误定价的证券进行开发,因为价格的变动是随机的,并且会被意外事件所驱动(Dunham, 2013)。为此,研究这一课题的学者们主张投资于一个被动管理的多元基金。


There are two distinct models of the random walk theory, and in both models, the rapid incorporation of the data or information is not beneficial to the analysts and investors. The information gathered from the public will not assist an analyst or investor in selecting undervalued stocks because the market has already incorporated the information into the security price (Xu and Zhang, 2014).
According to the research scholars, who advocates random walk theory addresses that the theory consists of security price alterations with having similar distribution. It also indicates that the security price alterations are not dependent to each other that mean they are independent. Therefore, the previous movement or trend of a security price or market cannot be utilized to forecast its future movement (Zhang and Yang, 2016). As per the concept, the security prices take a random as well as unpredictable way.


According to the supporters of the random walk theory, it is not possible to outperform or break the market without assuming the extra risk. The efficient market hypothesis states that stock prices completely replicate the complete available information and prediction; thus, the actual prices are the best estimation of a firm’s intrinsic value. This would prevent anyone from the exploitation of the mispriced securities in a steady way, as the movements of prices are random and use to be driven by the unforeseen incidents (Dunham, 2013). For this reason, the research scholars who work on this topic advocate the investment in a passively managed well-diversified fund.




当= 0时,JSM和BSM得到安全系数。交叉点显示了M-PM或SM的安全系数。Janbu的广义方法接近于交点。广义极限平衡过程的优点是在相同的图中对安全系数进行比较。在此过程中可采用复合材料和圆形SS的稳定性分析。变量间切力函数描述了在随后的迭代后,夹层力的倾斜度。广义极限平衡考虑剪切力和夹层力,同时满足力和力矩的平衡,允许对夹层力函数进行选择,并描述了最先进和常用极限平衡方法的比较。

OM是用手算的。JSMsand BS已经广泛应用于稳定性分析。这种方法很常见,因为在大多数情况下,可以用适当的准确性来估计安全系数。该方法在满足力矩和力平衡方面有一定的局限性。采用BSM对圆剪切面进行分析。JSM在检查非圆形表面的安全系数时是灵活的。在故障面和不规则斜坡上均可有效地处理JGM的优点。切片的力矩平衡显示了接近安全系数的力平衡的解。




When λ= 0, the factor of safety is obtained for JSM and BSM. The intersection point shows the factor of safety for M-PM or SM. The Janbu’s generalized method is close to the intersection point. The generalized limit equilibrium processes have the advantage to make comparisons of a factor of safety in the same diagram. The stability analysis for composite and circular SS can be used in the procedure. The variable interslice force function describes the inclination of interslice forces after the subsequent iterations. The generalized limit equilibrium considers both shear and interslice forces, satisfies both force and moment equilibriums, allows selection for the interslice force function and depicts the comparison of most advanced and common limit equilibrium methods.
The OM is calculated by hand. JSMsand BS have used widely for the stability analysis. The methods are common because in most cases, a factor of safety can be estimated with the adequate accuracy.The methods have some limitations in the satisfying moment and force equilibrium. The BSM is used for the analysis of circular shear surface. The JSM is flexible in examining the factor of safety for the non-circular surfaces. The advantage of JGM can be handled effectively at both failure surfaces and irregular slopes. The moment equilibrium for the slices shows the solution for the force equilibrium which is close to the factor of safety.


The BSM shows a higher factor of safety than JSM and declines within 5% of the factor of safety obtained from rigorous methods. The factor of safety can differ by 15% in comparison to the results calculated by Morgenstern-Price and Spencer methods. The factor of safety from force equilibrium can be seen more sensitive to the f(x) from moment equilibrium. The factor of safety is sensitive to the section of f(x).In the case of the anchors or point loads, the moment equilibrium factor of safety has considerable shifting towards the lower factor of safety. The factor of safety from the moment equilibrium is considered as more sensitive in the application of the external forces. The interslice shear forces increase due to the anchor forces or point loads. It can decrease the normal base force, and the shear strength is decreased.


代写论文 行为金融学


代写论文 行为金融学


代写论文 行为金融学

According to the literature, the over and under reaction of the market is based on the psychological reasons of investors. The under reaction is found to be the result of conservatism from the investors. This is based on fact as the reaction of the investors on previous information is different than the present information as they believe the stock will function as it performed previously.

代写论文 行为金融学

It is found that the representatives bias is one of the essential human behaviours as per the behavioural finance that results in overreaction. This is performed as the investor with recent information believes the same performance will continue in future and overestimates the security and meets with the disappointment resulted by the equilibrium. This overt and under reaction, results in the stock market bubble to emerge, grow and burst.


论文代写 互联网泡沫


论文代写 互联网泡沫

金融理论: 根据有效市场假说,市场是理性的,股票价格反映了可用的信息。安全的价格随后根据新的信息而变化。然而,行为金融学指出,这个有效的市场并不能解释市场上出现的各种异常现象。行为金融学认为,市场异常是在平稳的股票市场格局中出现的异常现象和异常现象。


论文代写 互联网泡沫

This bubble was based on the speculation of the new technological development due to the emergence of aviation, automobiles ratio and electrical power grids and the emergence of e-commerce and internet. The nature of the dot-com bubble is based on the greater fool theory as the majority of the people invested in the hopes that the overvalued prices will continue to rise without investigating the shares and relying only on the prices. Another recent example of such stock market bubble is the Stock market crash of 2008.

论文代写 互联网泡沫

Financial theory: As per the efficient market hypothesis, the markets are rational in nature and the stock prices reflect the information that is available. The prices of the security subsequently changes as per the new information present. However, the behavioural finance suggests that this efficient market does not explain the various anomalies observed in the market. It is suggested by behavioural finance that the anomalies of market are abnormality and unusual occurrence within the smooth stock market pattern.
The paradigm of efficient market hypothesis suggested that market with large numbers of rational individual for profit maximization often competes actively with one another and attempts to predict the future market values of the various securities, and this theory suggest that the essential information is freely available to the investors.






One significant issue with respect to development of HR in hospitality industry is to engage the long tenured employees. Employees can be retained for a longer duration if they are developed in an appropriate manner. Challenge is faced in acclimating the employees in the culture of the organization as they should know how things are supposed to be done. This is mostly done by the establishment of strong external and internal relationships that are beneficial for the company (Timo & Davidson, 2005). This confirms their sense of satisfaction amongst the employees as this helps in the personal development of the organization. A number of employers within the industry of hospitality are seen conducting exit interviews. However, it is unfortunate that when exit interviews are conducted, it is mostly too late for taking definitive action and saving the employee for the organization. Thus, the main difficulty is faced in uncovering the main dissatisfied people in the organization.

With the heating up of labour market all across the globe, and the discovery of new job opportunities, retention of valuable employees has started to become an extremely crucial challenge (Bauer, 2004). In the absence of good employees, any organization in the hospitality industry will fail in serving the guests in an effective manner, and thus, generation of profits become extremely difficult. While a number of executives across the industry of hospitality lay emphasis over recruitment and retention, in order to retain human resource in the organization, morale is known to be a major issue. Low level of morale results in having a major impact over the standards of service that can result in tarnishing the reputation and goodwill of the organization in hospitality industry and eventually results in eroding the business. There can be a number of variations in the reasons behind low morale as per business to business, a number of top offenders are known to lack training, skills, staff members, stress as well as limited rewards (Bauer, 2004).




本案的事实与澳大利亚商业银行v Amadio的事实相似。在这种情况下,70多岁的意大利夫妇也被儿子和银行经理要求为他们的儿子执行担保。然而,银行经理有充分的理由相信,儿子对他的业务的偿付能力向他的父母撒谎,他也知道父母的经历很少,他们在理解英语方面存在问题。


An unconscionable dealing can be described as the unconscientiously using superior position to the detriment of the other party suffering from a disability or when the party is in anexceptional position of disadvantage. Therefore, such dealing takes place when as a result of some circumstance or condition, one party has been placed at a special disadvantage as compared to the other party and the other party takes an unfair or unconscientious advantage. There are several elements that need to be established in this regard. The special disability is not a mere inequality but it involves impaired judgment. Similarly, taking advantage involves the knowledge of disability, procedural or substantive unconscionability. The other party should have entered into the contract as a result of the unconscionable conduct.
The notion of “unconscionability” was firmly established by the decision of the High Court given in Blomley v Ryan and it was strengthened by the decision of the High Court given in the case titled ‘Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd v Amadio’. Therefore, according to the general principle, when, asa result of some condition or circumstances, one party is under a special disadvantage and an unfair or unconscientious advantage has been takenby the other party, of the opportunity created by such special disadvantage, in such a case, the transaction can be set aside by the court due to unconscionable conduct.

The facts of the present case are similar to the facts of Commercial bank of Australia v Amadio. In this case also, an Italian couple in their 70s was asked by their son and bank manager to execute a guarantee for their son. However the bank manager had strong reasons to believe that the son had lied to his parents regarding the solvency of his business and he also knew that the parents had very little business experience and they had problems in understanding English language.




在所讨论的情况中,卢克似乎不能执行新的管理,也不会改变对新薪酬方案的决定,因为卢克和管理层之间没有任何书面合同。对这起案件的研究也强调信息隐私是必不可少的,因为如果这些信息不能泄露,卢克就不会决定或计划采取法律行动;然而,如果卢克坚持要采取法律措施,没有书面合同,他的努力就不合理。原则上,义务是自发进行的。然而,债务人错误地认为它没有运行,或者运行不好,它的义务。违规这一术语实际上意味着许多不遵守后果的行为取决于拟议的行动,因为丰田着名的“加速案例”要求这家汽车巨头向其利益相关者赔偿11亿美元(产品责任 – 产品责任改革,nd )。


In the perspective of discussed case and scenario, it should be noted that there is no any proper written contract about the updated salary package between the parties that could be highlighted as a recovery tool in the scenario; hence, in the discussed scenario that could also be taken as illustrated example there cannot be given any guarantee to compensate any type of recovery to the Luke.
It should be noted that contract remedies are executable in those scenarios where the breach of contract exists. The breach of contract is a breach of the binding force of contract, therefore, any breach will result in a penalty, and there may be binding effective only if there is a penalty. Such failure may result from a complete breach of an obligation, either a delay compared to the time or so it may be a poorly done performance.

in the discussed scenario, Luke does not seems in the position to enforce the new management, not to change its decision about the new salary package because there was no any written contract between the Luke and the management. The study of this case also highlighted that informational privacy is essential because if this information could not leaked, Luke would have not decide or plan to take legal action; however, if Luke insists to take the legal steps so, without written contract his effort will not be justified. In principle, the obligations are performed spontaneously. However, it happens that the debtor be wrong that it is not running, or it runs badly, its obligations. The term breach actually means many forms of non-compliance with the consequences vary depending on the proposed action as Toyota Famous “acceleration Case” that oblige this auto giant to compensate 1.1 billion US dollar to its stakeholders (Product liability – product liability reform, n.d).



本文的重点是“工作中的性别年龄歧视和组织惯例:电视广播中的日子分离案例”。由于年龄歧视和性别歧视问题日益严重,大多数组织甚至是最突出的组织都面临着这个问题,因此这一主题一直受到关注。这篇文章的作者是Simona Spedale等人(2014年)。这篇文章特别被选中是因为它通过调查广播公司中的日程安排参与构建一种只采用青年意识形态而对组织内采取的不平等措施作出贡献的意识形态的方式来促进对性别工作场所年龄化的研究Gorman等2007)。批判话语分析是研究人员用于将就业法庭案件最终判决应用于此的一种方法,其中英国公共服务广播公司面临基于年龄甚至性别的歧视指责。



The focus of this paper is on the subject “Gendered Ageism and Organizational routines at work: The case of Day-Parting in Television Broadcasting”. This subject has been focused upon because of the increased extent of ageism and sexism based issues that most organizations even the most prominent ones face today. The authors of this article are Simona Spedale et al (2014). The article has specifically being selected because it contributed to the research of gendered workplace ageism through investigation on the way in which day-parting routines in broadcasting firms take part in constructing an ideology of only adopting the youthfulness ideology contributing towards unequal measures adopted within organization (Gorman et al 2007). Critical discourse analysis is a method which researchers have used for applying the same to the Employment Tribunal court case final judgment where the British broadcaster of public services faces discrimination accusations based on age and even gender.

Attention further is focused on day-parting which is an established television programming routine working in accordance to the segments in each week related to specific targeted audiences defined conventionally depending upon demographic data, geographic data and criteria based on income. The article further has made use of a case study on a BBC program namely, “Countryfile”. The decision that BBC took regarding this program that is to change its time and switch it to a prime time with change in presenter as well. Instead of presenting the show in a different manner in terms of its contents and in term of its presentation, the presenter of the show was decided to be changed. Day-parting according to Schuman (1995) is an institutionalized practice that involves legitimate norms of the industry. When closely advocating this domain, it becomes clear what the fundamental nature of ideology within day-parting is.



营销组合出租车被认为是关于公司营销策略的规划,并且首先由Neil Borden提到。基于这个话题的各种理论,例如四p的理论即首先是产品,然后是产品的价格,产品的推广以及产品的销售或购买的地点(McCarthy,Jerome E,1964) 。但是在服务部门这个理论已经被修改,并且增加了三个关注产品的点,有一些不同的理论强调了客户的需求,在这些理论中有c代替了p,因为它说明营销组合中的重要元素是商品的消费者,商品的可用成本,沟通以及购买者的便利。因此,根据不同的理论,营销组合有不同的元素,而且它们是多样化的,但非常重要。


只准备好的产品对于公司是不够的,找到一个购买和销售商品的地方非常重要,分销渠道应该设计得恰到好处,这样顾客就不难获得商品(Bernard H.; Bitner,Mary Jo,1981),商店应该位于人们可以轻易到达的地方,连锁零售店已经使商业非常成功,因为商店位于澳大利亚各地的黄金地段,因为它们有不同的地方特许经营权。


Marketing mix
Marketing mix cab be said to be the planning regarding the marketing strategies of a company and it was firstly mentioned by Neil Borden. There have been various theories based on this topic such as the theory of four p’s i.e. firstly the product then the price of the product, the promotion of the product and the place for the sale or purchase of product (McCarthy, Jerome E, 1964). But in the service sector this theory has been modified and three other points have been added which concentrate on the product, there are certain different theories which stress on the customer needs more and in these theories there are c’s in place of p’s as it states that the important elements in a marketing mix are the consumers of the goods the cost at which the goods are available, the communication and finally the convenience of the buyers. Thus there are different elements of a marketing mix as per different theories and they are diversified yet very important.


Various elements used by the company
Distribution of the product
Just preparing good products is not enough for the company it is very important to find a place for the purchase and sale of the goods, the distribution channel should be properly designed so that it is not difficult for the customers to get the goods in the marker (Bernard H.; Bitner, Mary Jo,1981), the stores should be in a place where people can easily reach, the chain retail stores have made the business very successful as the stores are based in prime locations throughout Australia as there are different franchises.
Needs of the customers
The goods should be designed in such a way that it satisfies the needs of the customers and thus the preference of the customers plays a vital role in the promotional strategies in the modern era, as earlier people had to adjust themselves with the use of a product but in the modern generation the products are adjusted as per the preference of the consumers.





Having power and using it are two very different things. There are six sources of power identified which include reward, legitimate, coercive, information, expert and referent. Reward power is the ability of a manager to grant rewards for superior performances, legitimate power is the power from one’s role or position, coercive power is the power to punish someone for contrasting actions working primarily due to fear and forcing people to do things they would ordinarily prefer not to, expert power comes from skill and knowledge, information power differs from expert power by access to information, referent power is often associated with a person’s charisma and the inspiration they draw within their team members to act like them.

The ability to convert the power one possesses into influence is very important and is achieved by employing three basic strategies: Reciprocity, Retribution and Reason. Reciprocity works on a mutual basis where the interests of both the parties gets satisfied, retribution works with the fear of punishment or retribution and reason works on the basis of a leader’s ability to persuade. Each strategy has advantages and disadvantages and hence should be applied appropriately to situations.
In case of coach Silva, he is in possession of all the powers required to successfully guide his team in to victory. What he has to take care of is the conversion of his power into influence. The veterans in the team are no longer influenced by his decisions and this has to change. Any of the three strategies can be employed for successfully turning around the team’s prospect.